This little girl cut my baby's hair :(

cre8 - I'm not a parent or an educator but I do work with (foster) children on a volunteer basis so this post piqued my curiosity. I'm glad the school took the incident very seriously.

Growing up girls in my class used to play with my hair all the time because it was long and thick. They never took my hair down, but they would play with it a little. My mother would notice later that my hair was "messed with" and told me not to have the girls play in it. Never would it have crossed her mind that someone would take scissors to it though. Its scary what kids are driven to do these days (I personally blame the parents).

I went through the same thing as a child. everyone loving to play in my hair, and me allowing it. Now I really see why my mother was so adamant about not allowing folks to play in my hair.

I blame the parents too. I could not imagine my child even thinking to do something like that.
cre8 - your post continue to confirm your little girl is blessed to have you as a Mom. I am glad things were handled expediently and appropriately.
I remember being in elementary school in the 80's and one girl cut another girls long (armpit length?) twist off. That seems like nothing compared to another student who had a hip length ponytail that another girl set on fire. Yes, lit a match and set it on FIRE! These were 6th graders.

Well, I am glad to hear the school took this seriously. Back when I was a child that wouldn't have been. It's a form of assault and should be treated like what it is.
OP, I read your post about the other little girl being a third-grader. I thought she was the same age as your daughter, maybe even a classmate.

This information makes the story even worse. I commend you for your strength in this situation because my blood would boil just looking at that other little girl.

I'm glad the school is taking this seriously because, as yorkpatties said, it's assault.
I am glad your daughter was further injured. WTH was she doing with a pair of scissors? I am glad her dad did not wild out. My dude would have had a fit!
Note to self, get your cornrowing game tight over the summer, coco. Envy runs deep. I remember having to deal with girls pulling my ponytails and weave comments but these stories are scaring the bejeezus out of me.

I even had a teacher comment on my hair while touching it sans permission and tried to act offended when I told her not to touch my hair.

OP, I'm glad your school dealt with this incident with the seriousness it deserves.
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i'm glad the school & bus company handled the this situation with this demon-seed cutting your babygirl's hair. i agree that you still need to talk to the parents though. cutting is very commonplace from what i have heard and many parents keep their children''s hair in buns and other styles where the hair can be tucked away. they also tell their children not to let any other crumb snatchers play in or get near their hair. I hate bad arsed children(there is a huge difference btw a child having an off day or being curious).... i wanna punch them in them in the throat or choke them till they see stars then release a split second before they black out:look:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:I cannot stop laughing at the bold! You're awesome!