Today is wash day


Island Gyal
I sweat so much during my workout yesterday, that sweat was rolling down my forehead and that's not normal. I then had to rush back to the hotel for a few hrs so I didn't get to wash lastnight.

I really have to today. My HE LTR condish is done so I'm excited about opening my suave humectant condish. I haven't used it on my relaxed hair yet, hence my excitement. It worked well on my natural hair so I expect it to work even better on the relaxed hair.

I'm not sure what I'll do after I'm done....maybe airdry then flat iron....

anyone else washing today?
anyone else washing today?
It's not a scheduled day for me, but I've been practicing my roller setting and uh, I'm a lil addicted. :look: :lol: I've roller set my hair both Monday nite and last nite! :rolleyes: It's queen_t's fault! :yep:

Anywho, I did an oil rinse on my hair last nite. I LOVE the softness and nourishment that it gave my hair! :love: But it's a lil too greasy/heavy for my taste. So tonite I'm gonna co-wash and try a lighter oil, maybe jojoba or coconut. I want to try to incorporate oils in my reggie because my hair seems to love them. Just not the heavier stuff (I used EVOO which is always heavy on my hair). I'm excited! :D

Sorry for rambling.. :blush:
Today I am going to use up the rest of the Motions CPR that is lying around. I'll add silk protein, honey and EVOO to it
Today I purchased a couple alberto balsam conditioners that smell ooooo so good :lachen:so I'll use one as my leave in. I'm gonna twist the front of my hair, and have a puff at the back :)
i'll probably wash with CON green and deep condition with an ORS pak while watching the CNN special on Black in America. Rinse, and then braidout until Friday's co-wash/braidout
today is my wash day too! my sedu is sopposed to come today :grin: so after work i'm gonna do a protein treatment (havent had one since i ran out of CPR) and then dc so my hair will be urber fly:grin: