This is why a lot of Black women are going bald.....

First off It's not Just Black Hair Stylist who are BAD, you have a BAD Seed in every nationality. That was a sterotype that shouldn't even leave your finger tips. I have been around good hair stylist and I have been around Great, I consider myself and My two sisters out of 8 who are licensed good hair stylist.

there are some who can't do hair, just because you have a license doesn't mean Ish! It means I went and did the basics that someone put in a book. Nothing more. Now porfolio is another thing it shows your work.

I am glad people Like Tyra and Oprah keep black hair stylist employed. Don't bash your sisters enlighten them. MPO (my personal opinion) LOL!
I think everything I wanted to say has pretty much been said...

You can't say ALL Black stylists are bad, etc.

Can we just talk about Part 3 (wonder what happened to Part 2)? That cut didn't look good at all. And she was talking about how her hair looked weighed down with product and didn't flow and move at all...:perplexed
Thank you all for sticking up for the good stylist because we are out there, just far and few between. If the stylist practices are really far fetched, then yes bashe them. But you can't compare all stylist to the ones that have jacked your head up. I am a stylist and I try to be professional and treat people the way I like to be treated. I try to care for my clients hair how I care for mine. Mine is not always done because I have a busy schedule (2 jobs), a family and school work. I keep mine in a protective style, but it is neat.

I say go to a stylist twice for a shampoo and style ONLY before you make a final decision. If you can tell by the first encounter that she is jacking your hair up, don't go back. If she is willing to listen to you and doesn't think she knows it all, then give her a second chance.

Please don't bash all of us because of a few triflin stylist. All of us are not bad.

I am sure not everyone is bad. I am absolutely sure of that. However..... Most folks here are really members - because they went searching for healthier, better answers than what stylists were telling them.... and you must admit that fact.

I must say - that sadly - most stylists are NOT like you.... And since you are part of this board, you are a GEM among all the lumps of coal!!!!!:yep:

in my experience.... I did not have good stylists at all. I just did not know any better... Most - Were HORRIBLE. My hair thrives AWAY from Stylists.......I wish I could find someone... But that has not happened - in 41 years.
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Not to offend anyone, but would you let Reneice put a relaxer in your hair? She wears a weave. All stylist that wear weaves are doing the same as some of us are doing, protecting there real hair or giving there real hair a break. Now don't get me wrong, some are just wearing them to be wearing them because they may not know how to do there own hair, but many wear them to change up a style and not have to commit to it with there real hair.

Some stylist specialize in certain things. Some specialize in healthy hair some in braids, other in weaves. Some are good at just styling hair not at making your hair grow. You just have to do the research to find a stylist that works for you and your hair.
I'm I the only one who thinks she could've gotten a better looking subject? I couldn't watch anymore due to that! :perplexed
Not to offend anyone, but would you let Reneice put a relaxer in your hair? She wears a weave. All stylist that wear weaves are doing the same as some of us are doing, protecting there real hair or giving there real hair a break. Now don't get me wrong, some are just wearing them to be wearing them because they may not know how to do there own hair, but many wear them to change up a style and not have to commit to it with there real hair.

Some stylist specialize in certain things. Some specialize in healthy hair some in braids, other in weaves. Some are good at just styling hair not at making your hair grow. You just have to do the research to find a stylist that works for you and your hair.

True. But when a stylist's hair looks HORRIBLE.... It is like going to a make up artist that looks terrible, or who never wears make up, or watching "what not to wear" and the hosts look like they rolled out of bed.
They are WALKING advertisments....Sorry folks. No mercy there.

Back to the video.. A HORRIBLE blonde wig - does not instill confidence...
Ok.....the thing about black stylist, my aunt does hair and she does a great job, only three people put a relaxer in my hair and that's me, my cousin, and my aunt.....and that's over time(10+ years), there are some black stylists who can do some hair, it's just that you have to find the right ones, the ones who are not jealous of how you take care of hair, those who care and who take care of their hair....I mean who goes to a woman who has a wig to do a relaxer? Then she puts the gloves on after the fact.....and she looks like she's overlapping....this video is very disappointing, but you should not judge all black stylists based on this video, i'm sure there are a bunch of black stylists who can't do hair and who's about finding them....I'm not a stylist, but I'm defending my aunt and my cousin, cuz they do a great money is tight and right now I have to do my hair, but best believe when I get some bills I'm going back to my aunt.......not trying to knock anyone's opinion down, but just stating my opinion.

Also, my (black) hairstylist often wears her hair weaved up. Not because her hair is jacked, but because she doesn't have the time to constantly style her own hair. However, I have seen her hair and it is very healthy. In fact, the only two stylists I trust to do my relaxers either frequently wear weaves or keep their hair cut short. So, I agree that I would not go to a stylist with jacked up hair. I just would not assume that because a stylist wears a wig or a weave that their hair is jacked up.

Though in the case of the stylist who the OP highlights in the video, given what she is doing to her client's hair, I think we can make an inference about what her hair looks like under that wig.
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I think everything I wanted to say has pretty much been said...

You can't say ALL Black stylists are bad, etc.

Can we just talk about Part 3 (wonder what happened to Part 2)? That cut didn't look good at all. And she was talking about how her hair looked weighed down with product and didn't flow and move at all...:perplexed
I know when she said that I was like :huh: You cant be serious. Even the woman's face looked like she was thinking the same thing.
It's too bad too cause I'm lazy and very impatient with my hair. After my Aveda disaster where I was told my hair was too damaged to be cut and that I needed 2 inches cut I just don't know... I don't know how to cut my hair. I just S&D. And I'm not as good flat ironing my natural hair as I was relaxed. To me it's a treat to have someone else do my hair.
Agreed. I have seen enough 'Split Ends' episodes.
I don't think that all stylists are bad. Sadly, I think MOST of them are. Hence why we have this site.

I didn't come to LHCF because of a no good stylist. I came because after my wonderful stylist, that always worn a ponytail, had a baby and stopped working , could no longer do my hair, I started doing it myself. I'm doing a great job but my hair was always dry because I couldn't find products that would give me enough moisture. I googled hair care and found the site for tips for dryness. That's how I got here. My hair wasn't breaking or damaged, now or before I came here, because my old stylist taught me well, how to relax and care for my hair. Everyone that comes here are not here because of so called " no good black stylist". Sometimes y'all go way too far bashing other people.
I didn't come to LHCF because of a no good stylist. I came because after my wonderful stylist, that always worn a ponytail, had a baby and stopped working , could no longer do my hair, I started doing it myself. I'm doing a great job but my hair was always dry because I couldn't find products that would give me enough moisture. I googled hair care and found the site for tips for dryness. That's how I got here. My hair wasn't breaking or damaged, now or before I came here, because my old stylist taught me well, how to relax and care for my hair. Everyone that comes here are not here because of so called " no good black stylist". Sometimes y'all go way too far bashing other people.

I came to LHCF with hair in Great condition too. :yep:
#1: I would never trust anyone to touch my hair who has a blonde wig.:nono:
#2: Why the heck is the woman getting her hair relaxed. There's no curl!:perplexed

Why did I want to jump through the link and take that brush from that women's hand.

My goodness. Our people are destroyed for lack of knowledge! Or even more dangerous when they think they know what they are doing!
Okay. I finally got a chance to look at the vidoe and all I can say is she is not a stylist. She just felt like she wanted to be on You tube because she did not apply that relaxer properly. It looks like she overlapped the hair ALOT! That you tube video needs to be taken down quickly.:wallbash:
my hair was in good condition when i joined. i just love hair forums. the hair forums are helping me because i am natural and all of this is still kinda new to me.
Talk about sweeping generalizations all throughout this thread :perplexed
I didn't mean to sound that way but it's been my experience. Maybe it's where I live, which is funny because that "stylist" says she lives in San Antonio.

If I ever went back to relaxing (which I'm not), I would seriously take the time to learn how to self relax. I'd rather underprocess my own hair for free than to pay someone $80 to butcher it.

eta: lawd this woman is almost right down the street from me! She works in the walmart salon less than 5 mins away
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I didn't mean to sound that way but it's been my experience. Maybe it's where I live, which is funny because that "stylist" says she lives in San Antonio.

If I ever went back to relaxing (which I'm not), I would seriously take the time to learn how to self relax. I'd rather underprocess my own hair for free than to pay someone $80 to butcher it.

eta: lawd this woman is almost right down the street from me! She works in the walmart salon less than 5 mins away

Kay.Dee I wasn't referring to you at all. :)
My favorite stylist ever, hardly had her hair done nicely. It always was ponytailed. She had so much business that she didn't have time for her own hair. She had children and a husband too.

The woman was great! She had a baby, and stopped working. But she did my hair for many years and those were the years when my hair was able to reach BSL and longer. She knew my hair and what products to use that worked for my hair. Please don't bad mouth hairdressers that don't do their own hair because they may have legitimate reasons for it. Would you rather she make her hair look good and not take the time to do her best on yours?

Another thing,

I always relax my hair without gloves. I can smooth it better that way and NO my hands don't get burned or damaged. Y'all gotta relax on the stylist bashing!
I had one too!:yep: Sadly to say, they were good stylists not the best hair growers. However, she refused to do weaves, if that counts as a good hairstylist:look:.

Guilty as charged with bad relaxer applications:perplexed! But I won't EVER go back!:nono: