How is this NEGRO (with gorgeous hair btw!!) going to say "I'm NOT BLACK?!"

Thanks was just about to post that he had a fade 3 months ago and is wearing a lacefront just making videos to sound and look as ignorant as possible. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.​

Well based on some new found information (new to me) about YT.. He is actually trying to get this type of reaction so people will view/ comment

read post #15 :yep:
I couldn't watch the whole video. His voice and teeth are irritating. I feel sorry for this kid. No matter how many weaves or wigs he puts on his head, he can't change who he is. I hope he was joking, if he was, it wasn't funny.

My best friend is Trini (actually his parents are from Tobago)same complexion as the guy in the video and he considers himself black or Trini but not AA. He won't argue with you if you call him AA though. He majored in black studies in college so he can join any debate about the topic and win.
Guys, he's kidding. Here's a video of his FRIEND wearing the lace front wig he's wearing in these two videos:

While he doesn't really mean what he's saying in the videos OP posted the link of, he's still ignorant for making the stupid videos in the first place.

Just thought I'd make sure people KNEW he didn't believe that mess, so people don't go getting heated for nothing! :)
Guys, he's kidding. Here's a video of his FRIEND wearing the lace front wig he's wearing in these two videos:

While he doesn't really mean what he's saying in the videos OP posted the link of, he's still ignorant for making the stupid videos in the first place.

Just thought I'd make sure people KNEW he didn't believe that mess, so people don't go getting heated for nothing! :)
I was just about to post this. I mean, he can think what he wants... but there are people who REALLY think and act like he "acted" (since it wasn't real). I mean, call yourself what you want but to me "Trini" or a nationality doesn't "cover" your race... lol

damn why am I arguing? At the end of the day a human is a human.