Quickly! Help Me Find the Strongest Lye Relaxer!

Ok everybody thanks for the replies. No my hair isn't overprocessed. It it not frizzy. It is just curly and wavy after applying the relaxer. My roots are not straight after application. I don't care much about the ends. I bought bantu and will strand test it tonight after I do my online orders. I hope it works. I am tired of having 29428942 textures of hair, none of which being straight.

as for professionals trying to do my hair... I have had professionals say "I can get your hair straight, and when I come home from the salon visit it waves up again. I have strand tested several different relaxers, for several different allotted times and the hair always goes back into a wave. I always use acidic shampoo and conditioner on my hair after relaxing.

Wish me luck.
I hope Bantu works for you. Let us know.
I think I have the same problem because Hawaiian silky, revlon realistic and several others I tried have always just texurized my hair. I dont know what else to use so I pretty much just stuck with revlon.
Ok ladies....

I just tried the bantu regular (strand test), my hair still didn't get straight... but it's the straightest it's been since i've self relaxed. I left it on for 22 minutes. I'm going to leave it on longer when I relax the whole head.

BTW, my hair is considerably softer! WOW.
great post Anky. i can never get my hair bone straight without going to the salon either. i just started using lye relaxers. i used motions conditioning mild lye relaxer and it didn't get my hair superstraight either. i'll keep your suggestions in mind.
chocobunny38 said:
Hi Anky,
Maybe you're having problems with your relaxed hair texture because you're leaving the relaxer in too long? I was browsing fotki's for inspiration (as usual :lol: ) and someone had posted this comment in someone's fotki (I think it was kitchentician's):

"Previous posts suggested that you need to leave relaxer in longer than 15min...but, it's not recommanded.

These relaxers has pH values anywhere from 10+ to 14+...your normal pH is 4.5-5.5.If you leave the relaxer for too long and it will do revere affect on your hair. It will make your hair from being straight to make your hair fuzzy....if that happens your hair is already over-processed. If the relaxer(s) your using doen't take,do not leave it in for longer period of time....

This matches my experiences with revlon realistic super. I left it on for about 20 min and my hair would form tiny waves that were much smaller than the pattern of my stretched 4a NG. I thought it was underprocessed and tried a corrective relaxer but it didn´t change anymore... a dry brittle fuzzy mess! Never used super again LOL