I called myself taking a little break from the forum and it actually worked. Then I came back and am on here more than I ever was before.:wallbash: I find myself reading posts well into the night when I should be sleeping. One time I said I would go to sleep once I read this last thread in the hair forum then I just wandered over to the relationship forum. Needless to say I didn't get offline for another couple of hours.:grin:

I thought I was the only one! I know I need to go to bed so I can get up and go to work and get my daughter off to school but man sometimes I get on here and just lose track of time! I might get on at 9:30 and before you know it it's 1:00 AM!! You know I need my butt whipped! :lachen: That's ok cuz my butt whips me when I'm at work and can't keep my eyes open.
I said I was only going to come on here for hair advice only, not gonna post anywhere else...I be up in the entertainment, other topics and almost forget I came here for HAIR! I'll admit I'm permanently logged in.
I just joined 2 months ago, and haven't done much of anything else since. I can pull myself away from the computer, but how do I keep myself away from my iPhone? I give up!
Okay, I'll admit it.
(Sighs) I........AM......... AM....... A....M.....

There I said it.
(hangs my head down and exits thread)
EXHALING! Phew, I am so glad to know that its not just me, I bought this computer for my Son and I get mad when he wants to use it, I don't care what its for, school or whatever(Just kidding, I think), but I be sooo happy when he leaves to go outside, its ashame cause I used to hate for him to even leave the house, now I listen out for him to start gettin' dressed then I know he's on his way out. YEAHHHH!
I keep saying...I am getting off in 5 minutes - getting off in 5 minutes - let me hit refresh AND THEN I will get off in 5 minutes is a vicious cycle...
Re: PASSION not have fun!

This is a very fast paced forum and I love it! Almost seems like realtime chat. Since I can't find "offline" people to talk hair with or get support from, this is a Godsend!!! It is community, friendship, and education rolled into one. I love to hear all the stories and share stories and meeting new people. So this is right up my alley. I don't see it as an addiction or a bad thing. :rolleyes:

But actually ahem...we are passionate. Addiction is to be dependent on a drug, etc. Obsession is to become preoccupied constantly by a person or thing. The first person is addicted to drugs and the other is obsessed with a rock star.

Obsession: an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone
Quirk: Peculiar habit, mannerism or aspect of character.
Habit: Behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition.
Passion: Strong desire or devotion to something.
Addiction: being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming (especially alcohol or narcotic drugs)

Now if you are not eating, spending time with offline family or friends, not sleeping for days. Now that might be an issue. :grin::nono: Especially if your sig other/partner is wanting sex and you are like "Later honey I got to finish this post on LHCF" HA! Now I know that would NEVER happen with me. :lachen: I mean really that would never happen with me. :lick:

Shoot if you are having fun like I am...I am going to enjoy while I can. So you have permission to stay up late, be here for hours... lol

TQ far it hasn't interfered with life with my husband......LOL...other productive activities it has interfered with, but I'm not at the obssesive point (yet) LOL. I really enjoyed your post mama :)
I am SOOO with you ladies! I spent a LOT of time on here! A LOT! I dont have to work tomorrow for MLK day and aside from the gym at 5am.....I can't wait to come home, DC my hair under the dryer (so I can be online) and then......well...spend the day on here. DH will be at work, I did all my shopping and errands I can play on LHCF all day! Goodness. I have even accessed it on my blackberry!

LOL, you sound like me. does he know you come on here? My husband is all like "I know you are looking at that hair mess again LOL".
I so know what you mean. I spent about 8 or so hours reading up on so many threads as I prepared for the new year. I got no other work done, but I did learn so much and I am ready to get long healthy hair and be healthy and sexy in '09

yes, I work at a college, and when we were closed for the Christmas holidays I spent a long time on LHCF.
I know exactly how you feel :yep: It's similar to my past addiction with The Sims :spinning: I would be on it for hours and not even know that I was until I saw that the sun had set, and squirrels and birds were packing it in for the night...

YOOOOO!!!!! I am soooo with you girlie!! I was addicted to the sims that same way. It got so bad that I had to give that game to my mother who lives 2 hours away so I wouldn't be playing it all the time!! Yep, this site is addictive the same way, and like you I could start at the top of the afternoon and not see where the time went till sunset LOL. i love it that I'm not the only one LOL.
I said I was only going to come on here for hair advice only, not gonna post anywhere else...I be up in the entertainment, other topics and almost forget I came here for HAIR! I'll admit I'm permanently logged in.

lol...i'VE ONLY OCCASIONALLY logged onto the other forums, never posted. I know if I ACTUALLY GO ON THE OTHER BOARDS, husband and i will loose our house because I will never even get off the computer. Just be straight up on there all night and day...never get off....just kidding loL. I think. You have me resolved even more not to get on those othe boards. :lachen:
EXHALING! Phew, I am so glad to know that its not just me, I bought this computer for my Son and I get mad when he wants to use it, I don't care what its for, school or whatever(Just kidding, I think), but I be sooo happy when he leaves to go outside, its ashame cause I used to hate for him to even leave the house, now I listen out for him to start gettin' dressed then I know he's on his way out. YEAHHHH!

LOL...I love it!! :D
I keep saying...I am getting off in 5 minutes - getting off in 5 minutes - let me hit refresh AND THEN I will get off in 5 minutes is a vicious cycle...

MEEE TOO lol!! MEEE TOO lol...but for me it's 1/2 hour. This site is addictive, I swear. i was so good for staying off all day. It is now 9:00 pm...I said, I'll get off in ten minutes. It's 9:22. Let's see how long my hips stay on here LOL.
Yup this site definitely has crack status:lachen: I'm on here constantly. when I can't or don't feel like beeing on the comp I go on my blackberry. It got so bad that my SO was getting annoyed b/c over the holidays I'd be on here on the blackberry clicking away at 3am when he was tryin to sleep..yea so I had to give myself a cut off time, and a no LHCF in bed rule:lachen:
Yup this site definitely has crack status:lachen: I'm on here constantly. when I can't or don't feel like beeing on the comp I go on my blackberry. It got so bad that my SO was getting annoyed b/c over the holidays I'd be on here on the blackberry clicking away at 3am when he was tryin to sleep..yea so I had to give myself a cut off time, and a no LHCF in bed rule:lachen: DH is the same way, I keep my laptop in the bed...One night I typing my butt off...and he was like WTF!!! I was so into it, I was like - there is a sister in distress -sister down, sister down (Katt Williams)...LOL
I have now limited my time on here to be two hours during the day. Then I get on again from 9pm until mid night..

and oh I can relate to what some saying about DH wanting some sex and having to finish a post first! :lachen: DH is the same way, I keep my laptop in the bed...One night I typing my butt off...and he was like WTF!!! I was so into it, I was like - there is a sister in distress -sister down, sister down (Katt Williams)...LOL

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Literally rollin. Now that's what you call addiction.

ETA Now when DH wants to talk about "Hair Forum" (that's what he calls it like it's a person or somebody) I kindly remind him that I say nothing when he is entertaining his sports and the sports are entertaining him.
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:lachen::lachen::lachen:Literally rollin. Now that's what you call addiction.

ETA Now when DH wants to talk about "Hair Forum" (that's what he calls it like it's a person or somebody) I kindly remind him that I say nothing when he is entertaining his sports and the sports are entertaining him.

Speak Preacha'!!!! I had to remind my DH of the same thing! I don't say "ish" when he on that playstation or espn....
its weird...its like i always have to know what you girls are talking about on here. if i miss 2 days...i feel like i've missed on good discussions or topics.