Thoughts On This Homemade Hair Growth Oil???

Just made a fresh batch of the CP growth oil and included Amla, shikaki, and rose powder. Will add rosemary EO and peppermint EO's. Also made a batch of Amla oil by infusing Amla powder in sesame oil. Using this oil and an aryuvedic regimen have really been a game changer for me.
I just made a new batch of oil, using some of my amla/brahmi oil as a base. I added coconut oil, olive oil, JBCO, HBCO, peppermint oil, tea tree oil, MSM, and fenugreek seeds (I didn't have any rosemary oil). It's currently infusing in a mason jar. I'm going to try the slow cooker method.
Y'all coulda told me about the coffee filter trick for infusing Ayurvedic powders! That last batch had way too much leftover powder in it!!! LOL

I put 1 spoonful each of henna, amla & Brahmi into a coffee filter. Secured it with a hair band and placed it inside some oil.

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This time, I used 3/4 cup of Grapeseed oil, 2 spoonfuls of Jamaican black castor oil and a spoonful of monoi Tahitian coconut oil. Will let it infuse on my window sill while I'm using up my current batch (2-3 weeks) then remove the powder bag and infuse in the fenugreek seeds, a few herbs and MSM on my candle warmer for 8-24 hours.
How did you use to remove the powder for decanting before you started using coffee filters? I didn’t know about coffee filters so I made the oil and it has a bunch of powder sediment.
How did you use to remove the powder for decanting before you started using coffee filters? I didn’t know about coffee filters so I made the oil and it has a bunch of powder sediment.

I honestly just left the beans in there for the longest time. But eventually I just strained it, you have to leave it for a while though. I left mine straining overnight and then threw it away. Oh and shake it up first because the most potent part of the oil is in the sediment.
I honestly just left the beans in there for the longest time. But eventually I just strained it, you have to leave it for a while though. I left mine straining overnight and then threw it away. Oh and shake it up first because the most potent part of the oil is in the sediment.
What device do you strain with? I have cheesecloth but the holes seem to be big enough for the powder sediment to slip through.
Man, I haven’t made more oil since the summer, and I still have all the stuff for another batch. I might put some together tomorrow. My mama been asking me to make some more and send to her.
Good Evening Ladies.

Got home about an hour ago and decided to do a 10 minute scalp massage with CP Ayurveda Growth Oil, followed by 5 minutes of inversion. My hair still feels wonderfully soft so I probably won't moisturize it tonight but will save it for after I spritz with CP Ayurveda Tea Rinse. :yep:.
Who/what is CP?

No, I haven’t went back to read what all I’ve missed in the months I’ve been out of this thread :look:
I read this entire thread for the past 2 days! :lol: I’m so making this oil when I get home tonight! I’ve got my Amla, henna, shikakkai powders and fenugreek powder AND seeds! I also have Jasmine and tea tree oil. I’m gonna pick up MSM powder, coffee filters, and glass jars after work and start infusing it asap.
All done making my oil! I boiled everything together on low heat and let it cool before transferring to the glass jars for infusion. I boiled it because it seems that’s how most Indian women do it in India. At least according to the fenugreek recipes I read on various Indian websites. The powders mix better when they’re boiled. So I didn’t use any coffee filters. I got the idea from this video:

I had fenugreek seeds and 1 tbsp each of fenugreek, Amla, henna (9 powders type), and Brahmi powders. My oils were 2 tbsp of coconut, 6 oz of evoo and jasmine essential oil. And of course 1/2 tbsp of MSM powder. Now to let it infuse in peace for a week and not get tempted to start using it early. :lol:
I just made a new batch of oil, using some of my amla/brahmi oil as a base. I added coconut oil, olive oil, JBCO, HBCO, peppermint oil, tea tree oil, MSM, and fenugreek seeds (I didn't have any rosemary oil). It's currently infusing in a mason jar. I'm going to try the slow cooker method.
I ended up getting rosemary oil, and I infused for about a week in the slow cooker (on low, turned off at night). I added this oil to my Shea butter mix for the Shea retention challenge.
Bumpity Bump Bump

Hi. Is anyone still using their oil consistently? Have you experienced a great growth spurt, thickness, softness? Any other benefits or setbacks?

I lurked in here when it was popping and I've since made my own blend with grapeseed oil, hemp oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, fenugreek, calendula, nettle, hibiscus and rose petals (I think that's all). I used this in my last Shea butter mix. I also recently made a separate sulphur oil using the blend. I have a recovering patch that's looking even more delicate lately so I wanna give my scalp some extra care. I just had a re-read of all the great info in this thread to get me going:walking:.
@AbsyBlvd, I still use mine 2-3 times per week for scalp massage. I also use on my ends to seal. I've gotten both thickness and growth from going mainly to an ayurvedic regimen including glosses, shea butter infused with various powders, mainly clay washing etc...I've never exclusively used just the oil but believe the entire regimen has benefits. The first change I noticed with the oil was thickness for sure. I also use it as the chaser oil for my lashes and brows after using Xcel 21.
Bumpity Bump Bump

Hi. Is anyone still using their oil consistently? Have you experienced a great growth spurt, thickness, softness? Any other benefits or setbacks?

I lurked in here when it was popping and I've since made my own blend with grapeseed oil, hemp oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, fenugreek, calendula, nettle, hibiscus and rose petals (I think that's all). I used this in my last Shea butter mix. I also recently made a separate sulphur oil using the blend. I have a recovering patch that's looking even more delicate lately so I wanna give my scalp some extra care. I just had a re-read of all the great info in this thread to get me going:walking:.

I used a very similar mix last summer, and I made another batch a few weeks ago. It something along the lines of:

Fenugreek seeds
Olive oil
Black seed oil
Castor oil
Amla oil
Peppermint/Tea Tree EO

I infuse it in a ceramic cooker on low for a few hours, then strain the oil from the herbs. That way I don't have to mix-stir every time I want to use it.

I loved it for my hair. I stopped using it last summer because of how red it turned my hair, but I remember that it seemed to prevent my hair from breaking when I was still using heat. I'm now alternating this with another oil, and my hair is very red again at the roots. I've just accepted it for now. I can't attribute any growth to only this oil, as I take vitamins and use other things that could effect my growth.
Ive been eyeing this for a while. I actually just made a batch without the henna. I plan to use it on my scalp every night followed by a massage.

If you want we can use this thread as a challenge for 3 months to see if it works...
Did you have success with its use?
Just made a fresh batch of the CP growth oil and included Amla, shikaki, and rose powder. Will add rosemary EO and peppermint EO's. Also made a batch of Amla oil by infusing Amla powder in sesame oil. Using this oil and an aryuvedic regimen have really been a game changer for me.
Sesame oil? Sounds interesting. I’ve never heard of SO for hair. I’ll have to do my research.