This maybe a little crass....but it's the truth none-the-less


Well-Known Member
My fiance comes from a family of underachievers for whatever reason but he was the only one who pushed to make something of himself and I'm proud of him but here's my concern. Neither of his sisters take care of themselves, I mean they walk around most days w/ scarves on their heads and dress very homely and his mom is somewhat similar. I need to dress these people up for the wedding but I'm already getting backlash about them not wearing make-up and his mom not getting her hair done or wearing a dress (not because they don't want the wedding but because..."it's not them"). My fiance doesn't know what to do either...he's the only man from a household of women. The wedding is an after-six affair and regardless, they are going to be there but ummmm, what can I do to encourage these women to let me dress them up....I'm paying for it!!! They don't have to pay for, clothes, nails etc. (just for the record, I'm paying for my own mama & sister's hair, make-up, and clothes).....I'm not a balla but God blessed me to save enough money to do this for everyone.
First of all, congratulations on your impending wedding.

Secondly, I have encountered this type before when working on weddings for friends (I don't do it for a living but they think I have great ideas). I have seen mothers of the bride who don't even want to wear lip gloss.

I think your best bet to let them know that they may be uncomfortable would be at your shower. Have a shower where all the ladies you invite are in pretty dresses and all dolled up. If they see this, they may want to dress themselves up for the wedding.

You may also have to find a female ally on his side of the famlily, like an aunt, cousin or great aunt who they trust and listen to. They may have to talk to these women about celebrating their son/brothers wedding by looking their best. You can even ask your mother to talk with her to "collaborate" what the mother's of the couple will wear for the event.
First of all, congratulations on your impending wedding.

Secondly, I have encountered this type before when working on weddings for friends (I don't do it for a living but they think I have great ideas). I have seen mothers of the bride who don't even want to wear lip gloss.

I think your best bet to let them know that they may be uncomfortable would be at your shower. Have a shower where all the ladies you invite are in pretty dresses and all dolled up. If they see this, they may want to dress themselves up for the wedding.

You may also have to find a female ally on his side of the famlily, like an aunt, cousin or great aunt who they trust and listen to. They may have to talk to these women about celebrating their son/brothers wedding by looking their best. You can even ask your mother to talk with her to "collaborate" what the mother's of the couple will wear for the event.

Oh thank you!!! I think I'll have my mom talk to his mom, since I'm taking them both out together to buy dresses. Also, the wedding shower is a great idea to get his sisters to at least get out of those headscarves and sweat pants for a 1 friggin day!