Thinking Of Getting A Second Opinion


Well-Known Member
I'm a patient of Dr. Osei-Tutu. Or at least I was because I haven't been in a while. I just made an appointment with Dr. Michelle Henry because my friend switched from Osei-Tutu to Henry. She likes her better but her hair loss is not as significant as mine.

I really just want to hear what her take is on my situation and what her treatment plan would be. (I don't doubt that I have CCCA). However, I'm not sure if what I am doing makes sense. They always say its a good idea to get a second opinion but I've never really done it. I know that one of Dr. Tutu's passions is hair loss whereas this doesn't seem to be the case for Dr. Henry. But I don't think this should necessarily disqualify her.

I procrastinated all summer on making that appointment and now that I've finally made it, the only appointment available until September is in two days. So I took the appointment, however, I'm thinking the proper way to do this would be to show up with my complete medical file and not just printouts of my treatment plans.

I know I'm not the only one who has seen Dr. Tutu but has anyone seen Dr. Henry or both of them?
Wow, how ironic that I was mentioned. Yes I went to see her a few years ago. And I didnt go throught with it. I found other methods to restore my hair like women's rogaine ...and it was doing a great job of growing hair where hair was able to grow, but I never could get rid of the bald was just better covered up with the hair that was growing back. Now my locs are waste length and I'd like to do different styles but that area is preventing me from feeling good about it. SO two weeks ago I made an appointment to see her again and this time I am going through with it. I've been following Jasmine Rose and I so regret I didnt do it when she did. My edges and that bald spot might have been flourishing today with my locs at the length they are. Everything would have been great. So I have my second consultation in October. By December this should be in process.
@ChasingBliss perhaps you can provide an update after your appointment. You're considering a hair transplant, correct?

I too looked back and wish that I had made a decision to have a hair transplant earlier. I actually researched hair transplants many years ago, but dropped my research. However, I firmly believe the delay was a blessing, in that it allowed me time to learn about hair care, so that when I did have the procedure I'd know how to protect "my investment" <meaning to care for my hair post procedure> . Had I had the surgery years ago, I would not have changed my bad hair care practices and would not realize the benefit of the transplant.

Perhaps there is an underlying blessing for your delay as well. :angel2: You can't "un-ring" that "should have done it bell". you can only anticipate the beauty of what will be.:)

God speed with your appointment.