Liquid Gold hair growth oil

I just received the Grow Oil (essential oil blend). Honestly, I didn't read the ingredients before I purchased this. But looking at it now, I could've just got me some Hair Elixer from Carol's daughter. Le sigh.
I've been using the Liquid Gold with Sulfur every other day since the beginning of the year, alternating with my MN oil mix. I am going to wait to give a length check until my Sengalease twists come out, maybe at the end of February. I will be looking to see if I get more growth than just using my MN oil mix. If so, I wll continue to use the Liquid Gold.

Late update: I experienced good growth when I was using the liquid gold and MN but couldn't distinguish how much to contribute to liquid gold. However, I used liquid gold for 1 month every other day exclusively and I'm impressed. Also a little goes a long way. I'm still using the same 4 oz bottle. Here's my results:

1 month ago (28 days)

The pic on the left was in the morning and then the pic on the right was a 'trim'.


Yesterday - a little longer, thicker and looks healthier

god knows why i stumbled upon this thread, i saw this brand of products during my search on amazon yesterday and overlooked it. now i say me stumbling on this thread is confirmation that i should try it and that i will.

thanks for the reviews guys!
I've got busy/lazy and stopped using my growth oil. I am back on it this week though so I will check in with some results in about a month.
I am about to place an order today! Sulfur products work for me, I just can't stand the stinky...I'll just have to deal with it! :lol:
I am about to place an order today! Sulfur products work for me, I just can't stand the stinky...I'll just have to deal with it! :lol:

AtlantaJJ, that's why I had to stop using it! I bought the Green Magic one a few months ago and the fragrance doesn't cover that smell up at all. I used it one Monday and by Wednesday my hair was singing. Now, I started using it in the morning if I know I plan to wash my hair later that day.
AtlantaJJ, that's why I had to stop using it! I bought the Green Magic one a few months ago and the fragrance doesn't cover that smell up at all. I used it one Monday and by Wednesday my hair was singing. Now, I started using it in the morning if I know I plan to wash my hair later that day.

I was just thinking that at least I can use it as a pre-poo treatment because I know sulfur makes my hair grow.
The smell is nowhere as strong as MTG (reaches for bottle and smells) my SO is very touchy about smelly products in my hair and he has never complained about LGold. If you have Rosemary and Peppermint you could add three drops of each oil and mask the smell i've done this to a few other products i use and it works wonderful plus it give you a nice tingle.
I used the Green Magic and my scalp is definitely tingling. I can smell the sulfur, but its not too bad so far. I got the oil too, haven't tried it yet.
Bumping again.

jprayze - are you still using Liquid Gold? Any good growth?

PureSilver - ITA with you about Liquid Gold smell versus MTG. No comparison- the smell of Liquid Gold is much more tolerable.
I stopped using the liquid gold at the end of August. I finished my bottle and I was wearing twist extensions so I didn't want to use too much product. My hair is growing well now...I think it will be a bit faster once I start the liquid gold again. I think the sulfur is helping my hair get thicker bec I never used a sulfur product and this is as thick as my hair has been.

This is my hair at the end of April (right)


This is the end of September. I used liquid gold 4 of the 5 months in between the pics.

@jprayze - thanks for responding and sharing. That is some awesome growth and your hair is beautiful. I need a "major growth spurt" in order to meet my goal of BSL by June 2013. I'm a little past SL.
I ordered Liquid Gold a few months back when it was on sale but didn't want to use it while taking Viviscal, because I wanted to see if the Viviscal would produce increased growth. I haven't seen "above average" growth from Viviscal to warrant purchasing it again after I complete my supply through December.

So my plan is to incorporate Liquid Gold (along with Viviscal) into my regimen for the next three months to see if it will increase the growth.

I love your hair color.
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I have slacked off terribly using Liquid Gold but i know while i was using it i was getting good growth. Congrats on your growth jprayze it looks great.
Thanks ladies! It's good stuff :-). I'm natural and I don't like to use a lot of oil while it's straight. So it will be good when I go to natural styles bec it's easier to use more oils and I can Cowash whenever I need too. So waiting until I wash the straightness out to resume liquid gold.
I'm adding Liquid Gold to my regimen starting today. After my protein treatment I will take a length check shot for reference. If a very noticable growth spurt is realized, the quandary (as with any regimen with multiple "assumed" growth aids) will be "which growth aid" was responsible. But right now I don't care I am in desperate need of a growth spurt. I will do "root cause" :lachen:(pun intended) later.
I still like Green Magic and also the Ginger Hair Crème. Still have not tried the Oils (and probably won't).

But will continue to purchase both Creams.
Hey ladies,
I totally spaced on this thread! :ohwell:I stopped using Liquid Gold when I ran out at the end of July. I didn't see any significant growth but I did notice increased thickness. But I have been taking Viviscal as well so I'm not sure which one helped increase thickness. I am going to reorder soon though and get back on the band wagon. :grin:
JustGROWwithIt - you and I will be on similar regimens with Liquid Gold and Viviscal. I also take Biotin, MSM, B-Complex, Chlorella and Spirulina.

I am giving Viviscal 3 months to give me that growth kick - then I'm adding Youtheory to the guest list. Viviscal says 3 months to notice growth - I've given it 3 already and another 3 is comiing up. I'm trying to make BSL by June 2014 by every means possible.:yep:
@JustGROWwithIt - you and I will be on similar regimens with Liquid Gold and Viviscal. I also take Biotin, MSM, B-Complex, Chlorella and Spirulina.

I am giving Viviscal 3 months to give me that growth kick - then I'm adding Youtheory to the guest list. Viviscal says 3 months to notice growth - I've given it 3 already and another 3 is comiing up. I'm trying to make BSL by June 2014 by every means possible.:yep:

I'm hoping to make BSL by the beginning of next year too. I am thinking I may give up Viviscal at the end of this year too. I have enough to get me through December. It will be one year of me using it and while I do have increased thicknesss (which, again, could be from Liquid Gold as well) I have no seen a significant increase in growth to justify the expense of Viviscal. I also started taking Hair, Skin & Nails vitamins a couple months ago and I take MSM also (when I remember to replace it after I run out!) What is Youtheory? Hopefully getting back to using Liqud Gold regularly will give me the kick I need!
JustGROWwithIt- Youtheory is a (marine) collagen supplement. Some LHCF members have posted that Youtheory is just as good (if not better) as Viviscal. Viviscal has AminoMar - marine collagen.

Other collagens are Neocell and Nature's Life. There are some posts on the collagens in this thread :
around post #40.

More posts on marine collagens here:
@JustGROWwithIt- Youtheory is a (marine) collagen supplement. Some LHCF members have posted that Youtheory is just as good (if not better) as Viviscal. Viviscal has AminoMar - marine collagen.

Other collagens are Neocell and Nature's Life. There are some posts on the collagens in this thread :
around post #40.

More posts on marine collagens here:

Thanks! I might have to check one of those others out. Especially if they are cheaper and work better!