Thin haired girls-Have you ever achieved thick strands?


Well-Known Member
I know there are tricks we thin haired girls can do to have the appearance of more hair (air drying. roller sets, natural, faux pieces, vitamins etc), but I'm wondering has anyone ever achieved thicker strands in some way? And what did you do exactly? I'm hoping there is some miracle out there that will thwart genetics and actually really does work...
I've never tried to thicken my strands....Didn't think it was possible. But what I have achieved is greater volume which makes my hair look thick.

After my last touch-up Sept '09, I had severe, excessive shedding. Looked like I lost about 25% of my hair. I couldn't take it anymore, so I started transitioning and BC'd April '10.

Since being natural, my volume has been restored and increased. Most people call my hair thick. It's not. I have very fine hair but medium-thick density.

I think I achieved that by hennaing and other healthy hair practices. I haven't had any bouts with excessive shedding since I went natural and I've achieved a nice balance between hennaing and keeping my hair moisturized. Also, I rarely do a protein treatment. But, I do add hydrolyzed wheat protein and silk amino acids to my DCs.

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I don't think there's anything that you can do to permenantly change it from thin to thick. Years ago I tried a thickening shampoo from Jason (it's a natural/organic line of products) and it didn't do anything to my fine, thin strands. :perplexed

I think the styling techniques you mentioned are your best bet for making your hair appear thicker, as well as regularly trimming your ends.
i have definitely seen my strands thicken from using henna (i do a gloss). once i found a brand so finely sifted that it only take like 2 rinses to get out and i no longer have to spend 30 + minutes trying to rinse the "grit" of the henna out - i now henna at least biweekly and sometimes weekly whenever i can. i always check out my strands and can see how much stronger and visably thicker they have become since increasing the frequency in which i henna. now, don't expect a miracle - i still covet the super thick big hair but am very pleased with the difference henna has made. HTH
As long as I've been on forums, I've read about B5 thickening strands, so maybe taking a vitamin with it or a B-complex can help. I dunno. I have fine strands but they are many so I don't mind them. I actually love that they are so obedient to my commands coz they don't fight me when I want them to say lie down. (BTW OP, when many of us read "thin hair" we think "few strands"; "fine hair" is what makes me think of the strands having a small diameter and the opposite of thick strands.)

Also on SkinBio forum, there's info that copper peptides can increase the thickness of hair. I don't know if they'd thicken hair that hasn't thinned from original thickness as happens when one loses hair, but it looks like one can expect them to from this diagram and the link below the diagram:

i'm a long user of ayurvedic powders (amla, brahmi, maka) and cassia obovata.
it totally increased my hair density and the thickness of strand.
actually my hair are not thick, but they are thicker than they used to be 2 years ago when I started my hair journey and I think it's a great improvement.

i've lost my comparison pictures because I had to change my compture (i've compared my hair with a piece a thread, once 2 years ago, and once last year and there were a difference) and as my hair is thicker than last year today i know there is again an improvement !

I seriously think than these products + protein(the first year i've used hydrolysed rice protein, and then for one year to today I use hydrolysed wheat protein(by powder form), totally restore my hair.
i have definitely seen my strands thicken from using henna (i do a gloss). once i found a brand so finely sifted that it only take like 2 rinses to get out and i no longer have to spend 30 + minutes trying to rinse the "grit" of the henna out - i now henna at least biweekly and sometimes weekly whenever i can. i always check out my strands and can see how much stronger and visably thicker they have become since increasing the frequency in which i henna. now, don't expect a miracle - i still covet the super thick big hair but am very pleased with the difference henna has made. HTH

so.. me.. and so does coyacoy ... viva to indian powders:drunk: !! (i didn't want to choose henna cause I didn't want to color my hair)
I think what really helped thicken my strands when I was relaxed was protein on a regular basis, castor oil and being gentle with my hair.
Castor oil really helps me. I am happy to be natural now because my fine hair relaxed is a H.A.M
Even if there is a way, it's just too much work for me. The BKT treatment helped, but my god that took a lot of effort when I did it on myself and it's too darn expensive for me to go to a salon and get it done. Thankfully, for me, I have a good amount of hair on my head so even though I don't have thick strands, my hair looks lush.
my hair strands has gotten thicker, from when i first started my hair journey. I don't know what did it, but it can be either the:
-B5 (powder form) and hair vitamins (vitamin C for absorption)
-Ayurveda powder
-Castor oil? (I don't think this really work for thickening)
i have definitely seen my strands thicken from using henna (i do a gloss). once i found a brand so finely sifted that it only take like 2 rinses to get out and i no longer have to spend 30 + minutes trying to rinse the "grit" of the henna out - i now henna at least biweekly and sometimes weekly whenever i can. i always check out my strands and can see how much stronger and visably thicker they have become since increasing the frequency in which i henna. now, don't expect a miracle - i still covet the super thick big hair but am very pleased with the difference henna has made. HTH

Which brand? Tell us more.. I've been scared to try henna because of the rinse nightmare stories but this sounds good!
Which brand? Tell us more.. I've been scared to try henna because of the rinse nightmare stories but this sounds good!
hi keelioness - so sorry just now seeing this!! the brand i am using is from hennasooq and is the Fresh Moroccan Henna Powder. i've tried a several other brands and had pretty much just come to believe that the grit in the henna was common in all brands and so i was resolved to just continue spending inordinate amounts of time rinsing. well, so then i tried the moroccan henna and it is soooo different. rinses out easily - 2 or 3 rinses using a cheapie condish and it's all good!! don't be afraid to try this one - you won't regret it !! HTH :-)
hi keelioness - so sorry just now seeing this!! the brand i am using is from hennasooq and is the Fresh Moroccan Henna Powder. i've tried a several other brands and had pretty much just come to believe that the grit in the henna was common in all brands and so i was resolved to just continue spending inordinate amounts of time rinsing. well, so then i tried the moroccan henna and it is soooo different. rinses out easily - 2 or 3 rinses using a cheapie condish and it's all good!! don't be afraid to try this one - you won't regret it !! HTH :-)

Do you know if its better than even Jamila henna? It only takes 2-3 rinses with Sauve conditioner to get it out too...
Do you know if its better than even Jamila henna? It only takes 2-3 rinses with Sauve conditioner to get it out too...
hi greenandchic - i like it better than the jamilla because my hair comes out sooo soft. yes, i think it rinses a tad bit better, but also the softness is a factor. i do mix my henna with condish, i should mention, to make a gloss. hth....LOVE your hair, btw :-)
i have definitely seen my strands thicken from using henna (i do a gloss). once i found a brand so finely sifted that it only take like 2 rinses to get out and i no longer have to spend 30 + minutes trying to rinse the "grit" of the henna out - i now henna at least biweekly and sometimes weekly whenever i can. i always check out my strands and can see how much stronger and visably thicker they have become since increasing the frequency in which i henna. now, don't expect a miracle - i still covet the super thick big hair but am very pleased with the difference henna has made. HTH

hi keelioness - so sorry just now seeing this!! the brand i am using is from hennasooq and is the Fresh Moroccan Henna Powder. i've tried a several other brands and had pretty much just come to believe that the grit in the henna was common in all brands and so i was resolved to just continue spending inordinate amounts of time rinsing. well, so then i tried the moroccan henna and it is soooo different. rinses out easily - 2 or 3 rinses using a cheapie condish and it's all good!! don't be afraid to try this one - you won't regret it !! HTH :-)

hi greenandchic - i like it better than the jamilla because my hair comes out sooo soft. yes, i think it rinses a tad bit better, but also the softness is a factor. i do mix my henna with condish, i should mention, to make a gloss. hth....LOVE your hair, btw :-)

Thanks so, so much for sharing this! Several weeks ago, I came across HennaSooq's site and saw this particular henna powder and wondered about it. I will defintely purchase this in the near future because after rinsing for 30 min.+ with the Nupur henna treatment I did. I ran out of warm water and I vowed never again:nono::nono:.
hi greenandchic - i like it better than the jamilla because my hair comes out sooo soft. yes, i think it rinses a tad bit better, but also the softness is a factor. i do mix my henna with condish, i should mention, to make a gloss. hth....LOVE your hair, btw :-)


I will have to try that sometime on my next Hennasooq order!
I have medium strands but one thing that definitely gives the illusion of thicker strands and added weight to me is egg yolks. The yolks only, mixed with moisturizing conditioner and olive oil (1 part, 2 parts, 1 part), and kept on for about 10-15 minutes. Since whole eggs, or egg whites, (just like avocado, yogurt, etc) give me protein overload (and you know protein overload is not a joke if you have ever experienced it), I absolutely stay away from the whites (where the protein of the egg is). I learned about this from Leobodyc5 on youtube.

Castor oil too of course.