This little girl cut my baby's hair :(


Well-Known Member
My daughter is in Kindergarten and her hair was in ~50 medium 2 strand twists. She fell asleep on the bus and said when she woke up another child told her this girl cut her hair. The child cut off half of one of the strands of her twists. Luckily it is hidden in twists and the twist out but of course I am still livid and ready to fight :look:

Is there anything I can do to that part of her hair to make it "catch up" quickly to the rest of her hair?

I am so upset because she begged and begged me to allow her to ride the bus. I finally did in January and now this :burnup:
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cre8 - I am sorry to hear of this. But the bigger question is why did a little girl have scissors sharp enough to cut your daughter's hair? Once she used the scissors to do harm to your daughter, she used the scissors has a weapon to commit a crime.

Without a doubt I would report this incident to the school system so that an investigation can be conducted and the child committing the act can be identified and her parents notified. If the school appears lax in their response I would notify the police. The little girl needs to know and remember what she did was a crime. If she thought this was a joke, funny or innocent she needs to understand that it isn't and that it is a serious act.

Violent acts committed by youth appear to be on the rise. And the ages of the offenders seem to be getting younger and younger.

Regarding your daughter's hair, I think if you care for it with normal care routines it will definitely grow back. Two things she has in her favor is youth and you.
I am sorry to hear about this...
i dont have kids but I have a baby sis and I would be soooo :angry2: if that ever happened to her.
Keep her hair in protective style from now on ends tucked in at all times.
what the enemy meant for bad God will turn it around for good.
Good thing about hair is that it grows back
smh why kids so darn mean makes you wanna go upside their heads:bat:
I would be concerned that this another kid had and used scissors - this could be considered a weapon & assault! I would report in writing to the school system. Take photos of your daughter hair "as is" if possible and get the names of the witness and the accused kid.
These children are below the age of criminal intent!!

This is why my dd's hair is bunned or cornrowed because all those little braids hanging down are too tempting to cut!!!

Big question is why does the child have scissors and where was the supervisor?
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Im so sorry this happened to your daughter. My daughter will be starting kindergarten in august and for school I will keep her hair cornrowed down or bunned. I also wonder like the other posters who asked why the child even had scissors that sharp! It could have been an older child in another grade who did it. I would be finding out which child did it, notifying the school, filing the complaint with the district, not just the school (notify the higher-ups), and showing up to that child's house about it to inform the parents myself. Schools often sweep this kind of thing under the rug. But her hair will grow back quickly and luckily more twists werent cut and the shorter piece is easily camoflaged.
I really don't understand the temptation to cut someone's hair. When I was little and my friends had long pretty styles, I always wanted to PLAY and TOUCH their hair because it was pleasing to the eye and very soft to the touch. I don't remember ever wanting to cut it. :perplexed

ETA: And someone's eye could have been poked out on a moving bus!
These children are below the age of criminal intent!!

This is why my dd's hair is bunned or cornrowed because all those little braids hanging down are too tempting to cut!!!

Big question is why does the child have scissors and where was the supervisor?

the scissors they use in school should be sharp enough to do that kind of damage. i know DS had scissors that sharp in his school box in kindergarten.

OP, i feel your pain. nothing much you can do, but just care for it. it will grow back. my DD hair is growing back and i do what i can to make her hair look neat as possible. she had patches cut out of her hair by hair and her brother.

you do need to report the child though. she needs to know you can't do something like that.
In the UK children have to leave all equipment at school. I would presume it's rhe same in the US. If so this kid snuck them out.
What in the world? I don't know about you, but I'd be raising all types of hell at the principles office LOL I'm sure this spawn had bad intentions when she did this.

As far as your baby's hair.... just let it grow out and it will eventually catch up with the rest of her hair. I wouldn't cut it all off.
ilong believe me, I am much more upset about the scissors being on the bus and used as a "weapon" the hair was just the focus because I am on a hair board.

Unfortunately I had to take my daughter to the before school program today because I had an early meeting. When we got to the school the principal wasn't there yet. I talked to her assistant and let her know what happened and the names of the two kids my daughter told me about. The woman took my name and number and promised to have the principal call. This was 6 hours ago and school started 5 hours ago :( My husband will be going to the school within an hour if we do not hear from her.

I've also alerted the bus company as well. I will not let this be swept under the rug as if it is no big deal. This could be the start of something and I want it nipped in the bud before my daughter is really hurt.
What in the world? I don't know about you, but I'd be raising all types of hell at the principles office LOL I'm sure this spawn had bad intentions when she did this.

As far as your baby's hair.... just let it grow out and it will eventually catch up with the rest of her hair. I wouldn't cut it all off.

I had no intentions of cutting it, there is no way I would ever do that. We are talking about WL hair when stretched and the cut is to about her shoulders when stretched :( it's such a small portion of her hair that I have to point it out for anyone else to notice. I would not have noticed myself had the hair not been intertwined in her hair. I went to put some coconut oil in her hair and when I grabbed that section of twists that part of the was in my hand :blush: My daughter wanted to get her hair pressed for school and now that won't be happening
What in the world? I don't know about you, but I'd be raising all types of hell at the principles office LOL I'm sure this spawn had bad intentions when she did this.

As far as your baby's hair.... just let it grow out and it will eventually catch up with the rest of her hair. I wouldn't cut it all off.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:@ you calling that child a spawn.
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Good News!!!!!!

The school took it very seriously. They investigated the matter and the little girl was suspended from school for 1 week and the bus another week. I am hoping this will be the last of any issues.
I'll never forget someone saying her grandmother always kept her long hair tucked away because "nobody needs to know how long your hair is." Girls can be so jealous. I'm glad the school took action.
I think school bus' need to have attendents that ride along and make sure the kids are conducting themselves accordingly.

What a mess.

I'm glad the school is taking it serious.
I would have been livid.
Oh my goodness! Just reading this made my blood pressure rise, and I don't even have kids!! :nono: So glad you didn't let it drop and that the school took the matter seriously. I swear, If I ever have a little girl I will always keep her hair up and out of sight for school; there are two many hatin' little hephas out there to risk my baby's locks! :nono:

I'm so sorry for you and your little girl. Thankfully the cut is not in a conspicuous place, and I'm sure it will grow back in no time. Maybe getting into a micro-trim schedule (like a quarter inch every two months or so) will help even it up faster without sacrificing much length.
I'm so sorry that this happened to your daughter. From WL stretched to SL stretched is quite a difference in hair.

Are you going to speak with the little girl's parents? I think it's important to speak with her parents as well so that they can be on top of the situation and keep their daughter in line.
Good News!!!!!!

The school took it very seriously. They investigated the matter and the little girl was suspended from school for 1 week and the bus another week. I am hoping this will be the last of any issues.
That is awesome your school took action. Mine would have just brushed it off. :ohwell:
I have been a kindergarten teacher for 11 years sad to say but it's more common than you think. I have lost count of the number of incidences where I have seen kids cut their own hair and others in the classroom, bathroom, cafeteria, and yes on the school bus. Scissors and glue are the devil! It is taken very seriously. The school made the right decision by suspension.
SN: I would also ask the admin to put the incident in the system as a paper trail. In case it happens to someone else's child.

....I use my students, school supplied scissors to take out my sew-ins. The end points are harmless, but they can cut.
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i'm glad the school & bus company handled the this situation with this demon-seed cutting your babygirl's hair. i agree that you still need to talk to the parents though. cutting is very commonplace from what i have heard and many parents keep their children''s hair in buns and other styles where the hair can be tucked away. they also tell their children not to let any other crumb snatchers play in or get near their hair. I hate bad arsed children(there is a huge difference btw a child having an off day or being curious).... i wanna punch them in them in the throat or choke them till they see stars then release a split second before they black out:look:
@cre8 - the school and bus service taking action is great news. ITA with @candie19 about asking the incident be documented. More parents need to do this and not consider incidents such as these as "child's play". Enough documented incidents will lead to change or lawsuits for willful negligence. (Knowing but not taking corrective action.) Steps such as the bus service mandating "kids are not allowed to bring any sharp objects such as knives, scissors, etc. on the bus". It would be nice to have bus attendants, security guards, hall monitors, etc in every school, in every city, but that would require a large amount of funding.

I see a person cutting their own hair quite different than someone else cutting, especially while they are asleep and without their knowledge. My two nieces played beauty shop on their hair when they were young. But they "each" SAID they cut their own hair - because THEY KNEW if one cut the other's hair...:whipped:

I would never go to another parent's home to confront them - I believe that is asking for serious trouble. Those days (IMO) are no more. Unfortunately, many kids behaviours are extensions of their parents and ...
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Good News!!!!!!

The school took it very seriously. They investigated the matter and the little girl was suspended from school for 1 week and the bus another week. I am hoping this will be the last of any issues.

Great!!! I'm glad they took action. As an elementary school administrator, I was watching this closely for the outcome. I would have definitely suspended the child as well. The right choice was made. :yep:
Good News!!!!!!

The school took it very seriously. They investigated the matter and the little girl was suspended from school for 1 week and the bus another week. I am hoping this will be the last of any issues.

i didn't even read this post at first because i didn't want to lose my mind! i am glad the school took action because that is just unacceptable!
How old is your daughter and the other little girl? This is disturbing, because people will pretty much do anything. When I got my relaxer in the 6th grade this girl actually put scissors near my head after threatening for days to cut my hair. That was the first time I had an outburst in class, cause I lost my mind. Envy will make people do some seriously messed up stuff.
This incident has taught my daughter and I some valuable lessons. I have learned to keep her hair as concealed as possible at school. My daughter has learned to not allow anyone to touch her hair. A few times my daughter would come home and I could tell someone messed with her ponytail holders.

darlingdiva I'm not sure that I will request to speak to the girl's parents. They are not in class together and I am planning to remove my daughter from the bus. Part of my concern is the parents may show a lack of concern and that would just upset me. Some people did not understand my concern since "it is just hair" and I'd hate to talk to her parents and get that same reaction. Her hair is the least of my concerns.

ilong When my husband went to the school yesterday to express his concerns in person, they had already let him know everything was handled. They have everything documented in their files and will be sending us copies of documentation once everything is complete. I am so happy that they took the situation so seriously. It is an excellent charter school, which happens to be 95% black. The school is about 15 miles from our home and the school in our neighborhood is an excellent school in it's own right, but we had a few reasons for choosing the school she attends. This situation was definitely a make it or break it. Since they handled the situation to our liking we will continue going out of our way to send her there :)

yaya24 I agree, I did not realize the bus no longer had a monitor on it. This situation is causing them to re-evaluate the need for a monitor. Not sure what that stands as of right now. Hopefully after spring break they will have someone in place.

LLicious85 my husband was concerned that they would just brush it off too, I had faith in them because they have already experienced my wrath :look: :lachen:

candie19 it's funny that you mention it is so commonplace. I was telling everyone that I had never heard of a child cutting another child's hair. I've always heard of children cutting their own hair. I called my mom to tell her about my daughter's hair being cut and she told me someone cut my hair at school in Kindergarten. I have no recollection of that at all. What are the odds :lachen:

southerncitygirl I am not sure how I feel about talking to the parents as of right now, but this has definitely made me rethink a lot of styles for my daughter. It sucks because she really loves wearing her hair down and in beads but I see that causes too much temptation. She's been bugging me about getting it pressed and I am so glad I did not allow her to do that, I could just imagine. I may let her get it pressed for Easter since she will be on spring break next week.

JaszG my daughter just turned 6. I am not sure of the other little girl's age, she is in 3rd grade, so either 8 or 9
cre8 - I'm not a parent or an educator but I do work with (foster) children on a volunteer basis so this post piqued my curiosity. I'm glad the school took the incident very seriously.

Growing up girls in my class used to play with my hair all the time because it was long and thick. They never took my hair down, but they would play with it a little. My mother would notice later that my hair was "messed with" and told me not to have the girls play in it. Never would it have crossed her mind that someone would take scissors to it though. Its scary what kids are driven to do these days (I personally blame the parents).