Thirsty Woman


Well-Known Member

1- He told you he’s not ready for a relationship Maybe that’s not entirely true. He might be down for a relationship, just not a relationship with you. Whether you’re going to be his stand-in cut buddy or he really could live without you all together, don’t misinterpret this phrase to mean one day the clouds will part and the sun will shine down on you, making you completely irresistible. Don’t hold your breath boo boo.

2- He doesn’t introduce you to his friends
You happen to be in the same place at the same time. Alright, maybe it wasn’t so much of coincidence. You learned from your newsfeed that he might be at a certain place at a certain time and you took it upon yourself to show up. He’s kicking it with his boys, a chick or two, when you two just so happen to catch each other’s eyes. You know he’s seen you but must have gotten distracted because he turned his back a millisecond after seeing your face. You decide to step up, after all his friend’s approval is important. But instead of getting the introduction you hoped for, he throws you a few words, before relocating to the other side of the bar…without you. Honey chile, this is not a relationship. He’s not going to introduce you to his friends because you don’t play that big of a role.

3- He ignored the shots you sent him
You know the story. You just shaved and were feeling yourself that particular day so you decided to share your cookies with the object of your affection, certain that the sight of all your goodies all up in the camera will have him knocking down your door. You press send and ooo you can’t wait for his reaction! But an hour passes, then two. You check your phone to make sure it’s sent. It did and still no response. Hmmm…what could this mean?

4- 5:1 Communication Ratio
Sometimes he does respond to your calls and texts. But if you’re honest with yourself these occasions are few and far between. If you actually took the time to count how many times you contact him compared to the times he contacts you, the number might be a little embarrassing.

5- He doesn’t know anything about you… and doesn’t care to learn
If you’ve never had a conversation about what you want out of life, your feelings or how your day went, there’s a great chance that he just doesn’t care. That may hurt, but it’s pretty telling of the type of relationship (or lack there of ) you actually have.

6- You consistently forget that he’s dating someone else
When you think or even talk about your boo with other people, you tend to ignore the fact that he’s not completely available. There’s the ex-girlfriend he still lives with, the broad he’s “talking to” or a flat out girlfriend that you just refuse to acknowledge. Whether your initial meeting involved shadiness or not, do yourself and the other woman a favor, step away with grace. Lest you find yourself in an unnecessary altercation.

7- He deletes your Facebook comments
He posted a picture of him from this past weekend and baby boy is looking too Hot! You have to let him know that his image produced a flash flood-like phenomenon in your panties. You post the comment, giggling at your dirty girl steez. You refresh your page to see if he’s responded yet. He’s responded alright, your comment has disappeared. You type it again and five minutes later it’s gone again. Message baby girl, message.

8- He’s always “Busy” even though he hasn’t had a job in years
You realize any time you see each other, you’re in someone’s bedroom, on someone’s couch or in someone’s car. You want to go on a date. A movie would do; but whenever you suggest this, there is always an excuse. He’s busy. Hmmm that’s odd, he’s been unemployed since before the recession. Whatever could he be busy doing? Busy being away from you, love.

9- Gifts are not even a part of the equation
You’ve known each other for years and yet every birthday, Christmas and Ground Hog’s Day goes uncelebrated. Not only are gifts completely out of the question, you couldn’t get a “Happy birthday” text to save your life. Shame!

10- Your relationship exists inside the confines of your mind

Ever once in a while, you might want to check in to make sure the thoughts in your head actually line up to the reality of life. Does he actually feel the way you think he does? Are your efforts being reciprocated, when you try to explain your relationship does it make sense to other people? Does it even make sense to you? Sometimes we really can’t see our issues. If you need help, have a good, trusted friend explain how he or she views your relationship as an outsider. If it sound bananas when you hear it, chances are it’s time to do something different.
:nono:See, you never see articles like this from men about men. "Signs of a thirsty woman".
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Would anyone care to admit this is them to a T? We won't judge. :look:

Given the numbers, there has got to be women like this on LHCF.
Would anyone care to admit this is them to a T? We won't judge. :look:

Given the numbers, there has got to be women like this on LHCF.

1 and 7.....this "friend" of mine did that. I tagged him in photos when my dog, which used to be his dog died and he untagged himself. I thought he was weird about stuff like that, until he allowed 2 non coworkers and non family to tag. They tagged him at events and posed for photos. He didn't delete or untag himself. With me, he never allowed any of that.

Not going to lie, I had already started distancing myself.....that sealed the deal for me. My heart shut down really quickly and any remaining affection disappeared.

I get it. The signs were there. I just refused to see them. I'm not sure if its "thirst" was unrequited love and let him take from me what he wasn't willing to give.
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My problem is I see warning signs in everything. Sometimes imaginary so I bail without discussion, forethought or afterthought from the tinniest sign, real or imagined. :look: I guess that's ant-thirsty.
I m guilty of a lot of them , when I used to date a man I really liked I felt there was no room for "failure" so I dismissed all the signs he wasn't as into me and kept hoping (and working ) for a change. If I wanted him I had to have him no matter what the consequences . Unfortunately this has caused a couple of heartbreaks along the way . Deep in our hearts we know exactly what's going on yet we refuse to accept it ,we don't want to lose that hope for a miracle to happen .
Don't waste your time with men who see you only as one of their many options.
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" Re: Thirsty Woman?" my turn...(pun intended)

It is an interesting article, but it really isn't possible for those things to happen and the

female party NOT know what is up.

I needed the afternoon wtf wake up call. A WOMAN KNOWS, READ: INHERENTLY KNOWS

WHAT IS UP..., it is just a matter of willing to deal with that "good man cuz everyone has

something" or getting a clue and refraining from the fairy godmother sydrome/i need to be

needed complex.

I can't believe that is true for anyone. and this is coming from someone who in their early
20s thought that only blacks cheated and only americans did abusive things to women.

YES, I am telling the truth. if i can be that naive and socially awkward, and dating

re-tarded -

[retarded means to be under developed/slow to do grasp/do, etc the word isn't self deprecating it is by definition]

- and know

that is bunk...I am not believing this is anything meant to be taken as

anything but playful banter...
Signs as posted in OP

1- He told you he’s not ready for a relationship Maybe that’s not entirely true.

2- He doesn’t introduce you to his friends

3- He ignored the shots you sent him

4- 5:1 Communication Ratio

5- He doesn’t know anything about you… and doesn’t care to learn

6- You consistently forget that he’s dating someone else

7- He deletes your Facebook comments

8- He’s always “Busy” even though he hasn’t had a job in years

9- Gifts are not even a part of the equation

10- Your relationship exists inside the confines of your mind
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