Jeez it did not post my whole comment.
After we completed the questionnaire I do not think it was love (that's for sure on my part) but something interesting did happen. A few hours after we completed the questions he called me and said "I was just thinking about you talking to my dad about you and I wanted to call and ask you out". This was interesting because he has had my number for weeks but has not used it and every other time he has asked me out it has been and invitation for him to cook me dinner at his place or him saying he can come over to my place. It is because of this that we have not been out. My belief is that being in the house is not a date especially a first date. The only difference between every other time he has asked me out (on a house date) and this time (on an actual date) is the questionnaire. So, my overall view of this experience is that while it may not result in love it does push people to expose themselves on an emotional level which can be difficult to do when you are putting on airs when you first start dating someone. You may not know the questions to ask to get closer or you may not want to have to share that part of yourself with someone you don't know like that. Im glad I did it as it was a good experience for me.
Ok, I hope this posts I'm going back to lurking