Seven Habits of Beautifully Haired People

Habit # 7: Beautifully haired people keep learning

Even when you are at a place where you feel good about the health of your hair, your goal should always be to become better. Are you finally at brastrap? Then you should be striving for midback. Not because you actually want to have midback length hair (maybe you do), but because of the habits you will create to get to midback. If you are brastrap, you are going have to keep working on minimizing your breakage even more to hold on to that length. You get my point? Keep striving for the next level of hair perfection. If that's too much hair for you then cut it back, but the habits you put in place will guarantee you a beautiful head of hair no matter the length.
so is she saying maintaining length harder than growing it?
hmm...keep growin to wl, and cut back to mbl. my ends'll look real nice at all times!
Thanks! There was something very peaceful and reassurig about the steps in the article. All of this worrying and fretting is to no avail. Slow and steady DOES win the race!
Thank you for the great tips, This is exacltly true and im glad to learn this early on in my hair growing goals, WEll, not exactly, iv had 2 years to get the anxiousness out of my system and have learned that hair growing is a skill that grows with you.
Habit # 6: Beautifully haired people are pretty basic

In the early days of my hair challenge I would scour through pages of online sites so I can find the true way to healthy hair. Whenever I would find a mid-back length member telling everyone how she would wash and set once a week
...blah..blah, I would quickly become disinterested and continue on my trek to find out the real secrets of long healthy hair. Little did I know that the basic, effective routine is the true path to hair enlightenment. Because I now understand this fact, I no longer feel compelled to run up to some unsuspecting stranger so I can ask her to recall the names of every hair product under her bathroom sink.

**:yep: This habit is SO true. I cringe when a bandwagon comes along. I have found that hair care is so simple. And when you really look at the regimens and fotki's of the Bra strap and beyond veterans their regimens are very simple. I have gotten AWESOME results so far, just keeping it simple!
I believe the artice is written by a member on this forum....If I'm not mistaken I believe her screen name is N_Vizion (sp). She gave these tips on her blog which is by the way very informative and helpful!
Sorry for bumping so late in the game but I just found this and had no idea that someone shared the article.

Thanks ladies for showing your appreciation.

I just wrote what was on my mind and what I felt was the best advice for those of us who are desperate to have beautiful hair. I actaully just re-read it as a reminder me to remain brilliant at the basics!

Love y'all.
every word is so true. consistency, simplicity, and constant learning. working on the holistic part is often overlooked and that is what i need help on. thanks for the reminder.
Me too. #4 is the only one I didn't find myself reading and saying "hey, I do that!" Gotta work on that!
Sorry for bumping so late in the game but I just found this and had no idea that someone shared the article.

Thanks ladies for showing your appreciation.

I just wrote what was on my mind and what I felt was the best advice for those of us who are desperate to have beautiful hair. I actaully just re-read it as a reminder me to remain brilliant at the basics!

Love y'all.

Thanks for bumping for all the newbies that haven't seen it!
Very inspirational! I should print this out, so when I get lazy thoughts about doing my hair, reading this will keep me going. Just like most things in life, hard work and consistency yield great results!!! Thanks for the read!
great post!
i just wish more articles would address how difficult it can be to find your groove
Number 7 is so true for me. I had been a member of this site for years but had never heard of rinsing your hair with teas or using clay. I recently started using more natural products and my hair is thanking me. Thank you for posting this article.