THANKS! It was soft at first and now it's getting kinda hard:blush:, but I keep playing and touching in it, so that may not be helping either. I was tryna rock the big fro like you got, but I gotta work up to that...(I was a lil scurred...) maybe a big ole fluffed out braidout will give me some courage....LOL I'm a hafeta try something else bc the aloe vera by itself doesn't seem to be holding...:lachen:

The Aloe Vera Gel is a very "soft" gel in my experience. It helps with frizz but it's very flexible hold. I asked b/c I haven't completely rinsed my hair out once since I BC'd. I always leave some of my reg. condish in and then seal. I'm too scared to have my hair "naked"
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Ohhh myy gooooood! Nuuuuuuuu, my transitioning buddy bit the bullet!!! I'm DYING over here. Here I was trying to hold on for dear life, and then Whimsy B/C'ed and now YOU! (Mook's was scheduled, so the blow was lessened :grin:) I can't believe you! lol. Every time I think about B/Cing, which is pretty often, I think about you and how you'd kill me if I did, and here you done gone and did the thing! :clubu: It looks SOOO good though. I'm so proud :) Gah, how am I going to keep going now... :spinning: :lachen:
Hey sis! I can't see the pics from work but just wanted to drop in and say congrats on your BC! I know your hair is beautiful! :yep: I'll make sure to check in later tonite from home.
Ohhh myy gooooood! Nuuuuuuuu, my transitioning buddy bit the bullet!!! I'm DYING over here. Here I was trying to hold on for dear life, and then Whimsy B/C'ed and now YOU! (Mook's was scheduled, so the blow was lessened :grin:) I can't believe you! lol. Every time I think about B/Cing, which is pretty often, I think about you and how you'd kill me if I did, and here you done gone and did the thing! :clubu: It looks SOOO good though. I'm so proud :) Gah, how am I going to keep going now... :spinning: :lachen:

I KNOW!!! I was scurred to tell you:lachen: And I was the one tryna convince you NOT to chop. :lachen: Anyway, I will say that I haven't worn my hair down yet bc it starts out hanging down when wet, but as it dries it rises up like dough and so is more "out" than "down." I think if you really want to wear WnGs and you don't want a fro, you may want to wait a few more months. I think in about 3-4 months, my hair will hang more like i'd like it to. Also, the other thing I've found is that my hair grows faster in the back than in the top. I still have some relaxed ends at the top (maybe and inch?), but i don't want to chop them bc I don't want a mullet (I want more of a mushroom) and I don't want to lose any of the length from the back. So maybe these things will keep you on the path we set out on 16 months ago. :grin: Anywhoo, I am still trying to find out what works and what doesn't work and the products I used before are not necessarily working like they did with my transition, so I am at square one all over again. Just some things to think about:yep:

But all in all I am enjoying the new found freedom...(and it is a LOT easier to manage than BSL 16 month post hair...I alsmost feel like I could do it every day...LOL)

After Whimsy cut I knew all the long term transitioners especially the ones feeling the itch ( You, Morenita(sp? sorry), Soleil) would end up BCing by the end of July.:lachen::lachen:

I could see it all coming call it my 6th hair sense.:grin::grin:

:lachen::lachen:Morenita is still hanging on, though but i dunno how long she's gonna last (see above):drunk:
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Congratulations lady! Your hair looks absolutely gorgeous. So thick and pretty! You did a great job transitioning for 16 months, and for such a great chop. Inspirational!