Tired of not showing length


***DISCLAIMER THIS IS A VENT*** :lachen::lachen:

OK My hair is BSL however I wear my hair natural so the only length I see everyday is above shoulder length. I thought by now it would be touching my shoulders..but its not..I dont stretch my hair when I wear it curly..I just do a modified shingle and air dry. I have been trying to wait until I've reached my goal length before making any decisions about my hair. I'm hoping that by the time I'm WL, my hair will at least be APL (or at least below shoulder length) curly. I just want to wear my hair natural and show my true length. Sucks that I cant do both...:perplexed
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The only way I find to show a bit of my length with curly hair is a braid out on damp (not wet) hair. You can also stretch it with rods at the end of the braids.
Do some style that show more length. Maybe, twistouts/braidouts on blow dried hair.

The reason i'm saying this is because some people have necklength shrinkage with longer lengths than yours. Sometimes, you just have to change what you're doing to get the look that you desire.
Well you might make it to WL and your hair might still be above the shoulders but look fuller. I understand how you feel but its possible, but you will know that it is WL. My hair is BSL but the only time its below my shoulders is if a stretch my hair.
Do some style that show more length. Maybe, twistouts/braidouts on blow dried hair.

The reason i'm saying this is because some people have necklength shrinkage with longer lengths than yours. Sometimes, you just have to change what you're doing to get the look that you desire.

Ur right...I've been thinking about either relaxing or being a str8 hair natural..IDK..I need to figure something out..
Ur right...I've been thinking about either relaxing or being a str8 hair natural..IDK..I need to figure something out..


Aww ((BIG HUG)), don't go to the extremes just yet. There are many ways to stretch your hair to show your length. Try some of the methods that have been suggested.

Unfortunately, for those of us with a lot of shrinkage, it's usually a compromise between wearing our natural curl/coil pattern or stretched hair. I chose stretched hair a looong time ago b/c it minimizes SSKs.

Long haired naturals like Chime (Hair Crush), Sera (Sera2544) and Domin (Longhairdontcare2011) have that in common and have retained very well while showing their length. My all time hairspiration Yassy (http://public.fotki.com/yassylane/) does this. When I first saw her hair on another board, I decided to go natural and to rock it like that.

Yes, shrinkage can be discouraging for a lot of us but maybe you can first try to minimize it temporarily (by using one of the suggested methods) and then go the permanent route if you're still not happy.
Naptural85 on Youtube did a tutorial on how to do a stretched out twist-out that really showed her length.
thanks ladies..I will try some of these suggestions before making a decision that I wont be able to reverse..