This girl totally wants to cry after this..............

Tyra would have gotten a beat down. Right there. I would be in jail. lol

Even if it's for fun, why'd she have to try and ruin the girls hair?

All that "vertical" cutting... when the poor girl goes to a real hairdresser to fix it, she'll have to go way shorter.

I wouldn't be mad if she gave the girl a busted haircut that could easily be fixed and leave the girl with some hair.

And what's with her jerking the woman's head about like that? Dry shampoo? Then water??


Would anyone here allow a person to do that to them or their hair?

WTH is wrong with the girl anyway? How could she sit there?

Dude... :nono:
woah. In the second vid she looked like she was gonna burst in to tears.

Tyra is dumb, It seemed like she was trying to make the girls hair curly, but her hair is just naturally straight.

And when she pushed the girls head back, that was just rude.
I totally agree with Chaosbutterfly and Simplyhair.

I had issue with the "the styling" of the hair AFTER Tyra cut the ponytail --- I take that back...It started here:: Did ya’ll notice how dull the first pair of scissors were, yet Tyra kept on cutting?? Red Flag Tyra!! You might not be the best person for the task!!! If I am not mistaken that guy is a stylist and has been on her show before; judging from his actions (could not hear sound) he does not intervene? His body language appears to communicate that he knows Tyra is not Vidal Sasson up on that stage..yet no physical intervention. What Tyra did was half-hazardly hack away at the girl's hair and then load it with product..uhm.. excuse me?? Just because you have sat in a stylist chair more over the course of one week than some folks do in a lifetime, does NOT qualify you to do hair. I’m. just. Saying.

Speaking to the contract comment…this is WHY it is VITAL to read what you sign!!! I tell people that in my ever day job and they stand to lose far more than hair; yet they don’t do it..what is UP with that?? If the young lady did do her due diligence and read what she signed, the contract could have loosely referenced a stylist would style/clean up the hair after the donation or something to that vague degree; either way I’m sure the lawyers figured out how to make Tyra fit on paper without being on paper. Better yet, they could have added a not at fault clause..or something of that nature. I’m far from being a lawyer, but I’m sure they had Tyra covered. But…I digress…

The young lady was clearly looking to do an good deed and could have been more so focused on that and not so much what she was signing. But really though?? Who are we kidding…she probably was looking to be on TV; you can donate your locks a number of ways, it did not have to be on the show. REGARDLESS of all that speculation…At the end of the day, what happened to her AFTER the initial cut was wrong. No sane person would argue that.

go to 03:00!!!! :blush::blush::blush:

tyra :nono:, why must you Hate like this?


Oh yeah, I remember seeing this episode years ago. To be fair, many contestants have to go through drastic makeover changes on the show in order to have a more model look to do well in. I assume it's just one of those things about being a model? Besides, Cassandra herself said in an earlier segment that she'd be happy to have anything done to her hair, and then she goes an acts like that :nono:. Her makeover looked great, and she was just so childish about it, especially later when Tyra said she wanted to cut off just one more inch, and then she just leaves because of that :rolleyes:. Just my opinion though.

Since that episode was five years ago as well, at least it would have all grown back by now :yep:
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I'm kind of neutral about the situation.

The girl said she went on there to donate her hair to Locks of Love. My classmates did this and they need at LEAST 10inches. So she knew her hair was going to be short to get the amount needed to donate it. So I know she was in shock but she wanted to do it.

Now Tyra making the first cut (with sharper scissors) was okay. What happen after that first cut was ridiculous. I've tried to like Tyra but I can't. She is very selfish and self-centered. Every convo on her show always comes back to her so this is no surprise. The stylist guy sitting next to her should have continued the cut after the ponytail was taken.
I saw this show when it aired and I wonder what made miss Tyra feel like she was a professional stylist. uhmmm, the technique she was TRYING to use was one that takes years to perfect. I felt bad for the girl, i bet she had all types of split ends up and through because those shears were dulllllllllllllllllll. and Tyra was just jerking them through the girls hair.
:nono: Tyra BUTCHERED that girl's hair! She was definitely wrong for that!

But this...

go to 03:00!!!! :blush::blush::blush:

tyra :nono:, why must you Hate like this?


I think Cassandra looked ten times better after her makeover. These girls sign up for ANTM and tell the judges that they will do anything, so why cry when they cut your hair? Have you ever seen the show? They ALWAYS cut long hair. I think the point is to see if you are really committed and willing to do anything. I think she really did look like a model after the cut as opposed to an average girl, and I understand why Jay was aggravated with her crying. It had been over 13 hours. Get over it or go home! (which she eventually did :lachen:)

If I had the chance to be a model and all I had to do was cut my hair, SNIP SNIP! But then again, my hair is only shoulder length, so what do I know! :lachen:
I'm not surprised. Has this girl never watched the make-over shows on America's next Top Model? You couldn't pay me to let Tyra cut my hair I don't care if I signed a contract! :rolleyes:

She didn't have to go on Tyra's show to donate her hair to Locks of Love either. She wanted to be on TV and she was.

so did she go to donate her hair or not?

her statement says she went to donate her hair.

did she not know they would have to cut it off to donate it?

there is a minimum hair length you have to cut off to donate it...

i'm sorry...but i don't see the problem...:perplexed
The hair that tyra cut off was the donation. What tyra did afterwards was not a donation, it was her messing with the girls hair for no good reason. There was no good reason for tyra to do that to the girls hair, she is not a stylist.
Those girls knew what was gonna happen before they got there. They watch ANTM.

Anyway, they looked better AFTER to me.:yep:
That's your opinion and obviously you aren't that terrified girl. The point was that she had no right to ruin her hair. Tyra is not a stylist and she didn't give the girl a real cut. Only a stylist will really be able to tell us how much trya f#$@'d that girls hair:sad:

so did she go to donate her hair or not?

her statement says she went to donate her hair.

did she not know they would have to cut it off to donate it?

there is a minimum hair length you have to cut off to donate it...

i'm sorry...but i don't see the problem...:perplexed

I don't think that was what she was upset about...the way Tyra hacked at her hair attempting to create a style after wards is what made my mouth drop...she didn't even care enough to act like she knew what she was doing.
I'm sorry, this clip is too funny. Tyra is going at that girl's hair like the girl is a doll baby, not a human being with feelings. Remember how excited we used to be playing with our doll's hair? Tyra is straight giddy.

I think Tyra has the mentality that there isn't any loss in cutting a white woman's hair because it's "easy" to grow back long. I'm just looking at it from ANTM previous Cycles.
It seems like she is quick to chop a white girl's hair, but she spares a long haired black girl the shears. I've never seen a cycle where Tyra would actually cut a Black girl's long hair.

So when it came to this guest- no harm, no foul, right? Her hair will just get back to HL in about a month or so.
Yeah, I think I would have to cut Tyra for pretty much everything she did after the ponytail cut.
I'm sorry, this clip is too funny. Tyra is going at that girl's hair like the girl is a doll baby, not a human being with feelings. Remember how excited we used to be playing with our doll's hair? Tyra is straight giddy.

I think Tyra has the mentality that there isn't any loss in cutting a white woman's hair because it's "easy" to grow back long. I'm just looking at it from ANTM previous Cycles.
It seems like she is quick to chop a white girl's hair, but she spares a long haired black girl the shears. I've never seen a cycle where Tyra would actually cut a Black girl's long hair.

So when it came to this guest- no harm, no foul, right? Her hair will just get back to HL in about a month or so.

She cut Jaeda's hair in Cycle 7 and Bianca's in Cycle 9. Both were below SL, and both crieddddd. Tyra didn't care. :lol: