Trading places: YOU take HIM out.....


Hair product junkie reloaded!
Hi all! The other day I heard that Usher song about trading places....I didn't care for it too BUT it did get me thinking.....

Let's look at the typical guy-girl date. He picks you up, brings you flowers/candy, treats you like a queen, pays for everything. Yadda yadda yadda...

Well, has anyone here ever traded places and taken HIM out? I mean, what would/did you do? My guess is that, for example, flowers and candy wouldn't be the best date gift to give a But what would, for example? Would/Did you pick him up or did you meet him somewhere? What would/do you do when you trade places?

I'm curious...hehe.
I have done it in the past and it ended up being a disaster (relationship wise) and I will never do it again.

I cringe everytime I hear that song BUT the video is hot.
I've only done that with DH. No other guys were really worth the effort. He on the other hand is and REALLY appreciates the effort. :kiss:
In my experience, such things, early in a relationship, can set the stage for what comes later, which could be expectations from the man for more of the same, in various little and big ways. That might be fine for some people. Not me. And I can't get with a man who would be perfectly comfortable with that scenario early in a relationship.

I'd do that for my husband of ten years, though. But he's proven he knows how to properly take care of his business.
I've done this when I was married and it was appreciated. I wouldn't do this for a casual relationship. For me to do this the whole nine yards I have to know that we BOTH are in a committed relationship with one another.
I've done it for DH - men need to feel loved, honored, valued, and deeply appreciated just as much (if not more) than we do, whether they admit that ish, or not. And doing something 'classically' romantic can work for them, too. :look: As long as their boys ain't around. :lol:

I buy him roses, I'll meet him at work and take him out to lunch, I take him out to dinner, he'll come home to a romantic candlelight picnic in the living room floor, etc, etc. It's really all about the intentions now, as it ain't like we have separate finances - and he loves it. It's extra effort that women traditionally don't have to do, and thus the fact that I do it makes it even more special for him.

I would not do this for a boyfriend (have to establish the right mindset, first - I am not a 'Cater to You' kinda lady), and I didn't do it for DH when he was a fiance, either...well, kinda. I brought him an engagement ring, and that falls into the same realm of things, I think. :look:
I have taken DH out to eat for promotions, birthdays, etc. I would like to try some of the romantic ideas posted in this thread:yep:
I did that in a LD relationship once. Our rule of thumb then: person travels, pays for their own plane ticket, and had to do little else for the weekend. Mind you, we were both in grad school then so it was fair economically.

Today: no way!! Not unless it is for hubby or on a very special occasion, like birthday.
I LOVE that song...I think it's pretty sexy. I've done this for my husband..before he was my husband... I'd take him out for his birthday, to celebrate things, etc.
I am generally a giving and thoughtful person in relationships anyway so doing a complete role reversal, IMO, is not necessary and can border on overkill. Plus, you have to be sure that he and his ego can handle it without some weird shift in the balance of power or expectations afterward. When I'm married, I will absolutely do super special days and dates for him...until then, eh, I'll pass.
I LOVE that song...I think it's pretty sexy. I've done this for my husband..before he was my husband... I'd take him out for his birthday, to celebrate things, etc.
Me too....I think when I have a boo (long term, close to marriage) I would do it. Just to pamper them a little bit.

ETA: I think it matters how far you take it. I would not give flowers and candy. I would pick him up, and take him to a really nice dinner (I would pay) that's about it.
I do this for DF every so often. Usually, he pays for everything. He's the one making reservations and giving me surprises, etc. Every now and then, to further show how much I appreciate him and all he does, I will surprise him by taking him to dinner or to a movie. Or I will wear something sexy and wait for him to get home from work/school and cater to him for the night. He really enjoys it and I like to see his face light up.
I haven't done this in a while, maybe I need to start planning something.
I like your living room picnic idea, JustKiya.
Wow.... now that I think about it. I don't think I ever did that in my last relationship. I would put in money for some things since we were both college students, but pay for a whole date.... nope. I bought him gifts and did favors for him regularly.... yet I never paid for a whole date.

It surprises me because its not something that I have a problem doing... I think. Maybe in my next relationship.
I've done it with DH. It took me a while to convince him to let me take him on a date once a month but once he let me do its been really nice and he appreciates it
I treat my guy sometimes.
I'll pay for dinner or concert tickets.
But even when it's my treat, he ends up paying for everything else (gas, parking, drinks at the concert, etc).
my ex-fiance said that he "wanted to be pampered too" when we broke up. i can't listen to that song, it makes me sick to my stomach and makes me cry all at once.
I did for my ex-boyfriend of 6+ years. It was fun. Me making the dinner reservations, taking him out. And umm...what happened afterwards... :lick:

...going forward? Only for the worthy. You've got to earn this, amongst other things. I don't "trade places" in order to keep a man, I do it to show a man I've already "got" that I care about him...
There's been a few times where my s/o and I have have been out to restaurants and it was my treat, and sometimes where we would go to the movies and I'll pay. I'll do that every now and then.
I wouldn't do this unless it were a special occasion like his birthday, or every once in a while in a committed relationship. I'm not really comfortable with men who expect a woman to pay, or who are themselves comfortable with letting the woman pay (outside of a committed relationship or special occasion).

I wouldn't have a problem springing for concert tickets or something else pre-paid as long as the date itself was still his thing.