I want to texlax my hair but


New Member
I mixed EVOO in my relaxer and my hair is still coming out almost bone straight. I was thinking about trying the JFM Texture Softener, but I don't know if that will do me any good. I don't leave the relaxer on my hair long. Maybe 10 minutes top. Thats application and smoothing. My hair is really thin to me and I want to have more boby and thickness. Help!!! I used the ORS Olive Oil Relaxer, regular strength and TCB Naturals regular strength. Any suggestions.
You should either, not smooth so much (especially if you are using a regular strength relaxer)

Or you should try a mild. You can add EVOO if you want.
I mixed EVOO in my relaxer and my hair is still coming out almost bone straight. I was thinking about trying the JFM Texture Softener, but I don't know if that will do me any good. I don't leave the relaxer on my hair long. Maybe 10 minutes top. Thats application and smoothing. My hair is really thin to me and I want to have more boby and thickness. Help!!! I used the ORS Olive Oil Relaxer, regular strength and TCB Naturals regular strength. Any suggestions.

Get a mild relaxer and add the oil to it.
if you are texlaxing, you don't need to be smoothing. that's probably the main culprit in why your hair is coming out too straight. my sis uses JFM texture softener and just applies to her hair, leaves in for like 5 minutes and rinses it out. keeps her coil definition but loosens it up and makes it easier for her to manage.
I dont have any advice but from your siggy pics, your hair is coming along very nicely. It looks thick to me.

It only looks like that when I rollerset my hair. If I flat iron or curl it, it has no life or body to it. I'm considering trying the JFM Texturizer for my next touch up. Its also hard for me not to smooth through my hair. I want it texlaxed but I don't want it to look like I haven't gotten a touch up at all.
I mixed EVOO in my relaxer and my hair is still coming out almost bone straight. I was thinking about trying the JFM Texture Softener, but I don't know if that will do me any good. I don't leave the relaxer on my hair long. Maybe 10 minutes top. Thats application and smoothing. My hair is really thin to me and I want to have more boby and thickness. Help!!! I used the ORS Olive Oil Relaxer, regular strength and TCB Naturals regular strength. Any suggestions.
I texlax in sections by using regular strength relaxer (no oil or anything added) for 10 minutes exactly--application and smoothing (I smooth all of the newgrowth). My hair is very coarse so this relaxes my hair just a little bit. Everyone's hair is different though.

DSylla, for example, does this only 5 minutes. Perhaps less time will work for the result you want. BTW, your hair does look very pretty. :)
LadyLibra is right. Please don not leave the texture softner for more than 5 minutes if you want to keep your curls. Do not brush or smooth it because it will change the texture more if you do. If you do this, won't it clash with the texture you already have?
After 8 months of not having a relaxer, I tried the JFM texture softener last night and I absolutely love it! I parted my hair in about 7 sections, twisted the previously relaxed hair (which wasn't much) and then sprayed my entire head with a mixture of water, evoo and conditioner. The entire process stook about 7 minutes I smoothed gently with my hair and then immediately washed out. I deep conditioned for 30 minutes and then did a rollerset. I still have some of my natural texture left and I have NO regrets about going the chemical route again. I love!! Now MOISTURE MOISTURE MOISTURE is the key to health and length.
I agree with what the others have said:

Mild relaxer
Minimal smoothing

You might also want to protein treat your hair prior to your touch-up, to help fortify your strands.
I want to texlax too. It's been about 2 months since I last relaxed. My ultimate goal is to just go natural. I have a little new growth already and I can see my curls, which I love. :grin: But that is only at the roots (I'm a 4a/b); my ends adn the length of my hair are straight! My hair is getting thicker (it's naturally thick) b/c it's been about 8 weeks post. So should I wait longer to texlax so I can get more of my natural texture back and texlax to loosen it? Also, do any of you texlax at the salon or you just DIY at home? I really don't know what to do with my hair right now! :wallbash: Part, a small part is curly, which I am liking and part is straight, which I don't like so much.

TIA for any help you can give!