total relaxing time


New Member
I did my last relaxer with Affirm regular and I didn't smooth my hair because I only left it in for 13 minutes just like it is written on the relaxer tub. I think I have resistant 4a/b hair and now I have waves in my hair. My question is, can I leave the relaxer longer than 13 minutes and smoothing it? How long is the maximum time you can leave the regular relaxer in? I want my hair to be straighter but not bone straight. Anyone can help me?
You need to smooth the relaxer in. I wouldn't leave it on longer than recommended but the smoothing actually helps to straighten my hair.
You should definately smooth. IMO Affirm is a very mild conditioning relaxer and you have to work it very well if you've underprocessed results in the past. Some have even had to switch to another relaxer. I would not exceed manufactures instructions for my hair type with any chemical.