BSL aiming for HLand beyond!
I STILL have my first batch!And it hasn't gone rancid or anything. I still have my fenugreek at the bottom of my bottle. I've used this oil at least three times a week the past few months and I must say it contributed to my length retention. I wasn't using any other form of growth aid so I definitely attribute my growth to this. This oil has also made my hair incredibly thick. Like, CRAZY thick!
Here's a pic I posted at the beginning of this challenge and a pic I took couple days ago, and this is after a trim. Not only will I continue to use this oil the rest of the year, I will also make her henna tea spritz and apply a few times a week. I'm trying to keep every strand of hair on this head in order to reach my goal!
Awesome results!!
I'm still on my first batch too, it still looks/smells good. I've only been using it as part of my prepoo though, and only when I remember to...