This Season- Is Oprah wearing a full weave?


Well-Known Member
Once in a while , I will get home in time enough to watch Oprah. Either her hair has really gotten thick and longer, or she is sporting a semi-curly weave look. I can't really tell. Mostly, I think it is a weave. If she is, I wonder what has happened to her hair, or has she decided to give her natural hair a break. What do you'll think?
I think that it may be one of those partial wigs/ weaves blended into her own hair. She has the most beautiful hair and she has admitted that sometimes she wears wigs and weaves. I don't think anything bad has happened to that beautiful head of hair she has. She probably just wants a new look. Her own hair has grown alot and it has always appeared that she has hair that grows quickly. I frankly think her hair always looks fabulous and MOST of the time it is her won hair. Frankly, Oprah is one of my heros and she always look beautiful to me and she has to die for hair!
I'm not trying to get into a Jada-esque thing, but I agree that it is some kind of weave. There were timeline pics posted in Entertainment awhile back, and unless Oprah was drinking Surge, I don't see how her hair could have grown that fast. Whatever the case, I think she and her hair are at their very best...50 was good to her :).