Thicken Up Hairline Challenge

Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

I'm still at it Trimbride and doing well. My hairline is improving so much with SURGE 14, MTG, attention to moisture and protein treatments. I love that the small knot hole where my scarf knot wore it away is filling in. I have no new edge photos yet in my FOTKI but soon. I'm happy.
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

I'm still in too. I started this challenge using the ORS and MN/MTG concoction. Recently I have switched to using BT. I see some improvement. It's slow but it's coming along. Reading this thread always encourages me to keep going! Trimbride your results are wonderful.
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

My hairline could always use some thickening (my hair is naturally very thin all over but I've worn braids too). I'm currently using Boundless Tresses as a growth stimulant all over my scalp but I want to use something "extra" on my edges. I'm thinking about trying Nexxus Biotin Créme. Unfortunately, I was born with little to no temples (well I didn't have much hair at all as a baby :look: but that area NEVER really grew in--my mother calls them "cow licks" :perplexed), so no amount of growth potion or super duper vitamin will make it grow really thick/full . :ohwell: I have seen a little growth over the years though but not a whole lot. It's one of the main reasons I don't like wearing my hair pulled back. :(
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Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

Great Job Ladies!!!:dance7:

My hairline has done a complete turn around, I actually have a nappy thick hairline that I am extremely proud of! I love how it looks when I wear my hair pulled back. It is starting to look like it is creeping forward more and more, this is so refreshing because when I started this challenge my hairline was back behind my ear:eek: :eek: :eek: . I am going to have a 3 head pretty soon:lachen:
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

I am so happy 2 have find tthis thread. Im so in. Im ready to conquer this path of thin edges...Thick edges here I come. I just started BT. I hope it work guys....
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

Wow guys!
I'm reading about your hairlines growing forward and filling in so thick and nice.

How often are you all appying whatever products you are using?
Also, when you relax how are you dealing with your edges? Are you relaxing them last? not at all? :ohwell:

I'm just curious. I use BT now. I was using MTG, ORS temple balm and MN for awhile in the past. But overall I've seen a slight amount of progress. Then it seems like my edges are gone again. Wassup?! What am I doing wrong?

Could it be when I relax? Or possibly that I'm not using products frequent enough? Maybe I've switched products to frequently????

BTW: I don't wear braids, no tight pony's, wear silk scarf at night. Even taking viviscal, ultra hair vitamins, botin, MSM, super b complex, EPO, and flaxseed. Drinking water etc
Sorry to go on so long. All suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

mch5683 said:
Wow guys!
I'm reading about your hairlines growing forward and filling in so thick and nice.

How often are you all appying whatever products you are using? About 5 times per week I apply Boundless tresses. You could probably get results with just about anything, I think the actual massage is what benefits the hairline.
Also, when you relax how are you dealing with your edges? Are you relaxing them last? not at all? :ohwell: I relax my edges last, I don't think the relaxer was the reason my hairline was so messed up anyway. I texlax so the relaxer isn't in my hair for longer than 15 minutes so the order in which I relax does not seem to matter much. If I had to advise I would say relax the hairline last.

I'm just curious. I use BT now. I was using MTG, ORS temple balm and MN for awhile in the past. But overall I've seen a slight amount of progress. Then it seems like my edges are gone again. Wassup?! What am I doing wrong? I would say keep being gentle with that area, no tight ponytails, massage the area, don't brush it, and be careful with your satin scarf at night. This is what worked for me. I saw results in about 90 days. 6 months later my hairline was totally filled in:)

Could it be when I relax? Or possibly that I'm not using products frequent enough? Maybe I've switched products to frequently????I am not sure if it is the relaxer or not, some people get overzealous with relaxing the hairline because they want it super straight. Like my other advice, treat the hairline gently;)

BTW: I don't wear braids, no tight pony's, wear silk scarf at night. Even taking viviscal, ultra hair vitamins, botin, MSM, super b complex, EPO, and flaxseed. Drinking water etc
Sorry to go on so long. All suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I hope my suggestions were helpful! The key for me has been
  • No Brushing
  • No tight protective styles, especially no tight ponytails while wet
  • No tight braids
  • Massaging area daily (I used a variety of growth aides all of them worked well because I was massaging and increasing bloodflow to the area) Currently I am using Boundless tresses
  • treating area gently (this includes when you are relaxing)
Good Luck!
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

trimbride said:
I hope my suggestions were helpful! The key for me has been
  • No Brushing
  • No tight protective styles, especially no tight ponytails while wet
  • No tight braids
  • Massaging area daily (I used a variety of growth aides all of them worked well because I was massaging and increasing bloodflow to the area) Currently I am using Boundless tresses
  • treating area gently (this includes when you are relaxing)
Good Luck!

Thank you so much Trimbride.
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

Dare~to~Dream said:
My hairline could always use some thickening (my hair is naturally very thin all over but I've worn braids too). I'm currently using Boundless Tresses as a growth stimulant all over my scalp but I want to use something "extra" on my edges. I'm thinking about trying Nexxus Biotin Créme. Unfortunately, I was born with little to no temples (well I didn't have much hair at all as a baby :look: but that area NEVER really grew in--my mother calls them "cow licks" :perplexed), so no amount of growth potion or super duper vitamin will make it grow really thick/full . :eek:hwell: I have seen a little growth over the years though but not a whole lot. It's one of the main reasons I don't like wearing my hair pulled back. :(

:wave: I had widow's peak for AGES till I was about 17/18. My front hairline is still not the bestest but sulphur products seem to work for me. I was always in braids and used Virgin Hair (in the toothpaste tube) and it filled out my hairline. Ghana braids pulled them out some but its back - basically be consistent MTG was AMAZING for me last year so I'm back on it and BT :look: and my sister swears by her MN mix. Just pick 1 and stick to it for at least 3 months and I bet ur hairline comes back. I've got some pix in my fotki (address & pass in profile) :)
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

i kno i am prettyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy late, but i just joined (officially) the website today and this is one of the main reasons why i sought internet help. My hairline is really bad and i am workin on growin it back as i speak. I jus got a hold of MTG so i will be using that, and i also bought the ORS fertilizing serum and temple balm. I mixed my MTG and ORS items with my essential oils (rosemary, lavendar, ylang, peppermint, and a hint of tea tree). I use to use Dr.Miracle temple balm but after 2 weeks it stopped the tingling and became as hard as geletin. So after reading a few posts on this site I went out and bought the above items. Has anyone tried the nioxin hair products? ppl only talk about the pills. :)(hopeful)
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

i kno i am prettyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy late, but i just joined (officially) the website today and this is one of the main reasons why i sought internet help. My hairline is really bad and i am workin on growin it back as i speak. I jus got a hold of MTG so i will be using that, and i also bought the ORS fertilizing serum and temple balm. I mixed my MTG and ORS items with my essential oils (rosemary, lavendar, ylang, peppermint, and a hint of tea tree). I use to use Dr.Miracle temple balm but after 2 weeks it stopped the tingling and became as hard as geletin. So after reading a few posts on this site I went out and bought the above items. Has anyone tried the nioxin hair products? ppl only talk about the pills. :)(hopeful)

I just started a few weeks ago :).
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

Maybe trimbride should start a "Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2007 ".
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

I say let's have a challenge for this.

The rest of my hair is doing fine, but in the past three months I started wearing hats for the summer.

Needless to say my hairline up front to a hit, a serious one. I was using a hair band to protect my hairline when I had on some of my hats but it did not work for all of them.

I just got back from my honeymoon so I am now doing triage for my hairline. YIKES!

But I love me some hats. This is one of my favorites!

Me and my son!
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

:wave: I had widow's peak for AGES till I was about 17/18. My front hairline is still not the bestest but sulphur products seem to work for me. I was always in braids and used Virgin Hair (in the toothpaste tube) and it filled out my hairline. Ghana braids pulled them out some but its back - basically be consistent MTG was AMAZING for me last year so I'm back on it and BT :look: and my sister swears by her MN mix. Just pick 1 and stick to it for at least 3 months and I bet ur hairline comes back. I've got some pix in my fotki (address & pass in profile) :)

Hi, I just saw this response. I have to admit I googled images a "widow's peak" because I wasn't quite sure if it was the same thing as I thought it was...I don't have the prominent "V" which I'm grateful for :look: (the googled pictures weren't flattering)...I'm not sure if I what I have could be classified as an actual "widow's peak" because the "V" isn't there...but ah well...I'm am using the Nexxus scalp cream and it does seem to be working (I plan to use it for three months per the instructions). I only use it on front sides only....I just need it to be thicker...while it's not extremely thin and balding like the time I had this braids fiasco back in the day, I still think it could be far as the *cowlicks* well I'm working on them with the cream as well...there is a little progress...since I've had them since I was a baby...there is probably only so much growth I can get with growth stimulants but I'm thinking positively. ;)

P. S. I couldn't get your password to work for most of your hair albums. :ohwell:

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Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

I'm joining but my hairline is sooo bad, I embarrassed to take pics. I will baby them and give myself until December to get it straight.
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

I'm joining but my hairline is sooo bad, I embarrassed to take pics. I will baby them and give myself until December to get it straight.

you are NOT by yourself. my sides are real bad too. im babyin them til december too. hope to have great results by then.:yep:
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

I'm joining but my hairline is sooo bad, I embarrassed to take pics. I will baby them and give myself until December to get it straight.

Don't worry girl, I look like i have male pattern baldness in the front of my head.

You'll get it together, we both will.
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

I want to see how much progress I get by Xmas time:

- no tight ponytails, especially when my hair's wet
- massage hairline and thinning areas nightly (i hope i can remember this)
- treat hairline as gently as possible
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006


For inspiration!

I will ask the mods to remove 2006, so that we can just make this an ongoing challenge:)
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006


For inspiration!

I will ask the mods to remove 2006, so that we can just make this an ongoing challenge:)

Thanks and you are my inspiration. Ladies I am massaging my hairline while I am at work. I'm starting to do it everyday.
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

Congradulations Trimbride! Good Work!

I would like to join. I need to thicken up my nape area.

I am using BT on the scalp area and any kind of moisturizer to keep it moist night and day (S-Curl, Cantu Shea Butter, etc.). NO BRUSING!!!!! No pulling and tugging and t/up that area last.
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Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006

i kno i am prettyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy late, but i just joined (officially) the website today and this is one of the main reasons why i sought internet help. My hairline is really bad and i am workin on growin it back as i speak. I jus got a hold of MTG so i will be using that, and i also bought the ORS fertilizing serum and temple balm. I mixed my MTG and ORS items with my essential oils (rosemary, lavendar, ylang, peppermint, and a hint of tea tree). I use to use Dr.Miracle temple balm but after 2 weeks it stopped the tingling and became as hard as geletin. So after reading a few posts on this site I went out and bought the above items. Has anyone tried the nioxin hair products? ppl only talk about the pills. :)(hopeful)

I have tried nioxin, it was okay but expensive and hard to find so I discontinued use.

It seems that it doesn't matter what you use, as long as you massage the hairline and treat it gently. A clean scalp is also very important. I wash my hair twice per week :)

I also don't care for heavy grease...

Right now my preference is emu oil. It is working wonders on my crown area.
Re: Thicken Up Hairline Challenge 2006


For inspiration!

I will ask the mods to remove 2006, so that we can just make this an ongoing challenge:)

Thank you trimbride. I'ts been two weeks since I'm in this challenge. I will do it for three months.
:nono:if you are familiar with MTG,

I am using it for the front of my hair to grow it back, but my scalp is starting to get flaky. Is that sulfur buildup? or is that what MTG is suppose to do? kill away bad skin cells to grow hair out?

please reply
:nono:if you are familiar with MTG,

I am using it for the front of my hair to grow it back, but my scalp is starting to get flaky. Is that sulfur buildup? or is that what MTG is suppose to do? kill away bad skin cells to grow hair out?

please reply

:nono:if you are familiar with MTG,

I am using it for the front of my hair to grow it back, but my scalp is starting to get flaky. Is that sulfur buildup? or is that what MTG is suppose to do? kill away bad skin cells to grow hair out?

please reply

Flaking for me was not a problem when I was using it daily. I now use my own sulfur/oil mixture but I am always careful to add a moisturizing leave-in once the sulfur is on my scalp. Try adding a good moisturizing conditioner after the MTG.
Flaking doesn't sound good, Is your skin irritated, if so I would discontinue use.

Sulfur is supposed to be great for dandruff so I am not sure what is going on.

I used a sulfur oil for a while but it started to break out my neck so now I am using just emu oil and essential oils.
I thought I would revive this thread and join the challenge.

My hair line is not too good, I've had a dodgy hairline since I was a child, It's mainly just my temples. When ever I have braids, my hairline grows back nice and full then I relax and a few months later its back to how it was. Most people's hairlines get damaged with braids but my mum braids my hair and is very gentle with my hairline.

I've recently taken out a sew-in weave that I had for 5 weeks and my hairline looks better. I rarely brush my hairline so I am guessing the relaxer is the main problem. I am 8 weeks post relaxer and trying to stretch to at least 16 weeks. When I do eventually relax, I will be sure to do my hairline last. I am also trying to wear buns so that means I will have to be brushing more often - I do use a soft boar bristle for the front but I don't even like to do that.

I have ORS fertilizing temple balm and my main problem is remembering to use it twice a day. I might just have to put it next to my toothpaste!
I was going to start a thread of my own on this topic, but this will do!

I have thin temples, mainly due to wearing extensions for approximately 60% of the past year. I'm not willing to use MTG or anything like that, but I like the idea of massaging the areas with a natural oil. I need to get to the health food store to pick some up.
I was going to start a thread of my own on this topic, but this will do!

I have thin temples, mainly due to wearing extensions for approximately 60% of the past year. I'm not willing to use MTG or anything like that, but I like the idea of massaging the areas with a natural oil. I need to get to the health food store to pick some up.

I would recommend emu worked really well for me:)