What am I doing wrong? Pics included... long post though!

I entirely quit coloring my hair in August and have decided never to dye it again. I cut three inches off in September =/ maybe I'll trim again.

You can still get a color fix by using a rinse. Its non-damaging to hair (no ammonia or peroxide) and can be used often. I use a demi-rinse once a month and it actually makes the condition of my hair better. :yep:

But, save the color suggestion for later, after you nurse your hair back to health.
I would use a growth detangler after washing your hair and conditioning it. Try a leave-in that you spray on and then blow-dry. My hair is unmanageable after washing it unless I use a detangler. Here's a pic of what I use now:
I can't believe I was stupid enough to dye ALL of it every month... I didn't just do the new growth. For some reason, that honestly never occurred to me. I watched my mom cover her super-thick hair in dye and I just did the same... I guess it's just like relaxing all of your hair instead of just the new growth... every month!

I guess I'll just have to keep cutting off the damage. Lesson learned... :(

:huggle: You'll get through this. Most of us have been in similar situations at one time or another. I myself was continually dying my hair with peroxide and sun-in when I was a teenager. When my mom went to relax it, 1/3 of it literally fell out and I had to have a huge chop the day before my senior pictures. Lesson learned :perplexed

Looking forward to getting to know you and your beautiful hair and helping you nurse your hair back to health (not that I'm an authority on anything myself yet :p). But, welcome to the board!
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It sounds like it might be an issue w/the porosity of your hair. I had color damage before, the color made my hair too porous. I used Roux Porosity control mixed w/a moisturizing DC; I sit under the dryer for 10-15 minutes. It helped my hair hang in there but I've slowly had to trim the colored hair off. Also check your shampoo, shampoos w/sulfates dry my hair out. As frequently as your are washing you probably do not need a shampoo w/sulfates each time, just for clarifying. I think your regimen sounds good though.
*hugs* It's going to be okay!
Yes, your hair is damaged, but every day is another day of hair growth. I had the same dilemma 2 years ago. I used those Relvlon (correct me someone if I'm wrong) dye jobs where you dye your entire head, then use a bleach to add your own highlights. Did that I think only twice, but my hair was damaged beyond repair. I conditioned it and left it alone for a few months (conditioned it 24/7 with thick conditioners), then after getting 10+ weeks of new growth I self relaxed then went to a salon (w/hair still wet) and had them cut my hair into a bob (was armpit length). I've been taking care of it since (other than henna, I haven't dyed my hair) then and it's been thriving. I don't have much advice except to say condition, trim, condition lol, but I want to give some encouragement. The damaged hair will eventually grow out, and with trims or BC, you'll have undamaged hair again.
You said that you used to dye your hair every month...I don't know if you only dyed the new growth or all of it. But, the point is your hair is probably chemically damaged beyond repair because of your frequent use of dye. Kind of the same as if someone relaxed all their hair every month. Eventually, your hair will be past the point of no return.

There's not really anything you can do to make your hair healthy again if it's completely damaged. You could try protein treatments, moisturizing dc's, and whatever else. It may make it feel better temporarily, but it won't magically repair the damage. Also, flat ironing on high temps will only make it worse.

Unfortunately, you may just have to continue growing your hair out and chop off the damaged parts. It's probably better (and less shocking) if you trim little by little as your hair grows in. You could maintain the same length you have now and eventually you'll have only healthy hair left.

If your hair is damaged beyond repair, it sucks. But at least you're in a good place to move forward and learn what not to do in the future.

ETA: I just realized I posted almost the same exact thing in your other thread.

I knew this sounded familiar lol.

I agree with the bolded. Once hair is damaged beyond repair through excessive chemical applications, it is virtually impossible to undo the damage. You really would have to trim it all off eventually. If you are averse to going very short immediately, then I agree with msa, trim it little by little until all the processed hair is completely off. You will see vast improvement this way.
Aww thank you SO MUCH for all of the encouraging comments and suggestions!

skatergurljubulee - I did the same thing with the dyes... probably over 30 or 40 times over the course of like 8 years... to my whole head! I never realized how damaging it was because my hair would feel soooo soft after dying it. Then, the dye would fade after a week (even permanent dyes) because my hair became so porous... so I would dye it more often!

Thanks soo much to all of you ladies for the advice and the encouragement! :) :cloud9:

I can't wait to have updates to share with everyone.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! :)