Too young/old to date?


Well-Known Member
I need some advice and opinions. I'm 34 years old and I found out that there is this guy who is interested in me but I was told he is 23 years old. We go to the same church. Is the age difference to much? I've only dated older men and am unsure about the maturity level. Any advice is wanted.
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I'm 2 years older than you, and honestly, I couldn't see myself dating a guy in his 20s, especially not early 20s.
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I'm in my late 20s and would never consider a 23 y/o man. I'm not questioning his maturity but the bottom line is that we would be at different places in our lives.

Now if I wanted a boy toy I would say differently.
I'd consider it. I'm friend with two different women who were single mothers in their early 30s when they met SOs that were 10 years younger. The men were persistent and didn't care about the age difference. Both couples have been married 20+ years.
For serious dating...I'm not interested. For fun and sex sure. I'm 29yo so I would only like my age or older.

Nothing wrong with testing the waters to get to know him. He may be what you are looking for.
I'd consider it. I'm friend with two different women who were single mothers in their early 30s when they met SOs that were 10 years younger. The men were persistent and didn't care about the age difference. Both couples have been married 20+ years.

This reminds me of my friend's mother. She had grown children too. I was shocked that when we hit 23/24 and they got divorced he remarried someone younger than him. She was their only child.
im in my mid/later 20s and i would only date a 23 year old for whatever he offered (dates, sex, money, arm candy) but not as a potential boyfriend.
I'm in my late 20s and would never consider a 23 y/o man. I'm not questioning his maturity but the bottom line is that we would be at different places in our lives.

Now if I wanted a boy toy I would say differently.
This is what I am concerned about. There are things that I have already accomplished and he may be just trying to set and accomplish goals. Also I have children and he may not be ready for that.
I'd consider it. I'm friend with two different women who were single mothers in their early 30s when they met SOs that were 10 years younger. The men were persistent and didn't care about the age difference. Both couples have been married 20+ years.
I have people in my family who have been in this situation and it turned out to be a blessing.
Pray about it. Just because someone else wouldn't doesn't mean that is not who the Lord has for you.
So true! I really don't like dating and I hope I don't have to keep meeting and getting to know different guys for too much longer.
You'll be in two different places in your life. At 23 a guy is still immature. If you want to just experience dating and going out then maybe yes. If you want to get married and have babies, then you don't want to wait around for him to mature and waste your time.
I'm practically 30 and can't take any man under 29 seriously. At 23, they are still babies IMO, not men. You may find some in that age range to be very mature and whatnot but I'm not here to test that out.
I think it's all going to depend on what he puts out there. I used to live in an area of the country where by 23 many men were married with at least one child. If he pursues you for a relationship that's leading to marriage (if that's what you're looking for) then I wouldn't discount him for being young. I know dudes in their 30s who claim they still aren't ready to settle down. However, I would let him drive the entire thing. It's one thing to develop a an interest in a young dude and then hope that he's mature/ready enough to give you what you want and a completely different thing to be pursued by a man who's mature/ready enough to give you what you want but just happens to be young.
I'm in my early 30's and I couldn't date a young 20 something seriously. Now I will say I have dealt with some young 20's when I was 28/29 and was living it up and it was disaster! LOL I'd be sitting there having conversations and thinking in my head WTH am I here? They look good for arm candy but thats about it. Young 20's are boys trying to be men.
I promised myself I would never ever date anyone under 30 again and I've stuck with it. Even 29 year olds with a birthday in a few weeks won't cut it lol. I've heard several times from older men of various races that they didn't really mature and come into their own until they were "at least" well into their 30s (then again some never mature at all lol). Occasionally you may find a rare exception but personally I don't take any chances.
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I would judge him by his behavior, not his age. If he was mature and there were no conflicts with what we both wanted then there would be no problem.
DAMN!!! Even 23 year olds don't want a 23 year old. Ask a dude though, he's looking for a 23 year old.
No thanks. I think he is too young. Plus, even if you are in the same place mentally, financially, spiritually...whatever...women age faster than men do, add the 10 year age gap and when you get older you will look so much older than he does....