Those who have transitioned to natural w/o the BC - Post your fotki's here!!

vivEz daNs lamouR

Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, I'm currently transitioning to natural but when I went through some old threads, a lot of the fotki's have been disabled.

So, for all ladies who have transitioned/are transitioning and have pics/tips, post your fotki's here! Maybe we can get a little collection going on...
I'm transitioning. Four months since my last relaxer. I have done a couple of steam treatments at home and that has really helped make my NG very manageable. I plan to transition for 24 months then BC. (ISA)
Pics in my transitioning folder.
I made six months post yesterday. I would also like to see others that are going au naturelle without the BC. I would like to stay at BSL while I transition, trimming along the way, probably every 2 months. My fotki album dedicated to this journey: Transitioning to BSL. I would love to hear from others who have done this or have made the decision to do it.
Any body around my time ( Nov 07)? I want a transition buddy :sad:
Hey ladies, I'm planning on transitioning without the BC. I will make 6 months on saturday and was undecided as to what I wanted to do. But I have now made the decision to go ahead and transition. I havent documented my journey thus far because I wasnt sure but I will from this point on. My last relaxer was 10/07 and things have been going ok. I still havent mastered handling this new growth but I'm sure with the help of others it will get better. The transitioners support thread is a bit much and i dont have the patients to deal read thru it, but if I could find a transitioning buddy I would be delighted. Those of you with fotki's of your journey are definate inspirations and keep me from reverting back to my old ways. Keep up the good work guys
A little over a year post, fotki in siggy :grin: I have had 2 medium chops along the way tho.
my last relaxer was dec 06....I wish I had documented my transition then, but oh well...

I'm thinking about it now, but just don't have the time.....:ohwell:
I don't have a fotki, but so far I haven't BC'd, but I know I will need to. I am using growth aids (i.e. MN, MSM, L-Cysteine, Biotin), and hopefully these will help. Off and on, I use the little bit of MTG I have left, maybe I'll up it:yep:

I stopped relaxing in June 07, so I am nearing one year. It's gotten VERY difficult, and I've had a lot of breakage. Currently, I'm in braids.
I am currently 1 year and 1 month post relaxer. I had a medium chop back in September, but I haven't BC'd yet. Actually, I'm starting to reconsider the whole BC thing. I wanted to BC in September, but I may have to transition longer than I expected.

My Fotki is here:

Girl, if you don't have to BC, don't:nono:

My new growth is sooooooooo different from my relaxed hair, so that's why I may be forced to BC. I've had a lot of breakage over the last month, but my new growth is "growing like a weed," and hopefully that combined with the growth aids I'm using will have me long and strong (hair that is:lol:)
bumping... I am still transitioning almost 3 years post. Umm but Im not posting my fotki, sorry. BUT I know there are a few more... I think one is bluebearfanatic something or other... Lemme go thru my fotki and find them.
I'm 32 weeks post.. ad I'm transitioning with braids and weaves until august! Then I'm going to take it down and try to work with it..I'll probably do a medium chop and then braid it up again.. I want to cut all the relaxed part off in august 09
Girl, if you don't have to BC, don't:nono:

My new growth is sooooooooo different from my relaxed hair, so that's why I may be forced to BC. I've had a lot of breakage over the last month, but my new growth is "growing like a weed," and hopefully that combined with the growth aids I'm using will have me long and strong (hair that is:lol:)

My last relaxer was in June of 07 too. I too am suffering from the same breakage you speak of. It is horrid :wallbash:. I would like to transition longer but my new growth seems to be 4b and my hair was relaxed BONE-straight. The difference is ridiculous. The breakage is based primarily in the back so I've been trimming that area everytime I take my braids out. I've been in braids since December. I've never managed natural hair so I have no idea what i'm doing. In June I might just cut it all off before the damage continues further up the strand and into the natural hair. Good luck love!
I don't have a fotki but next month will be 16 months. I may decide to cut the relaxer out if I have enough natural hair to play with.
My last relaxer was September 07. For a while, up until last week, I was taking care of my natural hair and learned alot about it. I got a weave to go to the beach and will wear it until the middle or end of May. I still do oil rinses and co-wash, but I've cut down to once a week with the co-washing since we're on Spring Break. I will pick it back up to at least twice a week when I go back to work.