This girl totally wants to cry after this..............

I Am So Blessed

I'm easy going.
she is totally fighting back the tears at the end right?!!!!!:nono:

this is the girl from the video, this was in the comments section at the bottom: :nono:

5 months ago
Hey guys! Im the girl that was on this show. It was a really horrible experience. I only cut it so that I could donate it to Locks of Love, which was the only reason I was on the show but they made it seem like I came for a makeover when they told me it would be about my Locks of Love donation, but once you sign a contract, you have to do what they say. Tyra is a ***** and she really botched my hair but it looks fine now and I will never cut it this short again.. ever. Thanks for the support

I would SMACK the %%%% OUT OUF TYRA if she did this me!!
GO to 0:20 of the second video, look how tyra doesnt even care, just throwing that girls head back, WTFugde!????

tyra, can you spell B-E-A-T D-O-W-N???
Tyra knows she was wrong for that. :nono: She knows she would not let anybody jack her hair up like that, so why do it to this girl? OMG...the things people will do for ratings.
SMH, wow. Tyra clearly did not know what she was doing. I think she was TRYING to give this poor girl an edgy look, but completely failed to do so. And that dry shampoo only made her hair look dirty and messy. Please Tyra, stick to what you know best.
Wow, um, Tyra really didn't look like she knew what she was doing, hacking away like that :nono:. Some things are best left to the professionals.

By the way, why am I not hearing any sound on those videos? :perplexed
I know damn well she would never even think about donating her hair or cutting it if it even reached APL. I think this poor girl was pressured into committing to this. She looks so unhappy after getting it cut. Like without even looking in a mirror she already knows she hates it.

I know hair doesn't make you but shoot, I'll be damned if anyone tried to cut off my HL hair after all the time it takes to reach that length. Caucasian hair or black hair, **** it still takes years.
What the fook is she doing? :perplexedlook at those scissors! Hawt Mess. Look at 3:20 smiling and laughing away and such. Acting like she know what's he doing, I always hated her hair segments, they sucked. :nono:

Sucked, sucked, sucked.


I'm glad she's gone. :look:

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so did she go to donate her hair or not?

her statement says she went to donate her hair.

did she not know they would have to cut it off to donate it?

there is a minimum hair length you have to cut off to donate it...

i'm sorry...but i don't see the problem...:perplexed
Tyra ain't no bleepin' hairdresser...
She could have cut the ponytail off, and handed the scissors to someone who knows what they are doing...the haircut looked a hot mess!
I can't believe she made that girl look like some NYC Bum. That coke out model wet dog fur look is NOT working out Tyra. Look at Tyra after she finds out it just ain't working.. shes trying to act like oh yeah this is the look your suppose to get.

Oh tyra :lachen: :nono:
Those girls knew what was gonna happen before they got there. They watch ANTM.

Anyway, they looked better AFTER to me.:yep:


cutting some hair off to possibly HAVE A MODELING CAREER

come on now

especially since it's a dream to some of these girls, i'd shave my head bald if tyra wanted me to
I think most of us know why it went down like this. Here's supposed to be a show about a woman's generosity and prolly a plug about Locks of Love and what they do, Tyra had to find a way to make this about her. So she came up with the great idea to cut the hair herself and show off what a great person SHE is by making her over.

:rolleyes: Not shocked. :nono:
When those girls go on those programmes, they will cut your hair, plus Tyra has issues. She is a very hard woman, she has her long!
That girl looks AWFUL! Wow! My 11 yr old daughter would have done a better job in the dark with a machete.

Hopefully they were able to donate the hair to Locks of Love.

so did she go to donate her hair or not?

her statement says she went to donate her hair.

did she not know they would have to cut it off to donate it?

there is a minimum hair length you have to cut off to donate it...

i'm sorry...but i don't see the problem...:perplexed

The problem is that Tyra was the one playing in the poor girl's head. Tyra knows she is not a hair dresser of any shape or form. She knows this. Tyra also knows that she has an entire team of professionally trained hairstylists backstage, who would do a much better job than she ever could.
So why is she hacking away at a person's head, pretending like she knows what she's doing? The hair cut is ugly, uneven, and makes the girl look like a homeless english sheepdog in a hurricane. Not cute.

I love me some Tyra, but I can't get with this. She knows she wouldn't even let someone do this phuckery to one of her lacefronts, talkless of the hair that grows from her scalp. I don't know why she'd do it to someone else. :nono:

But I do wonder if the girl read the contract. Because if it said that Tyra Banks would be cutting her hair....why she signed it for? :perplexed
And if it didn't indicate that Tyra specifically would be the one doing it, then the girl definitely had grounds to insist that the cut be done by a professional. Why didn't she?
^^^I was thinking the same thing. If Tyra and the announcers or anyone said that this was a makeover DURING the show, that was grounds for walking off stage because the contract would have been violated. But since we can't hear, we don't know for sure.

Did you guys see how that man was looking next to the girl?
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