This chick is mental.... tell me this isn't a LF

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I think she has tracks...I wanted to believe that is her hair but it looks too unnatural (to me)...and her straight bang doesnt blend with her curly hair..

I agree. I've never had a weave, so I don't know how they look really...but something just seems off. In her videos, the lack of scalp showing makes me wonder, but it's hard to see because half her videos are shot cutting off her forehead. My hair is about 3 times thicker than hers, and you can still see my scalp where I part my hair...
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That ish ain't real. If it was she would have ripped out half of it in that detangling video. I don't even think she had one shed hair. :rolleyes:
That ish ain't real. If it was she would have ripped out half of it in that detangling video. I don't even think she had one shed hair. :rolleyes:

LOL okay? I thought it was just me, but I was like ummm how is she ripping that comb through her head like that and no hair is coming out???
1. She NEVERRRRRRRRRR shows her scalp in any video...not even in the fishtail braid can u see a glimpse of her scalp

2. She did almost slip up and say "100 Indian" in one of her videos! lol

3. In the fishtail video you can clearly see the diffference b/w her hair in the front and the extension hair.

4. Those pics ya'll posted are probably her real hair--average length but nice and healthy looking nonetheless.

Ughh it just bothered me how in her videos she KEEEEEPSS elaborating on her long, natural (never permed), 'perfect' hair when it is clearly not all hers. I could really care less about her eyes and accent. lol
Never heard of this person until reading this thread. I am not good at spotting weaves unless it is a bad one. I was wondering why this girl was getting so much heat. She is very pretty and whatever the source of her hair is, it looks good on her. I dislike the overused word "hate" but hey, it is easy to expect such.


the video where she claimed her hair grew from apl to wl in two months!!! And, she said this with a straight face! How can anyone defend her after this? People even left comments stating that this was possible because their hair grows that fast too! What a shame, especially if she is selling stuff and giving hair advice. I don't care about where she lives, what she drives, different accents, weaves, etc. But, if you are able to tell such an obvious lie without batting an eye, something is hella wrong.
On BHM they always go hard on her. They know their weaves over there and they definitely say it's a weave. I looked at it myself and believe it's a weave. After looking at so many beautiful heads on this here site, I can say nobody's hair looked like Malibu Barbie while wet. Plain and simple.
And so the drama goes on! You'd think the easiest thing to do to shut people up is just to part her hair and show her scalp, so many women on YT do it without hesitation.

Maybe she feels she doesn't need to, maybe she feels she doesn't have to prove anything to anyone. Clearly she has her own reasons for her actions, nothing like a bit of controversy to help one become 'relevant' within the uber competitive YT arena. :look:
I didn't see any lace.

But, how come she never really shows the top of her head? It's always cut off. :lol:

Also, if this is a wig, then where did she get it from? What brand? I'm not a wig-wearer, but this one is good quality.
1. She NEVERRRRRRRRRR shows her scalp in any video...not even in the fishtail braid can u see a glimpse of her scalp

2. She did almost slip up and say "100 Indian" in one of her videos! lol

3. In the fishtail video you can clearly see the diffference b/w her hair in the front and the extension hair.

4. Those pics ya'll posted are probably her real hair--average length but nice and healthy looking nonetheless.

Ughh it just bothered me how in her videos she KEEEEEPSS elaborating on her long, natural (never permed), 'perfect' hair when it is clearly not all hers. I could really care less about her eyes and accent. lol

LOL you forgot one, she also said she has never colored her hair. That's just her natural color which has lightened as she grew up. Strangely it was only on the longest ends of her weave, er, hair.
I always thought her hair and eyes were real...and I always thought she was odd looking (I guess it was the contacts)...I got the impression that people didn't like her because of her better-than-thou attitude...

but after watching this video
YouTube - Hair Talk and products

I honestly think some of her hair is fake because of how tangled it is...and I'm shocked that no one has realli commented on the enormous amount of heat damage she has (if the hair is real)...
I always thought her hair and eyes were real...and I always thought she was odd looking (I guess it was the contacts)...I got the impression that people didn't like her because of her better-than-thou attitude...

but after watching this video
YouTube - Hair Talk and products

I honestly think some of her hair is fake because of how tangled it is...and I'm shocked that no one has realli commented on the enormous amount of heat damage she has (if the hair is real)...

OMG...her hair used to be jet black and has turned brown with some natural highlights as she has gotten older. LOL.

Her voice irks me and her videos are too long and she basically says nothing.

She is pretty BUT she is more into showing herself than what she is talking about. If that were not the case the camera would not be zoomed in on her face and she would talk more about the product(s) or technique than swinging her hair. jmo.
She has a good hustle going. I just saw the video where she scratched her hair and her whole weave moved over on BHM.

So wait, she's making money on YT videos and her own products? She a young business woman. She knows what she is doing. She is very pretty too.
Its not a LF, what she has are called fusion extensions.

She has them from her crown to about 2 inches from the nape of her neck.
Its not a LF, what she has are called fusion extensions.

She has them from her crown to about 2 inches from the nape of her neck.

I mentioned this in another post. I think she does in some of the videos and in some it's sown in weave.
I do not think that is her real hair in the least bit. Every video it changes texture, length, color, everything. If that is her racket so be it but I hope her customers realize that.

As for the youtube basher site, wth. Although I must admit some of it is pure hilarity if nothing else.
LOOOOL...I just showed a video to my male (straight) friend...and he goes, "Wait, she tried to say those were her real eyes? With the contacts all crooked and sh*t? Turn this off, her eyes are bothering me." :lachen:
IMO whoever above stated she does have long hair is most correct
it looks like it's below shoulder... and that she adds hair at times..... most logical (as you follow from video to video)

.... the vid where she grows from "apl to waist length" in 2 mnths is quintessential Astrozier1... and I love it! made my day!
youtube is informational... but it is entertainment at best love it or leave it

Her hair texture is gorgeous and the curly hair Video appears to have very thin (little or no extensions)... particularly when she puts it into a ponytail
gorgeous hair.... even with add-ins
my hair texture never ever eva matched a curly weave that well... and when she bends down (curly routine video) you see deep, crooked parts at the top as well as in the back

so if a master weavologist slipped some tracks in there... they did a dayuuuum good job, b/c its still thin, parts were all up & thru, and the texture matched near perfectly
other straight vids the thickness changes, no parts....obvious color/texture changes
lil mama's "curly" videos = hair is bangin'. period

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My hair looked like her wet hair when I relaxed. It was not that long though. Also, I wouldn't have combed through it with that little comb like that. I heard the ripp-age and wanted to scream! If it is her hair, it is extremely damaged. I don't think it looks good or healthy.

Her eyes, clearly fake.
Also at the 6:07 mark she almost slipped up and said INDIAN. She goes "This is IND- 100% my hair" I showed my mom and sis and they can't really tell either. I guess I must be just that good at spotting fake hair lol.

I am pretty sure she said "100 percent indeed my hair" ...not indi.
I did not know about this girl until last night and now I want to see a proof video with a decent scalp shot . . so this topic can finally RIP! smh

Anybody who wasn't born yesterday knows that is not her natural eye color.

Also I don't like that the people saying her hair is fake are being called haters and jealous. They are simply trying to expose a lie since they've already been lied to. There are other beauty gurus who are just as pretty and have money etc. and people still enjoy watching them because they are not being lied to.

Where are her hair products at now anyway? (this thing is really shady to me)
Also at the 6:07 mark she almost slipped up and said INDIAN. She goes "This is IND- 100% my hair" I showed my mom and sis and they can't really tell either. I guess I must be just that good at spotting fake hair lol.
YouTube - Update and addressing the Gossip

I just noticed this. BUT ( to play devil's advocate ) although it sounds EXACTLY as you typed, maybe she was trying to say This is indeed 100% my hair. She kinda talks funny......:ohwell:

If she's happy with her hair and eyes, more power to her. I am not subbed to her and won't ever be.......In that "curly" hair vid at 1:10 YouTube - my naturally curly hair routine
SHE IS SO ROUGH ON THAT HAIR! To me, it snaps like how weave or wig hair does, but again, I don't know if that's her hair, and really I don't care. She's getting hits on her vids and possibly making money every time that get those bucks!:lachen:
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