How is this NEGRO (with gorgeous hair btw!!) going to say "I'm NOT BLACK?!"

It doesn't. Not on a personal level.

Still... if I went around saying I was not black I know people would think I'm out of my mind. :lachen: Or at least delusional.

True, not on a personal level, it's his confusion not mine. I could care less what this person calls himself:perplexed
"I getta alotta comments about my hair because I'm so dark skinn-ded.... I was done with him after that statement...go back to school because you're ignorant. Clicks screen off.
I don't think dude is serious. I just think he is working the lacefront and kinda playing on the fact that so many people assume a person is mixed if they have long hair. Either way I really don't care what someone calls themselves. They just better not get mad at me for what I choose to call them.
He looks more Chinese or white to me. Maybe he's Korean? But then again his eyes are blue.
(I'm joking). Take him to a KKK meeting and he won't have any doubt as to who he REALLY is.
Well if the KKK came back in full effect they would hang him along with the other "black" folk...

Yea its a lil extreme but sometimes u gotta make the situation that black and white for simple ppl (pun intended)

Poor confused chile! lovely hair tho!

So I saw the other vids....thats def a lace front and he is joking....I got duped!

either way ppl should be careful of the content they post on YT joke or not....there are some fools who think like that.
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I never post on you tube but I had to post a comment. This really pissed me off :wallbash: I hate when people deny that they are black. There is nothing wrong with being black. I have an uncle that is from Trinidad and guess what he is Black. I could not watch all of it. I hate talking or being in the same room with ignorant people.
I am making no excuses for the fool on YT - he needs to read a da** book and look at a map or two.

Same topic though but different perspective . . .

I think the issue is that AAs went from slaves, to the N-word, to Negro, to Colored, to Black, to AA. A lot of people are confused as to what to call themselves. It is not so much that they are ashamed of or denying being "of color" it is just that they don't fit into the culturally implied label of Black - "an American who is a decedent of African slaves" (mine, not webster's).

While many Africans will now use the label AA, many would not use the label Black in the past. They were more likely to say "I'm Nigerian" vs. "I'm Black" Further, I have NEVER heard and Egyptian, Moroccan, Algerian, Sudanese, Libyan, Guianan (sp), Mauritanian, or Ethiopian EVER call themselves AA or Black. I know there are more, but I only know people from these countries. :grin:

I have always taken pride in being Black because, despite its intent, it encompassed a diverse group of people with different backgrounds and cultures. However, I cringe at the term AA. There are centuries between me and my African ancestry, but only one generation between me and my Island ancestry and two between me and my NA ancestry. Also, I feel that term is more relevant to one of the people I mention above.

Additionally, I have always been Black. Telling me now I am something different is like telling me my name is Betty.

I realize that this is most likely a generational perspective since I am 40 . . . my sons are AAs with some serious AA pride because they have never been anything else. But if you ask them their ancestry, they can provide it and point to their ancestral countries on a map.

:ohwell: He is just joking, but if this was on a serious note, If he didn't want to claim it he doesn't have to claim it. I get called middle eastern alot and I'm not, especially when I wear a hijabb. Just because you look a certain way doesn't mean you are what people want you to be.

I've known spanish women who look "black" but are not african and Italian girls who look "black".

IF you want to get technical, every human being is affrican, since the human species derived from Africa and mutated into other races.

I really don't think it is that serious.

I am mixed with the blood of many nations, and I take offense when people want me to reject my grandparents because they want me to "claim one race". If it wasn't for my grandparents, or my great great what ever, I wouldn't be here. You are what you are. I find it dishonorable to deny what you are just so other people can feel better about themselves. I hate when people try to tell me what I am. Socially it is difficult being mixed, and looking mixed, because not only do you have a difficult time getting accepted by the races you are composed of, you have to choose what side you want. When its like no group really wants you anyways.
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I HATE TO MAKE SWEEPING COMMENTS about ppl, i know i don't know him, but @ face value he's stupid. i could'nt look @ the whole thing. he's just dumb.:nono:.

imagine him having a child and screwing up the childs concept of his/her ancestry.

so the cycle continues.................:wallbash:.
Society may see him as black but if he doesn't see HIMSELF as black who are we to say what he is.

He looks brown to me


it isn't that serious on one note if one wants to be deluded, but then again it is when you look at the fact that older human beings are responsible for raising younger ones. his stupidity is a problem in that light.

also he is deffinately and obviously black, no matter where on the map his parents and grand parents came from, there are blacks all over the world. DUH!!! i mean really, because a sheep herder from afghanistan got dropped off in germany 1000 yrs ago and had 10 generations of descendants there (in germany) does that make his children arian. NO!!!! im sorry, but it does not.

as far as being mixed with the different blood of different ppls, there are no pure races, this is a given that most of mankind is mixed, and this is fine and beautiful ,as our creator tells us that he created mankind in diff tribes and nations to know each other. but just because one has an obscure ancestry or close for that matter, does'nt mean that he/she should overlook the obvious to be associated with what seems more excepted. again i'm sorry but i see PUNK all up in that stance. be who you are, because that's what u were made to be. if you cant except u. then that's why no one else ever truly will either. if he does'nt want to be black who needs him!!!! and by the way i am of mixed ancestry too, but i know good and well i am a black woman for sure!

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OK ya'll......sigh.........I love my people, but sometimes I really want to disown a few of them. I'm at work so I can't look at the video, but, after reading all of your comments I can only imagine what it's like. Speaking as a Trinidadian (1st generation american), can I just say....We Be Black. We be a lot of other things too, but we be definitely black. In Trinidad, regardless of how you may appear visually, people often refer to themselves as various other races. For instance, even though you may be very dark with a particular type of hair texture, you may refer to yourself as chinese, because one of your parents may be chinese. Trinidad is a very, very racially mixed country, and they don't seem to have the hardcore racial issues that we have here in america. As a result, alot of people that we may define as one race, here in america, may identfy as another there. Although most mixed people there do tend to identify as black.

Not agreeing or disagreeing, just offering a possible explanation.

Now, on another note, I do take issue with the term african american, simply because I don't really identify with africa (meaning culturally). Now, now, stop yelling at me. All I mean is, africa is just another country to me. As far as I'm concerned, I'm an american first & foremost, and I feel that by calling me an african american, it takes away from my americanism.

btw: the largest population of black people outside of africa is not in north america, it's in brazil.
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