To BC or not to BC... what my fiance said this weekend

Congrats on your engagement!!

I transitioned for four months and just wanted my natural hair. My dh was supportive so I chopped!! :lachen:

You will look great no matter what you decide to do!!:yep:
I transitioned (or what i thought was transitioning) for about 6 months but unfortunately, didn't understand the theory of the "line of demarcation". By the time I realized what it was and what I should have been doing (around the time I really got to using my LHCF membership) all the relaxed hair had broken away. I truly had nothing left to lose. And my DH was all for whatever I wanted to do. (I think the wigs made him uncomfortable).

So I BC'd this past Saturday. And now we've both been officially diagnosed with H.I.F. Syndrome (hand in fro). :grin:

You'll do what YOU need to do in your time and it will be right when you do!!!

Good Luck!
I bc'ed because I'm an all or nothing kind of girl. It was either I was relaxed or natural, I don't like in-between anything so transitioning for a long time was not for me. Plus, I wanted to know what it was like to be natural "from scratch" lol. I want to experience all stages of my natural journey :) and so far I'm loving it ;)
I have finally decided I won't be doing the BC. The last time I went natural my hair was not healthy due to most of it falling out because of illness. This time around I don't see a reason to cut my healthy hair just to be in a rush to be all natural. I will be patient and all my hair to grow out and trim away the relaxed ends slowly. This is my journey and I am in full control of it. My hubby is supportive, but doesn't hesitate to let me know that he would love to see my hair all natural sooner than later. He knows I am not even hearin what he has to say about MY hair.:ohwell:
Oh lol at Ceaser and the hair story!

I BC b/c once I made the conscience decision to go natural, I was just excited and I felt I was doing more harm than good by trying to transition.

The article on Motowngirldotcom is what made me think transition was bad. It said something about breaking and spliting and having to cut off more b/c of damage.

:nono: I was not having that.
I found SouthernTease's site after I did the BC. :rolleyes:
I will do that :). But I can't promise I won't slap him upside the head the next time he mentions them damn ships. :look::lachen:

:lachen:This is so funny!!! I can just imagine him saying that like "Wreck yo self fool!!" ....... "Burn yo ship fool!!!" Hilarious!!! :grin:
Hubby CONSTANTLY asked me to stop transitioning. I had planned on trimming every once in a while once my new growth made it past my ears, unstretched. I was not using any heat and wore a lot of buns and braidouts, which of course "does not show straight hair going down your back". His words...and since I had never transitioned that long before, I fell for the creamy oky doke. So, I did not BC and recently texlaxed. Don't fall for it girl. Do what you set out to do! :lachen:You'll be Brutus on him...well, don't take it that far. Congrats on your engagement!

Thanks for the congrats girl! LOL @ Brutus!

Look at the positive side--at least he is supporting you in your quest to go natural. At least he wasn't trying to get you to relax your hair!:yawn:

Girl, he told me to either burn the ships or go home... meaning either chop it off or start back relaxing! :lachen: He thinks once I hit the beach I'll be screaming back to the relaxer (what happened during last transition). Now I'm set on showing him better.:rolleyes:
I transitioned for 22.5 months. I decided to BC because I was finally comfortable with the length of my natural roots. Also, I was a little tired of trying to blend the 2 textures. I did a couple of mini-chops throughout my transition so it actually was not a drastic chop in most areas. All in all, I felt extremely comfortable because I knew that natual was my ultimate goal and I have no plans of relaxing again.
Fellow rattler alum here (we strike, strike, and strike again, lol). :lachen:

I'm going to be honest, FAM, BC-ing was hard, and I did it smack in the middle of Harlem almost 3 years ago. It was strange seeing so much of my face! Even though I thought I had prepared myself mentally, read the forums for months, bought the "right" products-- there was nothing like the rawness of chopping my hair to 2.5 inches!

BTW, I transitioned for only 5 months before chopping. If I had it to do over, I THINK I'd have flatironed for a few more months before cutting, but I was all caught up in the all-heat-will-ruin-your-naps idea.

All that to say-- if you are ready to chop, do! Naturalness is soooo sweet. :grin:
Congrats on your engagement!!

I transitioned for four months and just wanted my natural hair. My dh was supportive so I chopped!! :lachen:

You will look great no matter what you decide to do!!:yep:

You sound like me! I was tired of blending the two textures already!

BTW-- your chop is GORGEOUS! You are glowing, girl!
I didn't do a BC because unfortunately, my hair was already short and broken. I damaged my hair by overprocessing it (relaxer + dye), and it broke off so badly that I had no choice but to even out the ends. I therefore cut my hair into a bob to begin the transition process, but it had already broken off from bra strap length to my shoulders!

Below are pics of my journey. I don't see any reason for you to do a BC if you don't have to (i.e. your hair isn't badly broken/damaged). After I evened out my ends, I just simply let my hair grow and trimmed the ends regularly until all the relaxer was gone.

Damage after double processing (relaxer and dye):

Natural, healthy, long hair:
As of right now, I'm aiming to not BC because I'm getting married next August and for me, I'd like to retain length first, before having it be all natural. Literally, it's an aesthetics thing for me in regards to how I want to look on my wedding day.

Plus it's pretty easy for me to blend the two textures.
You ladies have some gorgeous hair!! I'm seriously considering going natural now. But, I think I'm not going to bc after reading advice. I'm currently rockin' sew-ins now.
I'm 17 months into my transition...
my SO actually DOES NOT want me to BC...
but even if he did... I'd be like ngh, please :nono:
I'm going to do me regardless...
so... I'll BC when I'm good 'n ready...
right now I'm thinking January 2009...
but I could change my mind...
I could care less about other people's opinion
of whether I should or shouldn't BC...
and that's that :yep: :yep: :yep:

You, along with Lauren450, and a few others, are my inspirations for transitioning.
The most recent time I went natural, 22 months ago, I had planned to transition without the BC. I had it all worked out in my mind how it would all go so smoothly. :spinning: I told DH that I'd not be doing another BC, to his intense relief.

BUT.....The two textures made it so much harder to do anything with my hair, which is obscenely thick anyway. And I fell in love with my natural texture! :lick: It was so nice, I couldn't keep my hands out of it, and I just rushed ahead and BCed. I had literally 1 centimeter of hair! :blush: It was quite a shock, especially to DH. :look:

Except for one big cut :nono: and some recent breakage things seem to be going great. I'm at APL, and seem stuck there! :wallbash: But at least I'm all natural! I love it. Can't wait to sit on my hair!
I transitioned with braids and did not have to deal with the tangles. Try to transition as long as you can stand it. Make sure you have a plan after you bc. I did not have a plan and needless to say I am relaxed again:nono:
I relaxed due to frustration and lack of patience. I could not understand the excessice strinkage and did not know how to deal.
I didn't do a BC because unfortunately, my hair was already short and broken. I damaged my hair by overprocessing it (relaxer + dye), and it broke off so badly that I had no choice but to even out the ends. I therefore cut my hair into a bob to begin the transition process, but it had already broken off from bra strap length to my shoulders!

Below are pics of my journey. I don't see any reason for you to do a BC if you don't have to (i.e. your hair isn't badly broken/damaged). After I evened out my ends, I just simply let my hair grow and trimmed the ends regularly until all the relaxer was gone.

Damage after double processing (relaxer and dye):

Natural, healthy, long hair:

Girl, that's a REAL turn around! After 12-18 months I may "cut" to a bob, but I'm on the fence with that. That has more to do with change in style than anything.

You're hair is the biz-ness though!
"when Caesar fought the brits he burned his ships" :rofl3:
I ain't mad at your man EITHER. At least he's supportive!:grin:

I am transitioning indefinitely because I want to maintain a certain length, but one day, I'm gonna break. I know it!
Detangling, deep conditioning, rinsing, blowdring, flat ironing, all this mess is taking its toll on me.:nono:

My husband is being supportive of the transition and the concept of being natural but he is Completely against the BC.

The day he starts talking about when Caesar fought the brits he burned his ships is the day I will BC!:yep:
So, question to you naturals and transitioners: why did you BC or why did you decide not to?
My hair was close to waist length when I got about 6" to 8" cut on April 9. As of now, I have about 4" to 5." of new growth and about 10" to 11" of relaxed hair. I have not done a BC because I still want length, and if I cut it down to the new growth, my length would be gone. I'm going to continue on with my slow transition. I've been transitioning since October 27, 2007. So far, so good.
Hey ladies! I will start by saying that I am transitioning to natural. It really started as a personal stretch challenge to simply not apply chemicals in '08 (last relaxer 12/12/07). Then I figured why not just transition.

Anyway, yesterday I CW to get rid of a twist out, set my hair on flexirods. Now, of course I have CRAZY new growth... so my fiance sees my hair after taking the rollers out and shakes his head.

I thought he shook his head cuz he prefers my hair straight... But naw, he starts telling me this long story about how when Caesar fought the brits he burned his ships.... he gave a long drawn out metaphor for WHY I should do a BC. :wallbash: I was a lil annoyed because I'm like, my hair journey is my own knee-gro!

So, question to you naturals and transitioners: why did you BC or why did you decide not to?

The way I looked at that knee-gro when he told me that long ass story!
update foki with more pics...

I like your flexi-rod set! Don't BC!!!
"when Caesar fought the brits he burned his ships" :rofl3:
I ain't mad at your man EITHER. At least he's supportive!:grin:

I am transitioning indefinitely because I want to maintain a certain length, but one day, I'm gonna break. I know it!
Detangling, deep conditioning, rinsing, blowdring, flat ironing, all this mess is taking its toll on me.:nono:

My husband is being supportive of the transition and the concept of being natural but he is Completely against the BC.

The day he starts talking about when Caesar fought the brits he burned his ships is the day I will BC!:yep:

LMAO! :lachen:
I know this is going to sound strange and this was pre-LHCF but it never dawned on me to cut my hair during my transition. My hair was growing so I held onto it. :look:
Well - Do you plan to marry this guy??????????

(sorry - personal....)

You should do what is best for YOU......... period. My husband said that he would never marry a woman who did not have straight hair......................:lachen::lachen::lachen:
LOL! at the Ceasar scenario.

I say do what you want to do. It is your hair. And when it is all said and done.. it is still your hair. Either way it will be pretty!
Well - Do you plan to marry this guy??????????

(sorry - personal....)

You should do what is best for YOU......... period. My husband said that he would never marry a woman who did not have straight hair......................:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Yep, I plan to marry him... that's why he's my fiance. :grin::yep:

He doesn't care if it's kinky or straight though. He just really likes it when I wear straight styles verses roller sets. He never complains though.

I can't believe your husband said that! :blush::lachen: