Thief hacks off Brazilians woman's hair.


Well-Known Member
Brazilian police say a thief cut off and stole a woman’s long hair while she waited at a bus stop.

Police say the hair was virgin, meaning it had not been chemically treated, and will probably be sold for the production of wigs.

Inspector Jose Carlos Bezerra da Silva said Friday to Globo TV’s G1 website that the woman was waiting for a bus in the central city of Goiania when the man used a knife-like weapon to cut the hair, which reached past her waist. She said she thought the man was going to steal her purse so she turned her back to him.

Silva said he’d never seen a theft like it in 20 years.

He said the 24-year-old woman reported the case to police because she is evangelical and had to explain to her pastor why her hair wasn’t long anymore.

...Makes you wonder where all this weave is really coming from...
This is not cool, on top of all the things women have to worry, now they also have to be concern about people stealing their hair. What is the world coming to?

He said the 24-year-old woman reported the case to police because she is evangelical and had to explain to her pastor why her hair wasn’t long anymore.
I don't know what to think about that pastor.
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I remember a story like this a while back. A guy asked to touch a store clerk's ponytail and he cut it off. I wonder what these hair snatchers would be charged with
I'm so glad I got out of the weave game when I did. Stories like this makes me feel bad and wonder where the hair actually came from.
Poor girl-sucks. But she'll be alrite....wasn't harmed in any other way.

*hides the 10 lbs of Brazilian hair I recently acquired through the black market* :look:
YEah I am definitely going to think twice if I ever do another weave. This is disturbing. I hate to think that BW are driving possible violence against other women just because we want some damn hair.

Obviously its not *our* fault due to the social implications yadi yada ... but yeah.
I wonder if the people who wear weaves will be treated like people who have blood diamonds soon?
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Brazilian police say a thief cut off and stole a woman’s long hair while she waited at a bus stop.

Police say the hair was virgin, meaning it had not been chemically treated, and will probably be sold for the production of wigs.

Inspector Jose Carlos Bezerra da Silva said Friday to Globo TV’s G1 website that the woman was waiting for a bus in the central city of Goiania when the man used a knife-like weapon to cut the hair, which reached past her waist. She said she thought the man was going to steal her purse so she turned her back to him.

Silva said he’d never seen a theft like it in 20 years.

He said the 24-year-old woman reported the case to police because she is evangelical and had to explain to her pastor why her hair wasn’t long anymore.

...Makes you wonder where all this weave is really coming from...

:perplexed Really? The police said that?
I wonder if the people who wear weaves be treated like people who have blood diamonds soon?

LOL! This is kinda crazy (the story). I think they should be charged with grand theft...well, depending on the value of the hair if it were for sale. Not sure how much that goes for, but if it's worth stealing, I'd think it's pretty valuable! The non-monetary aspects of that are unmeasurable...But if she grew it that long once, she can probably do it again.
I remember a story like this a while back. A guy asked to touch a store clerk's ponytail and he cut it off. I wonder what these hair snatchers would be charged with

Battery: Unwanted harmful or offensive contact with another. I'm sure that the perp would be charged with other things as well though.
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I read that story this morning.. I was thinking wow.. I would be mad as heck.. Good he didn't harm her..
There was another Article in the NY Times last week about a Rash of Hair Thefts are BSS.
This is a sad thing When we were in India they do this to the women at tmes and mostly at the Cinema its dark so it is a easy target

On that note

Hide you hair hide your buns they taking errrbodys hair

Next they will probably be doing this to children with long hair
I disagree with the posters who say "at lease she wasn't harmed". Someone cut something off of her against her will is harm. Just because there was no blood or bruising that you can see doesn't mean this woman hasn't been hurt. I've never been physically assaulted with a knife, but I have been robbed...and it really hurts and messes with your sense of safety in profound and lasting ways. I can't imagine how hurt, violated and traumatized I would feel if someone took a knife to my hair.
I disagree with the posters who say "at lease she wasn't harmed". Someone cut something off of her against her will is harm. Just because there was no blood or bruising that you can see doesn't mean this woman hasn't been hurt. I've never been physically assaulted with a knife, but I have been robbed...and it really hurts and messes with your sense of safety in profound and lasting ways. I can't imagine how hurt, violated and traumatized I would feel if someone took a knife to my hair.

geejay I agree with this whole post. I was robbed before and I feel the same way you do. In a way, she was still harmed. He still took something of hers.

Not a good feeling at all.
They gonna try this on the WRONG person and get tore up behind this

Imagine a LHCF lurker that has had NO hair all their lives and grew their hair out to WL and someone comes along and tries and cut it

boy you gonna have a REAL big fight on their hands SHEOOOTTTTTT

I hope they catch the punks that did this she was harmed and traumatised
I disagree with the posters who say "at lease she wasn't harmed". Someone cut something off of her against her will is harm. Just because there was no blood or bruising that you can see doesn't mean this woman hasn't been hurt. I've never been physically assaulted with a knife, but I have been robbed...and it really hurts and messes with your sense of safety in profound and lasting ways. I can't imagine how hurt, violated and traumatized I would feel if someone took a knife to my hair.

I don't think that is what people are saying. There is no doubt in my mind that she feels traumatized, as any of us would have. Even being CLOSE to such danger is very violating. Like if someone pulled a gun on you, but didn't shoot you, that is still extremely traumatizing. However, after he cut her hair he could have stabbed her so there wouldn't be a witness to the crime...which would be much much worse than the crime that took place. Of course it is harm to someone's person. My house was robbed when I was younger, and even though I was not even in the house when it happened, I felt extremely violated that someone had gone through my drawers and belongings. But still - at the end of the day, you still have your health. Robberies can often end much worse.
This is so creepy, someone's hair?
Not that it's any better but what happened to stealing someone's mobile phone?
I've heard of this happening in the Philippines and other Asian countries too. Makes me mad when I hear about stuff like this. People in developing countries are always forced to feed the demands of those of living in the developed world even when they are just trying to mind their own business. They just can't get a break.
I found a different article about this.

Hair thieves have struck again - this time targeting a woman who had not cut her tresses for 20 years.
It is believed the hair, cut from the heads of women in lightning attacks, is being sold to wigmakers for high prices.
In the latest attack, cheeky hair thieves in Aracaju, Brazil, two men on a motorbike grabbed a housewife and used a machete to cut off her 1.5m-long hair.
The woman told police she was walking to church when she was assaulted late on Tuesday, police officer Antonio Williams da Silva.
"She was an evangelical and said she hadn't cut her hair for 20 years," Mr da Silva said.
"A hairpiece that size could cost you as much as 1000 reals (£300)," Mr da Silva said.
Similar attacks have occurred in other Brazilian cities, where the demand for human hair is high.
Last year, bandits wielding scissors boarded a bus in Rio de Janeiro and cut off the hair that 22-year-old Mirna Marchet had been growing for four years.

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