this time last year how was your hair...what changes have you noticed?


Well-Known Member
This time last year my hair was SL and healthy. I have noticed an increase in thickness, health and some length. I also see more wave when my hair is wet since I have been texlaxing my hair for a year or so.

What have you ladies noticed or what changes have you made?
This time last year, my hair was full APL. I'm now MBL. I've noticed that my hair is thicker & healthier. However.... I've also noticed that it's a lot of hair & harder to manage.

I used to think HL was a my goal... But I think I'm going to retire my length check shirt once I hit WL & just maintain that length.

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This time last year, my hair was full APL. I'm now MBL. I've noticed that my hair is thicker & healthier. However.... I've also noticed that it's a lot of hair & harder to manage.

I used to think HL was a my goal... But I think I'm going to retire my length check shirt once I hit WL & just maintain that length.

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Thanks for responding and congrats on making it to mbl! This is an inspiring post especially since i am now apl.
This time last year my hair was at NL (now at SL about 2" from APL.) I have noticed that my hair has thickened and my edges have grown back in since I stopped relaxing my hair. My hair is a lot healthier. Can't say I made any major changes... I strayed from my routine for a bit and cause myself some setbacks, so I am back to doing the basic stuff I was doing around this time last year.
This time last year, my hair was NL/near, it's BSB (maybe grazing BSL?? fingers crossed!) and so much thicker.

And while I used to think my hair would always shrink back up to a TWA no matter the length, my wet and dry hair definitely now has much less shrinkage and more hang time now that it's longer.
This time last year my family was going thru a very difficult time and my attitude towards my hair was "in the grand scheme of things, it's only hair". I had no time for my hair, was deep in a stretch and doing nothing to take care of it and had no patience for it. Wow.

I was just thinking about this tonight. Sad times. :sad:
this time last year, my hair was Nl, thin and no edges because of post partum! just started my hair journey and I am pass APl, my edges are back and getting slowly but surely the desndity back as well!
This time last year my hair was grazing SL, millions of split ends and just overall in a state of ick. Now I'm full SL, an inch and half from APL, and very healthy.

What I changed
-finally trimming off the splits, took a few months to get them under control
-adding henna on a regular basis
-dc weekly
-putting the comb down more often than not
My hair was a couple inches shorter then where it is now and very thin on the ends. I couldn't figure out why it was taking so long to grow back following a haircut I had got in the fall. Looking back I was using too much heat. I was in love with my fairly new Sedu iron, and using it once or twice a week.

I also went from a fairly healthy diet to eating more fast food and drinking more alcohol and caffeine, which I think affected my growth rate.
This time last year my hair had just hit APL and I was so happy. It was really healthy too. Little did I know I would have to trim back almost to APL in 6 months.
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Last year my hair was APL and I was disappointed because the stylist had just cut my hair from BSL to APL and that was not what I had requested. My hair was trying to repair itself from the heat damage of that one salon visit. One year later and my hair has thickened and I'm now MBL and my hair is thriving off my new regimen.
I did my second BC this time last year. Now the back of my hair is grazing APL.

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This time last year, my hair was a little thicker and BSL. I haven't been taken very good care of my hair and have suffered some damage and had to get 2.5 inches cut off because of it. Now, I'm focused and going back to the basics and revamping my hair care regimen.
This time last year I was still transitioning. Now my hair at my nape is either grazing or half an inch-ish/inch away from apl. I'll be 2 years relaxer-free and 1 year natural in May. In comparison to my relaxed hair, my natural hair straightened looks more full.
This time last year, I was almost at the end of my transition. I was hating my hair. The two textures were frustrating and my hair was barely SL. My relaxed ends were porous and felt really rough when dry. I was hiding my hair under wigs because I didnt feel like dealing with the two textures.

Now I LOVE my hair. Its all natural, healthy and APL. Still feels short to me, but I'm working on that.
like @NJoy, I was going through a horribly sad family situation, with my dad's disappearance and subsequent passing. My last touch-up was a year ago today, I believe, after a 10 month stretch. I was full MBL and should have been happy about it, but it was overshadowed by my dad's death. Lots of people commented on how good my hair looked. I never get the "is that a weave?" question, I get the "that's all your hair, right?" question instead.

I am a year into my latest stretch and might be going up to 14 months. My hair is longer and I am loving my new growth, as usual. I am looking forward to being full WL or beyond when I do finally get a touch-up.
This time last year....i had just big chopped, was 1 month hair was at the shortest length it had ever been in my life! I was still learning what my hair likes and does not like, was trying every product...and had a hard time finding easy styles. hair is HUGE! :lol:...a whole year later:yep:....i have lots of shrinkage...but i can tell it has grown a LOT just by how it looks sideways:yep: I :love: my hair! I can also do more styles with it:yep:...Happiness!:infatuated:
I haven't the slightest idea :lol: This time last year I was not paying my hair any specific attention, as I was in "maintenance mode" in 2011. I kept it around APL, I wasn't on the board much, and I don't have any pics of my hair except from October when I got my new Sedu.
This time last year, I was beginning my transition to natural hair, so I got my hair cut really short. In the back it was almost shaved length. The front was a longer bob style.
At this time last year my hair was barely grazing wl. Now it is heading toward hl but I've noticed it is a lot drier and requires more moisture and heavier oils (evoo instead of evco). I attribute this to abandoning my wigs--even though my hair is ps'd 98% of the time, it is exposed to the air instead of hidden under a scarf and wig. Makes a difference.
I still had at least 5-6 inches of bleached hair. The front was APL.. But the ends were nasty, sooooo off they went! Besides that I was happy with the progress.. Then my hair started to slip and get really dry.. This is also around the time I started using a lot more heat..
This time last year i had just 1 inch of hair cause I had BC'ed on NYE. Today, i hate 7 inches of hair :yay: :yay:
This time last year I was cursing the laziness that caused me to stop taking care of my hair and start using more heat. I had gotten my hair cut in december and was around NL. Now my hair is getting back its length and thickness and I couldnt be happier, I dont really use heat anymore and have started taking vitamins.
This time last year I was newly natural with less than 1 inch of newgrowth.

Now, My hair is about SL.
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This time last year, my hair was full APL - about 50% relaxed/50% natural.

Now, I'm MBL and about 80% natural.

Haven't really noticed any changes - other than an increase in thickness due to cutting off much of the relaxed hair.
This time last year I was bald on my right side, stuck at SL for the rest of my hair, and unknowingly gearing up for a BC. One year later, I'm about 4" au naturale. You did good, drmuffin, you did good. :grin:
This time last year I was about 3 months post BC and neck length. I didn't know what to do with my hair it looked a total mess. It hurt my sides when I tied it in to one and had to put hair clips all over the place. I just had to put my hair in a really messy puff because I couldn't do a bun. My ends were as dry like sandpaper. I was experimenting with commercial moisturisers which never worked had no staples what so ever.

Today, I can happily tie my hair in to a bun, I am CBL and there are no sides hanging out when I bun and I no longer need hair clips. I've found alllll my staple products and my ends are nicely moisturised.
It's nice to reflect.
This time last year I was bsb-length and in the ninth month of transitioning. I was still learning the ins and outs of transitioning journey.

Now it is bsl length (although my back is partially mbl), full, big, and nearing two years of transitioning. I am loving my hair and I'm still learning as I go.