This is the pic of me from I am about to cry.


New Member
This is the pic I said I would post from I am about to cry where my hubby wanted me to get the butt injections. Yes I know I need to work on some areas:drunk: and I am. I don't think or did not think I looked bad and I know he likes the butts.

We did talk again yesterday and he said he just like nice big hips. He appolgized for making me feel bad and said if I get them I get them if I don't he still loves me.

Thanks ladies for all ur info and support.

Girl you have a nice shape! Did you say you were 40 or almost 40? Girl get outta here and give yourself a pat on the back! You look good! :yay:
You have a nice shape. Your butt is fine the way it is. Everybody won't have a badonkadonk (sp). And you are busty, so it's not like you are shapeless.
Thanks ladies I am really blusing. I will b 39 December 5 along with my 2nd granddaughter who will be born on b-day. I told my hubby I have been trying really hard to gain the weight but I just can't I eat and eat but I don't get heavy. As I said I am stuck at 155lbs.

I don't want my hubby to go back to porn to fullfill his addiction or desire for women with big hips. It does hurt because I know that is what he likes. I am really trying to feel good about myself but it is like in the back of my mind I know he wants this.

I remeber last year we were out eating and I women walked by with a big ole butt and he looked and I felt so bad. He appoligized, but in the back of my mind I know this what he likes. I just am trying to get out of this funk of trying to eat and gain weight. I have been trying now 4 about 4 months with no luck.

Be blessed ladies and really you all don't know how much I appreciate just sometimes some1 listening.
If your husband had that much of a problem with your body, he shouldn't have married you.

Obviously you were fine enough for him to put a ring on it, so he needs to go somewhere with that mess... I wish a fool would...

Oh, and I know that you're married, so it's not like you can just up and move on... but I wouldn't gain a got dang OUNCE... seriously.
GIRL! You look good! I am glad that your husband apologized for asking you to do something that 1. you obviously don't need, and 2. could put your life in danger.
You have a lovely shape. I swear, these mainstream media images have gotten men's minds twisted all out of reason. I'm sure this was asked in the other thread so I am just rhetorically asking...but, I suppose your husband has a perfect Ryan Gentles body right? :sad: You look great. I'm kinda disappointed in him. Was he always like this? And, if it was important enough to mention to you then why did he marry you? Did you have a bigger one and then lose it or something?
:boxing:we going to fight...girl you look....

you don't need to work on nothing, girl..

Be happy with the skin your in...I am glad your hubby came around..Hopefully things will work out for you..

....talking about she need to work on something..girl please..
Your body looks great and your proportions are great also. You have a booty!! What in the world does he want it to look like? I think anything bigger would look unnatural and be too much.

If my Dh ever told me to do something unnatural to my body after all this time we've been together he'd get a serious :spank: from me.
You look great!!
Your husband should be licking the ground where you walk.
Most husbands don't have a pretty wife like you!
Your body looks great and your proportions are great also. You have a booty!! What in the world does he want it to look like? I think anything bigger would look unnatural and be too much.

If my Dh ever told me to do something unnatural to my body after all this time we've been together he'd get a serious :spank: from me.

Say that HC. It's been years and babies and life and aging and all and now you wanna get brand new? Hmpf. I suppose her husband's body must be every black woman's dream then too. This really irritated me. :mad: They wouldn't be able to stomach the standards we COULD place on them so they should really sit down somewhere and STFU. (earnings, crayon size, height, body fat, hair, swagga, teeth, fashion sense, fingernails, six pack, broad shoulders, strong arms, big feet....I could go ON AND ON AND ON) These men really need to pipe down.
girl, i feel for u and i would feel all kinds of upset if m man expected that from me. I looked at ur pic and tried to find something wrong and honestly, you look really good to me :yep:
Your husband sounds ungrateful because after kids and your age you look a whole helluva lot better than alot of women. And it's not like you have a pancake, you have a very NICE shape, well proportioned.

That's why porn is unhealthy for relationships. I wouldn't put up with my man giving me a complex because of HIS problem. And it is HIS problem, God didn't make no mistake in the way he made you. I'm not in your shoes but I hope you can realize that and let him realize that as well.
Your hubbys issue with porn does NOT have ANYTHING to do with you or your body. Do not let him get away with that reasoning and YOU do not let your mind start believing that mess.

His addiction is just that an addiction. If he was an alcoholic or a drug abuser would that be because of you? No. Don't drink the koolaid on that thinking sweetheart. You are ENOUGH just as you are.

This is something much deeper in him. Take that mirror off of you, it needs to be placed on him and his inner issues.

You ARE ENOUGH Miss lady. You are beautiful, sexy, smart, intelligent in your OWN right.

One of the things sex addicts can do in a very sutble manner is place the blame on their loved ones. Their thinking is no different than other addicts.

If he doesn't think you are enough, I can promise you there are thousands of other men who would think differently. Trust on this one :yep:

Take back your right to be satisfied with the body you have, take back your mind and your thinking about who you are and what you are.

Best wishes to you.
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If you change you body for you husband he will be appeased and satisfied for just a lil while before he realizes that a bigger hips and a bigger butt isn't the source of his happiness or fulfillment, and it won't help your feelings of beauty or worth....he is your husband and im sure you love him, don't let him validate your own beauty by his superficial yourself more first and foremost...communicate more with him more...if he's addicted to porn its not because of you and how you don't look

I was reading a book on spiritual sex and connections and they had a section on men who were too focused on the physical aspects of a woman vs the spiritual aspects and there was one passage that said

truly love the woman you are with now and your eyes will start changing, you will discover she is a divine goddess

one ancient culture when women were held in high lights and the way to enlightenment was through sex with a woman in her divine state for man in one of the holy was said that most of the women were very beautiful, however because so many men were more obsessed with the physical aspects of sex and beauty in order for them to be able to have sex with one of the "beautiful" women they would first have to have sex with a "old hag".....if they could not see the beauty and the goddess in the hag and connect to her then he was denied the experience of the is only when you can go past the physical that you are ready to truly reconnect back to the spiritual

see the beautiful goddess within you and bring her forth, she needs no physical alterations to shine...your husband is not the source of your beauty, you are and love yourself enough to know that if he can't see it and appreciate it thats not your issue and ask him if he is honestly where he wants to be with have to see it and know it in yourself first

ps, you look great to me too..go girl
Um Ewwww what kind of butts/hips does he like if he thinks yours is too small or in his mind "non existent"?

You look lovely. I cant imagine a husband making you feel this way> Not like you;re Kiera Knighley. Gosh.

Please dont get anything injected.
Your hubbys issue with porn does NOT have ANYTHING to do with your or your body. Do not let him get away with that reasoning and YOU do not let your mind start believing that mess.

His addiction is just that an addiction. If he was an alcoholic or a drug abuser would that be because of you? No. Don't drink the koolaid on that thinking sweetheart. You are ENOUGH just as you are.

This is something much deeper in him. Take that mirror off of you, it needs to be placed on him and is inner issues.

You ARE ENOUGH Miss lady. You are beautiful, sexy, smart, intelligent in your OWN right.

One of the things sex addicts can do in a very sutble manner is place the blame on their loved ones. Their thinking is no different than other addicts.

If he doesn't think you are enough, I can promise you there are tousands of other men who would think differently. Trust on this one :yep:

Take back your right to be satisfied with the body you have, take back your mind and your thinking about who you are and what you are.

Best wishes to you.

Thank you! OP I believe it will do you a world of good to sit down with your husband and try to make him realize the bolded. He needs to know that something about HIM allows porn to have POWER over him and you are not going to allow it to have power over you.
He needs to know that something about HIM allows porn to have POWER over him and you are not going to allow it to have power over you.

Love it!!!

OP, speak your peace to your DH, take a firm stance and see where that leads you... not argumentative, but simply one of resolve and strength.
OP you look great, your hubby needs to turn off that BET and VH1. Those images have his head all twisted up. ((Hug)) to you!
girl! Everything has been covered but are you serious?

how 'bout your pic is going on my visualization board. Can I PM you?

we're close to the same age. All this giant donk focus is media-based. I have never had a man mention the word butt to me (not in my age group). This is not normal. His porn fetish is messing his mind up.
you need to work on what. you are very pretty, and your shape is really nice. for some the grass is always greener, and they dont realize what they had til its gone.:nono: just sad.
Your husband is WRONG WRONG WRONG for this. ITA completely with Bunny:

If your husband had that much of a problem with your body, he shouldn't have married you.

Obviously you were fine enough for him to put a ring on it, so he needs to go somewhere with that mess... I wish a fool would...

Oh, and I know that you're married, so it's not like you can just up and move on... but I wouldn't gain a got dang OUNCE... seriously.

And with mscocoface:

Your hubbys issue with porn does NOT have ANYTHING to do with your or your body. Do not let him get away with that reasoning and YOU do not let your mind start believing that mess.

His addiction is just that an addiction. If he was an alcoholic or a drug abuser would that be because of you? No. Don't drink the koolaid on that thinking sweetheart. You are ENOUGH just as you are.

This is something much deeper in him. Take that mirror off of you, it needs to be placed on him and is inner issues.

You ARE ENOUGH Miss lady. You are beautiful, sexy, smart, intelligent in your OWN right.

One of the things sex addicts can do in a very sutble manner is place the blame on their loved ones. Their thinking is no different than other addicts.

If he doesn't think you are enough, I can promise you there are thousands of other men who would think differently. Trust on this one :yep:

Take back your right to be satisfied with the body you have, take back your mind and your thinking about who you are and what you are.

Best wishes to you.

You are wonderfully made. A beautiful sister with a beautiful body. Your husband has a really big problem and it has nothing to do with you, do not own that mess. Eat how you want to eat and thank God for that beautiful body He has blessed you with.

Like Bunny said, "I wish a fool would..."