Grew hair from SL to BSL in 1 Year and No One Noticed?

that's what i'm thinking. not everyone is into hair! people are not obligated to fawn over your hair.
maybe your hair does not look good to them. many people are struggling with personal problems, and the last thing on their mind is some random woman's hair![/QUOTE]

My opening post was directed at family/friends, not RANDOM people. I never once mentioned people who do not see me on a daily basis. I never mentioned anyone fawning over my hair, either. Maybe I need to revise my OP, because I didn't want it to read that way. :sad:
Great progress and simple routine Sipp. I like hair and would have commented, like others have said some people just don't say anything. Thank goodness we like friends on LHCF! Congrats!
I thought there was about 6 mos. between each milestone, so I don't think FULL SL to BSL in 13 months is anything out of the usual - if you don't have setbacks, that is.

My point exactly. Reinforces my notion that keeping it simple works.

Thank you much for sharing.
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Great progress and simple routine Sipp. I like hair and would have commented, like others have said some people just don't say anything. Thank goodness we like friends on LHCF! Congrats!

Hey Ltown! Thank you for all your encouragement/kind words over the past few months. Can't wait to see you and your big puff again. :yep:

My family talks all the time, about everyone and everything - they're not quiet or reserved. I'm the one who's bashful and afraid of appearing overly self-absorbed, which is why I don't mention my hair to anyone but my bff (who has MBL hair).

The attitude of some of the replies confirms this and makes me wonder if a woman who is growing her hair out says anything about her hair, people think she's fishing for compliments or wanting/asking others to fawn over her hair.:rolleyes:
that's what i'm thinking. not everyone is into hair! people are not obligated to fawn over your hair.
maybe your hair does not look good to them. many people are struggling with personal problems, and the last thing on their mind is some random woman's hair![/QUOTE]

My opening post was directed at family/friends, not RANDOM people. I never once mentioned people who do not see me on a daily basis. I never mentioned anyone fawning over my hair, either. Maybe I need to revise my OP, because I didn't want it to read that way. :sad:

okay so here is my new post:
that's what i'm thinking. not everyone is into hair! family/friends are not obligated to fawn over your hair.
maybe your hair does not look good to them. maybe family/friends are struggling with personal problems, and the last thing on their mind is a family members/friend's hair!
OP congratulations on your progress, really outstanding! Maybe when it reaches WL they will comment. Most likely they know your personality and don't want to bring attention to yourself. They observe for sure, there is no way they couldn't. If you haven't already share with them your hair journey. Maybe someone in your family would desire assistance and to see such results too.

As per your reggie you stated you BKT your end only. Can you explain more what you do and do other ladies on this board do this as well? How much of your length do you BKT? How did you come up with this idea? How long have you been doing this?

OP congratulations on your progress, really outstanding! Maybe when it reaches WL they will comment. Most likely they know your personality and don't want to bring attention to yourself. They observe for sure, there is no way they couldn't. If you haven't already share with them your hair journey. Maybe someone in your family would desire assistance and to see such results too.

It's not that I want them to comment, I just find it strange that so much additional length could go completely unnoticed.

As per your reggie you stated you BKT your end only. Can you explain more what you do and do other ladies on this board do this as well? How much of your length do you BKT? How did you come up with this idea? How long have you been doing this?


I BKT'd my whole length when I was 5 or 6 months post, but I was extremely nervous about reversion, so I stopped. It was needless worry, however, because after several months, my natural texture returned. I love the protection the keratin coating gives my relaxed ends, so every few months I BKT the relaxed ends and an inch or so past the line of demarcation. I'll be holding onto that 8 inches of relaxed hair until I'm well past WL and then I can cut them off and still be at least BSL.

I'm not aware of anyone else who does this.
When someone sees you all the time, small changes go unnoticed. It only grows a small amount each day. So those closest to you don't really have anything to comment on. But, a family member you only see on the 4th of July may notice.
Your family, church members, and friends have noticed, but they are jealous. Also sometimes people just don't want to say something nice. I have some good friends and that don't say anything about my weight loss or hair growth and I know it is just because they are jealous. My coworkers always take about my weight loss and hair so I know everyone can see it. Believe me they are noticing. By the way your hair is beautiful.

Maybe they think you're wearing tracks/weaves. Nonetheless, congratulations! time i went to a hair meeting w/ lhcf members and members from another hair board. Don't you know they all sat there complimenting each others hair and not one word was said to me. not one! so yeah maybe what they said.
I think its quite odd, considering that they notice when you change every other little thing.
When someone sees you all the time, small changes go unnoticed. It only grows a small amount each day. So those closest to you don't really have anything to comment on. But, a family member you only see on the 4th of July may notice.

SL to BSL is a big change though. you def notice that. Now APL to BSL may go unnoticed. time i went to a hair meeting w/ lhcf members and members from another hair board. Don't you know they all sat there complimenting each others hair and not one word was said to me. not one! so yeah maybe what they said.

Thanks, sylver2. Girl, I know they saw your hair!

Maybe silence is a compliment. time i went to a hair meeting w/ lhcf members and members from another hair board. Don't you know they all sat there complimenting each others hair and not one word was said to me. not one! so yeah maybe what they said.

you CANNOT be serious !!!!
SL to BSL is a big change though. you def notice that. Now APL to BSL may go unnoticed.

Exactly! I never thought much or cared about hair until recently, and even then I could tell the difference between SL hair and hair that hangs down the back - even though I had never heard the terms SL/APL/BSL.
Your hair is beautiful and that is some great progress! You already know I think we may be hair twins- except you're natural and I'm relaxed- even our hair color looks similar.

Everything everyone else said is correct- some people may not care, or have other things more important going on.

But some people just don't know how to give a compliment either.
They must notice. Do you wear you hair up a lot, sometimes people don't notice things unless it is right in their face all the time. And others just don't care about hair. Your hair is beautiful by the way and great progress.
Your hair is beautiful and that is some great progress! You already know I think we may be hair twins- except you're natural and I'm relaxed- even our hair color looks similar.

Everything everyone else said is correct- some people may not care, or have other things more important going on.

But some people just don't know how to give a compliment either.

Thanks hair twin (mirror image, since you're relaxed), I see you changed your name!

Now that I think about it, I do most of the complimenting and they do most of the critiquing. That's family dynamics for ya!
I can't imagine people just being jealous/not saying anything; I know it happens, but that's just weird. They might think it's a weave and don't want to bust you out. I was eying your pics earlier today. Your hair is gorgeous!
Congratulations! What a wonderful achievement! As others have noted, when you see someone everyday, changes over the course of the year don't seem so dramatic. Your hair was growing a little longer each month. I doubt it's that they don't care.
They must notice. Do you wear you hair up a lot, sometimes people don't notice things unless it is right in their face all the time. And others just don't care about hair. Your hair is beautiful by the way and great progress.

Thank you, NikkiGirl.

They see my hair up, down, twisted, flat-ironed, big, flat, wet, rollerset, dry, greasy, etc. I hardly ever wear my hair the same way 2 days in a row. Maybe that's it...but the longer length is clear when I wear my hair flat-ironed for 4 or 5 days each month.

It's not a big deal, I just thought it was odd and that maybe someone else had a similar experience when they decided to grow their hair out.
I agree with R4L. People may not notice a big difference when they see you on a regular basis. I only notice changes when I have been away from people for some time.

I don't believe telling someone their hair is longer is a compliment on its own. I think it would be if those people knew you were trying to grow your hair longer. I consider it a compliment if paired with pretty, beautiful, nice, etc. How many times have people posted "it's just hair" on this board? I don't doubt that people irl feel the same. I would give them the benefit of the doubt.

Congratulation on your progress!
Some people that are jealous won't say anything becuase they don't want to seem like haters. I have some family members like that and then word gets back to me that So and so said I was acting like "I was all that" And this person never said anything to my face, but went on a full rant behind my back. I just thought it was funny how people will secretly hate.
Maybe they don't notice. There are a few people I've known for years who have gained a lot of weight but I didn't really pay attention until I saw some old photos. Its harder to see the changes in people you see everyday. I bc'ed to less than an inch and didn't notice the growth until I looked at pictures.
Sipp, your hair is gorgeous and that's great growth for a years time. There's nothing wrong with wanting those close to you to notice the results of all of your hard work. There are many reasons why no one seemed to notice your hair. It's hard to tell.
I doubt if they're jealous. Some people just don't care about hair like we do here, lol. It's just not that serious to them. Also I agree with the poster that said some people just don't often give complements or want to say something nice.

Plenty of people never comment on my growth or my hair period but it dosen't bother me at all.

Now Poka (& this is no disrespect to you Sipp), if you aren't getting compliments on your hair, then everyone must have hair just like yours. Your hair is GAWJUS!
Sipp, your hair is gorgeous and that's great growth for a years time. There's nothing wrong with wanting those close to you to notice the results of all of your hard work. There are many reasons why no one seemed to notice your hair. It's hard to tell.

Thanks Celina! Your super-long transition (and gorgeous hair) is what inspired me to hold out for at least 2-3 years.
Now Poka (& this is no disrespect to you Sipp), if you aren't getting compliments on your hair, then everyone must have hair just like yours. Your hair is GAWJUS!

No offense taken, nakia. Somehow my point is being missed, but I don't know why?

I'm not looking for compliments, I just found it amazing that no one has noticed. If my Sis told me my hair looked better bobbed, that would be fine. (I may even agree w/her)

For example: If you have coffee with a friend everyday in your living room for 10 years and then you totally refurnish the room, it would be odd if she didn't notice. You wouldn't care if she said she liked your old furniture better, cuz she's your friend, and you know she's being honest. But, you would be perplexed if she never even noticed you had changed out all the furniture.

That's all I was getting at. I wasn't asking for anyone to compliment my hair. :ohwell:
I'm sorry they haven't noticed...I haven't worn my hair straight since November and people have commented about how much bigger my puffs and the overall thickness of my hair...I'll let you know how people react when I straighten Friday...It probably would be a bit disheartening if no one said anything about the obvious growth. We work so hard on our hair, so it is nice when people notice it...