To the girls trying to reach APL by the end of this year...

i definitely dont think i'll make armpit by the end of the year.

but it's ok
at least i'll be closer to it!

hopefully i'll get there at a decent time in 2008 :-P
i'm striving for march or april
(i did join the apl in 2008 challenge with a later month, though)
That's definitely me!!! I want to reach APL by the end of the year stretched and BSL by December of '08 as well.

That's me, too....with prayer and focus and....some other things that I can't think of right now...diligence...I don't know...anyway, the point is, I'll get there and you'll get there, too...:grin:
I am close to armpit(yeah by five inches) I have along way to go still. I might be brushing againts armpit by Christmas, but its not likely I hope to get there by April that would be year two. This was taken September 4, 2007
My hair growth seems a bit slower than normal right I "hope" to make APL by the end of this year. Getting past the SL stages is NO JOKE:nono:

I don't know how long it will take me to get to BSL hair has a mind of its own. We are still trying to get to know each other! :yep:
I reached APL in Sept 07, and I hope to reach BSL in May 08. I have about 4-5 inches til BSL.:yep:
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if I'm correct... i have about 5 1/2 inches til brastrap.. (at least that is what i measured last month)

and 1-2 inches to armpit.

I wonder if it can grow 1 to 2 inches in these 2 1/2 months left this year.

seems like i've seen girls here (in LHCF land) do better (meaning- growing their hair 3 or more inches in a 2-3 month span)
lavander, i love your hair in your avatar pic! It looks so full and bouncy!!! That is what i'm wanting when i say "perfected apl" in my op. I'm hoping to get that look at least by early spring (if only i can reach apl by Dec).
I'm working hard to reach APL by end of '07. I don't think I will ever have an even length all over so I am fine w/the back APL w/layers everywhere. As far as bsl-it seems like that will take longer BUT I am looking to the end of 08' mid 09' to reach it. APL for most of my hair would be really cool tho.
My hair growth seems a bit slower than normal right I "hope" to make APL by the end of this year. Getting past the SL stages is NO JOKE:nono:

I don't know how long it will take me to get to BSL hair has a mind of its own. We are still trying to get to know each other! :yep:

I'm in total agreement bout this one. I'm at SL right now and it's at a standstill
I think I'll be grazing APL stretched by the end of the year. As my hair is different lengths all over and layered (not my doing, it grows that way:ohwell:) all of my strands will not be at APL, but that's okay. I think I have about 4 inches between APL and BSL. I'm planning on grazing BSL stretched by December 2008, but if I find what will give me my inch/month, I plan on being there by summer.
lavander, i love your hair in your avatar pic! It looks so full and bouncy!!! That is what i'm wanting when i say "perfected apl" in my op. I'm hoping to get that look at least by early spring (if only i can reach apl by Dec).

:blush:Thank you! Sometimes I can get those rollersets just right, but it's hit or miss. I've been keeping my hair trimmed blunt every 12 weeks throughout my journey (with the exception of blunt chopping 6 inches in May). I really think that is what gives me that really full look when I rollerset, the ends being blunt. It kinda stacks at the bottom when it's blunt. I'm not sure if you're blunt now, but if so you could definitely get it to "stack" when you rollerset with lots of rollers.:yep:
I'm still hoping to be APL by year end(fingers crossed)
But i know i wont be BSL same time next year. This is because i plan to do some major trims to my hair and get it at an even one inch past APL...
This may not be achieved till may next year!

Its only when i have full APl, that i will continue aiming for BSl:drunk:
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i believe my longest layer will hit apl this year but unfortunately i won't be full apl by a longshot. I don't think i will be claiming apl if it's not full. In any case, i definitely believe my longest layers will hit bsl in 08. Doesn't seem like a big stretch to me. Maybe because i am short. For me the difference between apl and bsl is probably only like 3 inches or so.
I just realized that it's possible that I'll have to trim 1/2 inch when I do finally get my touch-up in December. It's all about health.:yep:
I was 1-1/2" away from APL when I braided my hair up, but b/c I was also 16wks post I wasn't sure of how long it really was with the shrinkage. I'm going to try to hang tough and keep my hair braided until March of '08. I'm hoping to be MBL by then since I'm already so close to APL and my hair has been growing quickly. Although, reading this thread maybe I should go for BSL instead? I've averaged between 1 and 1.5" since I started in June so hopefully with my hair protected I can retain 6-8 inches by then. Thinking of all that hair gets me all googly eyed. :spinning:
I’m APL and actually BSL in the very back, but I’m transitioning (w/o BC hopefully). I should be at healthy APL w/in 1 year if I don’t have to BC
I hope to be APL by Dec. 07 and skimming BSL by 9/08. I did a little dusting since I took my avatar pic. so my hair is shorter but it has not been straightened so I'm not sure how much shorter.

I have not been able to keep my hands out of my hair since taking my weave out and relaxing. I had it for 4 months, so I realy MISSED my hair.
Yup, i'm looking to be APL by the end of December. The sad part is that now I still won't be satisfied because I want my front and sides to be APL.
I do think that I will reach BSL in 08.
I just have to keep up my protective styles, making my fruit hair growth smoothies and keeping my NG and ends moisturized 99% of the time.
i may have sold myself short on this one.

i just straightened a small section of the back of my hair
and it's closer to APL than i thought

i'm giving it 2.5 or 3 inches until...

i really didnt believe it was that close

though, i still dont think i'll be completely there by christmas (but maybe? who knows)

i did the whole putting the towel around your underarms to mark where the pit was...and i was like "ohhh...really????" hahaha

i was in the mirror for like an hour...making sure i wasnt crazy.