Things that make you go hmmmmmmm


New Member
Why is it that when you go into the salon most of the stylist's hair is jacked up? Not combed, broken off, no shape, etc.......BUT they can lay your hair out! And then when you see your beautifully styled hair you wonder how come they don't do their own hair.
My brother's girlfreind is a stylist and she says that by the time she is finished doing hair all day she is too tired to do her own.

Shoot, go get somebody else to do it!
I think that's pretty sad. I know if I was a stylist I would always take care of my hair and wear it in nice styles. I think when your hair and you overall look nice you attract more clients.
One of my mom's good old friends is a stylist and I remember when I used to go to the salon with her, her stylist's hair would always be jacked up. But just like DSD said, after doing all those heads of hair, they don't want to be bothered with their own. Go figure
Yes. They are tired. I had a stylist who was off the hook with doing creative styles, but she wore a wig, and underneath had really short hair that she said she plucked out because of personal problems.
I think you are right about being tired. I took my sister to my stylist and she said that she couldn't believe the jacked up weave one stylist had. You should have seen the look on my sister's face when I told her that it was not a long, tangled up weave; but her own hair.
I've noticed that too but both stylists that I went to always had their hair hooked up! My current stylists' hair is very long, thick, and healthy.
My stylist has beautiful healthy hair ironically.

It's what attracted me to go to her actually. She helped me grow my hair a few years ago...
My stylist has beautiful healthy hair ironically.

It's what attracted me to go to her actually. She helped me grow my hair a few years ago...
the stylist I was going to had nicely styled hair. The problem was that she wore the exact same hairstyle for the entire 6 months that I saw her. Her hair never appeared to be any longer then the first time I saw it. It was bizarre. I heard a rumor that she wore a weave but, she still could have changed it up once and awhile. Her hair or weave wasn't long at all. It was cut in that flipped up hairstyle that a lot of people are wearing now.
Most stylist that I've seen has jacked up hair. I associate it with a hobby I had several years back. I loved to sew, every week I would make 3 new outfits to wear out partying on the weekend, then I started sewing for a living, alas it lost it flavor. It just wasnt the same anymore.
You see them in the salon, why do they need to look hott when indoors. Seeing them outdoors would be a totally different issue .. i suppose