Thicken up that________Challenge!!!


Well-Known Member
I started a thicken up that hairline challenge in 2006 and I am very happy with the results!

Now I notice that my crown area is broken and not as far along as I would like it to be.

The culprits

-My former stylist overprocessed my hair-REPEATEDLY:mad:
-Improper self relaxing of this area:(
-This is the tightest coiled/z pattern on my entire head which causes tangles and breakage.:perplexed
-Possibly bunning and baggying:confused:

Here is my plan
-A gentle version of crown and glory method. Focusing on stretching out my relaxer and maintaining the optimal protein moisture balance in the crown area.

I am likely to change this plan throughout the challenge based on who joins and the feedback that they give for what is working for them.:)

So you fill in the blank, and join this challenge:cool: . It could be your hairline, your crown, your nape, or your ends.

I posted a before picture in my album with a goal picture from a different section of my hair.

The more feedback the beter.


Naturallylovely-Entire Head
bajanplums1-Entire Head
Seraphinelle-Entire Head
KeraKrazy-Entire Head
Sweet Whispers-Hairline
Tishee-Entire Head
Imstush-Left Side
Nappyme-Entire Head
HealthyHairin07-Entire Head
April_Shower-Entire Head
DAJ875-Entire Head

Good Luck Ladies!!!
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I would like to thicken up the very front of my hairline, it's receded by 1/8". Any ideas on what could help. I've been using Rogine but no progress so far. I have a photo in the second album in the last folder.
dlewis said:
I would like to thicken up the very front of my hairline, it's receded by 1/8". Any ideas on what could help. I've been using Rogine but no progress so far. I have a photo in the second album in the last folder.

I too have been battling thinning at both temples (hereditary). I found the best results from a mix of Pure Sulfur grease by Wondergro, WGHO, castor oil, & peppermint EO. I just rub a little in along hairline and nape 2x per day. I've gotten noticeable results in 2 months.
HERicane10 said:
I too have been battling thinning at both temples (hereditary). I found the best results from a mix of Pure Sulfur grease by Wondergro, WGHO, castor oil, & peppermint EO. I just rub a little in along hairline and nape 2x per day. I've gotten noticeable results in 2 months.

Thanks HERicane, I have everything but the Wondergro and WGHO, I'll pick some up this weekend.
I would like to thicken up my ends. They got extremely thin after my last weave. I am working on transitioning, so I will eventually cut them, but I want to figure out what I can do in the meantime.
I will join, so I can thicken up my edges. I started using castor oil on it, and probably will add the temple balm.
I'd like to thicken up my entire head.
1. stretch relaxer until April and then braid hair the first week in April for one additional month. Thereby stretching to five months.
2. self relax in May using the butterfly clamp method
3. Continue to deep condition with Keraphix, Humectress, and Oil
3. Add deep protein once a month (DRC-28)

Let's see where I am by May 2007
I'd like to thicken up my entire head. I intend to do so by stretching using the C & G method, castor oil daily to seal in my moisturiser and drinking carrot juice daily.
Great suggestions ladies. I really need to get on this carrot juice thing. I have a vitamix and a ton of carrots so there really is no excuse especially with all the good stuff I keep hearing about it.
I would like to thicken up my entire head, but mostly my hairline. For this challenge, I will be using naturallady's odorless mtg.

ETA: Once I find someone to do a sewn in full head of weave, I will follow the C & G method.
I would like to thicken up my left side. The culprit it started 2 years ago from too much heat and pulling my hair back too often. I just started using Dr. Miracle 2x a day. The tingling is something serious. I am also putting myself on a no heat challenge (even in this cold weather), and giving the ponytails a break (or atleast not brushing my hair back into a ponytail)
I want to thicken up my whole head and I will use castor oil and vatika oil and coconut oil
I'm in...I need to thicken up my hairline...dang I purchased ORS fertilizing serum and it doesn't seem to be working:) oh well back to the drawing board:)

ETA: I have been using the ORS fertilizing for about a month in a half so I will give it more time.
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I had great results with the first challenge my entire head has thickened up.
My stylist and 2 other stylist in the shop could not believe how much my hair improved and want to know my Regimen.
I know pre pooing with Polysorbate 80 and adding it to my Better Braids Spray along with Imfusium 23 gave the best results.
I still use Black Jamaican Castor Oil adding it to conditioners and leave in.
I am going to continue with Groganics scalp Treatment mixed with Castor oil and MN on my hairline.
The Nutrine Garlic poo has really strengthen and improved my hair.Why did I sleep on this poo.Thanks! Hairbuddy.
OK, I'm in on this one. My front crown needs this. The see through temples are improving with that black laxative, pomade of rosemary, lavender, nettle, sage, cinnammon and coconut Surge Woojee. Then Surge 14, Dr. Miracles, gentle massages{once in a while MTG pre-poo only!} My Tulsi tea is now mixed with MTG, Amla.
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I did a massage for my crown area last night. It still feels pretty sore today despite the fact that I have a very loose low side bun in my hair today. Both my husband and I suffer from a sore crown area:confused: I think it may be the dryness from central heating. I purchased a humidifier and have been using it:)

For my crown massage last night I used emu oil with rosemary essential oil and lavendar essential oil.

I will be deep conditioning/hot oil massaging tonight while I relax and watch Monk and Best Week Ever:D
Whats up trimbride, I was just looking at your hairline suggestions when I saw this. Count me in. My hair is really thin but I would always love thicker hair. My plan is to add black castor oil, boundless tresses and wait atleast 10 weeks to relax. I will also stay up on my henna treatments. For my hairline, I am going to a try a hairline specific creme to smooth on twice a day.
Okay this is what I think I will be doing:

1. Get rid of all of these hair vitamins by taking them daily
2. Wash and deep Condition twice per week as usual
3. Stretch my relaxer to 24 weeks. Relax May 9, 2007
4. Incorporate Nori seaweed sheets and carrot juice into my diet
5. Drink more water-With added lemon juice
6. Exercise daily
7. Use sulfur oil mixture
8. Use Essential Oil, Emu Oil, Castor oil mixture for scalp massages

This will help me get rid of all this extra stuff I have laying around and it will help me to put my regimen into full effect.
I'm definitely up for the challenge. I want to thicken up my entire head. I want my hair to look thick when it's natural and when it's pressed. I'm not quite sure how I'll achieve it, but so far I know that I will get some of that black castor oil and use it daily, I will be careful when tying up my hair, and I will seek support from this site.

Here we go! I'm excited! Let's post our pictures of our thin areas so that we can have some comparison photos by the end of the year.
april shower said:
I'm new around and i'd love to join.Where do I get the castor oil from?
They sell it at Wal-Mart or any health food store.

The one at Wal-Mart comes in a small brown 4 oz bottle with a pink label

You can also get it at any drug store, near the laxatives I believe:look:
Yup, Trimbride, that crown where I seem to have a permanent part has broken hairs. I really do not understand that. Perhaps because that is where it is parted for touch-ups or because it is constantly uncovered with other hairs or where I start my appilcation of rub down products. I have the most silver hair there so focus my growth efforts there, allows me to see growth.
Trimbride. What are the guidelines for this challenge? I've never been part of a challenge before, how does it work,check in times, what?????????????
BrooklynSouth said:
Trimbride. What are the guidelines for this challenge? I've never been part of a challenge before, how does it work,check in times, what?????????????

No rules really, just choose the area you want to focus on and do what works best for you...and most importantly share your method/results!:D