Transitioners and Heat


Active Member
I've been growing out my relaxer for a year now and am therefore dealing with two textures. I was wondering how many transitioners out there use heat on a regular basis in order to better blend the natural texture with the previously processed hair. I'm asking because I've recently been flat ironing my hair once a week to stretch out the new growth because I like wearing my hair down on the weekends. I was just wondering if this is potentially damaging, despite the fact that I take excellent care of my hair otherwise. I know that once I'm all natural I'll probably use the same regime of keeping my hair slicked back in a bun the majority of the week and wearing it straight and down for the weekends. Transitioners, please share your regimes and how you've been dealing with the two textures.
I only use heat on my hair rarely. I mostly go with braidouts - either pinned up or in a bun. I basically use braidouts to dry my hair in some sort of uniform fashion.

I've read of other naturals who transitioning by pressing their hair regularly and had no issues with the heat damaging their hair so I suppose that it can be done. However, I'd be very careful and watch out for breakage.