To cut or not to cut???


New Member
I'm thinking about cutting my hair to get rid of the layers. I'm finding it too hard to trim my hair with the layers in it. This makes me dependent on a stylist to trim. So I want to cut to about an inch above shoulder and wear a roller set bob as it grows back out. Then I can continue to trim myself. What do you think?
I understand what you mean. I had layers as well and had to continually go to my stylist to cut my hair, but each time she cut it so that the layers could look neat again instead of a cut that allowed me to grow them out. It's a neverending cycle. If you really want to get rid of them and feel that this is the best solution for you then go for it! It will grow back --- and this time the way you want it.

However, I may not be the best advice since I just chopped all my hair off ;), so some more experienced ladies may chime in!
Thanks lovelymissyoli. This is exactly what I am thinking. These layers will stay put until they are cut out. I don't know eny other way?

Are there any other ways ladies????
I would honestly say don't cut it. Your doing really well on the length and your hair looks really healthy. If anything I would wait until it grows at least 2-3 more inches of your shortest layer and then make a even cut so won't feel like so much of your hair is gone. Any haircut that I have experienced in the past has been a sobering experience.
I would say cut it but that's because I'm impatient. If you're okay with the gradual cuts then do it gradually. However, I was going through the SAME thing and decided to cut it for the SAME reason. I too, thought it would be easier to trim my own hair if I evened out my layers. I honestly think layers is just one of the stylist's evil plans to get you to keep coming back:Devil:. I evened up my layers last week!
my layers have always grown out on their own. The top part of my hair grows faster than the back. If you really want to cut them out then go ahead but, I wouldn't go as short as you described.
Thanks ladies for your responses.

What to do? What to do?

I'll have to sleep on it...and give it more thought.
Well, I did it! I cut out the layers. So now I'm back at shoulder length. There is nothing like a fresh cut when your ends are all full and fat :) . I've recieved lots of compliments.

No regrets! It'll be back in no time....and I can trim it MYSELF!

I'll post pics later.
I was going through a similar dilemna with my hair. At first, I tried to grow it out, just trimming a little bit each time. Then I finally, just went to a stylist who could do a good cut and had several inches cut off (there was a pile of my hair on the floor). As she was cutting, I kept thinking, that maybe I was making a mistake b/c it was going to even out eventually. Then I saw my hair when she finished and it was absolutely gorgeous. I got more compliments than I even had before on my hair, and now I think I'm going to leave it at this length (just brushing shoulders) for a while.

I say all that to say, think about it, but don't be afraid to cut because (1) It will grow back because you know how to take care of your hair, (2) Sometimes the haircut makes you look even better than before.

Just make sure you find someone that isn't scissor happy and can do a good cut.
OMG good for you!! I know you feel great about it! My cut left me at shoulder length also! Girl I know what you are talking about with the full and fat ends. I was stupefied when I saw how thick my hair was:D I thought it was something I could never achieve:lol: I'm so glad that you have no regrets:)
iiBlackBarbieii said:
OMG good for you!! I know you feel great about it! My cut left me at shoulder length also! Girl I know what you are talking about with the full and fat ends. I was stupefied when I saw how thick my hair was:D I thought it was something I could never achieve:lol: I'm so glad that you have no regrets:)

Thanks Girl!

I love it!
iiBlackBarbieii said:
I would say cut it but that's because I'm impatient. If you're okay with the gradual cuts then do it gradually. However, I was going through the SAME thing and decided to cut it for the SAME reason. I too, thought it would be easier to trim my own hair if I evened out my layers. I honestly think layers is just one of the stylist's evil plans to get you to keep coming back:Devil:. I evened up my layers last week!

My reasons EXACTLY for my big chop in April, but it put me from armpit to chin length. But I LOVED my new cut, it was angled slightly, not layered and I got soooo many compliments. My hair is thicker now and I LOVE it. :grin: My hair is now shoulder length (back) and collarbone (front). My friend asked me the other day while I was at home and took my ponytail out, "I never remember your hair being so thick, what did you do?" I told her I finally stopped getting layers and chopped them off! Now I can finally grow my hair the way I want to. :)

Oh and Congrats tthreat08 on your cut. You had gorgeous hair already. :)
Oops, I'm posting too late. But years ago, when I was growing out my 'layers' (My hair was fried into those layers originally by relaxing, bleaching and heat!) I just told my hairdresser to only trim along the bottom. I grew them out eventually. But I think doing what you've done, getting them all chopped off, is the best way.
Mine probably took longer to grow out than they would have done with a chop because they were splitting and not getting cut.

Glad you like the cut, looking forward too seeing pics!