To weave or not to weave? Can I get a weavologist or two to help a sista out?


Here I grow again!
My neighbor has a beautiful curly weave in a gorgeous reddish mixed color (wish I could speak in color numbers :ohwell:). I'd love, Love, LOVE to have that look and am considering getting the same. But, I'm almost 3 months post relaxer and plan to get a touchup at the end of the month. Question is, if I get a weave put in, should I wait until after the relaxer? And if so, how long after? Or is it ok to just braid and weave up the hair as is?

Also, I don't know how to take care of a weave. How do you wash it without it turning all ratty and matted? And how do I get my black hair (edges) to blend in with a colored weave? How long can I leave it in? And, will it cause breakage. Seems I remember a cousin whose hair is all broken off from years of weaving. I mean ALL broken off. So, I'm hesitant but my neighbor's hair is ALL that! Clearly some of you are using weaves as ps but, I need a quick primer so that I'm walking in informed.

I appreciate the help ladies. :yep: TIA!
I would attempt to stretch the relaxer more using the weave. I dont know... I have read that braids (sew in) soon after a relaxer can be bad.... but the weave would be a good protective style, for stretching..
it would better if you wait about a month after the relaxer b/c the hair would be fragile if you relaxed first and right after ,getting the weave done. It can cause unnecessary breakage. You can also forgo the relaxer and get the weave done and w/ the leave out curl or braid it to mimic the weave hair. Hth
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