Anyone up for a Regrow your Hairline Challenge? LOL

trini, arte you wearing full cap wigs or quick weaves? I often wear my black satin night cap under my wig to protect my edges and nape. :look:

Sorry for responding late - I just saw your response;

It's full capped - that's my hair in the avatar but I have like two tracks in back for length. I currently don't wear a cap because it's too hot here in FL - the high was 87 degrees today and I tried wearing a cotton sweatsuit that had long sleaves. I almost died going from my car to the mall door:lachen::lachen:
Oh yeah, Trini Rican......:welcome4:!!!!!

Thanks!!! I've heard that cinnimon is really good there's a couple of really good dominican topicals with cinnimon as the main ingredient I'm going hunting for some this weekend. Alter Ego has a treatment called CREN that is excellent for this. I don't know who I am when I look in the mirror now because my edges are so thin. Never in my life have I had this issue:nono:.
I am definitely up for this challenge. Thanks Whimsy:grin:
I'm in for my daughter, She had medium size individual braids and it just took alot of her hairline. I wonder if she has Traction Alopecia. If anyone has any info on that please let me know. I've been using carrot oil and massaging the area.
I'm joining. My sew-in weave was great for my hair underneath, but my front edgees and horseshoe are a mess.

Does that ORS fertilizer balm type stuff work? I saw in it Target for $10, but that was a little bit of stuff for that amount of money. If it's the bomb and it works, I'll pay it, but I hope there's a more reasonably priced solution. Plus the box had a whole regimen they expected you to follow w/ the balm fertilizer as step 5, and I knew I had no intention of doing all of that.
I'm joining. My sew-in weave was great for my hair underneath, but my front edgees and horseshoe are a mess.

Does that ORS fertilizer balm type stuff work? I saw in it Target for $10, but that was a little bit of stuff for that amount of money. If it's the bomb and it works, I'll pay it, but I hope there's a more reasonably priced solution. Plus the box had a whole regimen they expected you to follow w/ the balm fertilizer as step 5, and I knew I had no intention of doing all of that.

I'll have to let you know in a few weeks. I bought one for myself and one for my mom. She is using hers twice a day and has already seen some progress. I always forget so understandably I haven't seen any progress. I'll start using it regularly though. I don't think you have to use their whole regimen, every company says that just to get you to buy their stuff!

People on these boards have seen progress with essential oils and castor oil too. I already had the temple balm so I thought I might as well use it properly.
I wanna join ...I too noticed thinning on my temple....on the right side mostly. This week I started using Dr. Miracle's temple and nape balm. I hope it helps.
I went ahead and shelled out for Dr. Miracles Temple and Nape Gro Balm and some castor oil for this channel. I never thought I'd be so happy to see my little naps coming back.
I'm in. This is the deal. My last touchup was in February 2007 and I’ve been wearing box braids since April. I've noticed that my edges doesn't seemed to get long so I've come up with a plan. I know my edges grow because I see new growth, however once I relax it that's it.. When I’m ready for another touchup, I see new growth but no relax ends.

I self braid and I have been leaving my edges out so there is no chance of it ripping out. My plan is to wear braids for 1 year then see if my edges get longer, if it does, I'll relax and wait maybe another 6 months to a year to have another touchup.

Products I have used thus far for my edges
Groganics DHT Blocker, and ORS Temple Balm. I've also been using Profectiv Healthy Ends

I don’t intend to repurchase these items because IMO, I don’t really think they make any difference. If I’ve achieved any growth I’ll chalk it up to the fact that I haven’t had a touchup in almost 8 months, I usually have one every 16 weeks. I’ll buy Profectiv but for the other 2, no.

I don't expect my edges to grow in completely because I think my thinning in that area is mostly heredity but I do wish that the areas that do grow would achieve some length. I’ve come to the conclusion that my edges grow at a snails pace whereas the rest of my hair grows at a normal rate. I’m going to take some more pictures of my temple this weekend so that I have a record of it.

Does anybody know of any other product I can use?
Holy Moly, I started this bad boy and didn't even follow up!

Well ladies, how's the hairline going?

Mine looks the same :(

I'm now going to start massaging w/ coconut oil each night @ my hairline/temples and see if there's any sort of difference.
I am in for 2008. I have been using Shen Min Topical for a few days. I suspect it will be several months until i see results. 4a/b hairlines seem to grow so slow and are easily damaged! Well, mine at least. :ohwell:
I've been using my MN mix and seeing some results. I figured I'd just try it right in the front where I can see growth before putting it all over my head.
I've been babying my edges - found a new protective style that puts little to NO stress on them, giving them daily rubs with amla, and being sure to keep them moisturized (never noticed how dry my edges get/got before) - and I'm definitely seeing a difference. Still not as full as the reast of my head, but much fuller than they used to be.
I am in for 2008 too! My edges and temple areas are horrible. :nono: Whenever I think about them, I actually get extreme anxiety and symptoms of a panic attack (you wish I was kidding). It's horrible. If the temples grow, the back edges break off. If the back's filling in then the front starts. Right side grows, left side doesn't.

I have started to use MN directly on my edges. I've been doing this for about 3 weeks and I think my nape is seeing some progress.

Does anyone have any theories about why the hairline is so hard to maintain? I think knowing the problem would help my anxiousness. It's just frustrating when everything is taking off except for this part of my hair.

My mini goal is to have my perimeter be 3 inches by June. Baby steps.
I haven't seen any progress, my temples seem to be at a standstill. Incidentially, for the past 6 months I've been using Profectiv in the pink container on my mother's natural hair and her hair has been growing, so I've decided to start using this Profectiv product on my edges. I've been using ORS fertilizing temple balm and I haven't noticed any new growth in the sparse areas. I guess this is not suppose to be.
I'm in. I plan to massage castor oil on my spots nightly to see what happens. I hope to have my spots filled in by summer 2008...
I haven't seen any progress, my temples seem to be at a standstill. Incidentially, for the past 6 months I've been using Profectiv in the pink container on my mother's natural hair and her hair has been growing, so I've decided to start using this Profectiv product on my edges. I've been using ORS fertilizing temple balm and I haven't noticed any new growth in the sparse areas. I guess this is not suppose to be.

I started using this October 15th and I haven't seen a difference AT ALL! It really, really sucks because my edges are so not cute. I don't know what else to do. I just started massaging coconut and mustard oil on them so let's see how this goes for the next 3 months.
Add me to the mix! I'm already using Dr. Miracle's Growth Balm as well as B&B Growth Serum . . . this challenge just gives me another incentive to keep this up!
I am definitely in. My front hairline needs some love. It just seems to break all the way to the scalp. I think I will try to keep it moisturize.
I've used every single product invented with little to no avail. I think it's because I didnt start as soon as the damage was done. I'm focusing on prayer because that's the only thing that will and has helped me.

Praying for all of those in this challenge too.
I'm in! My edges are horrible. Saw Palmetto massaged into the temples on wash day and MN every other day.
I am still working on my edges. I have to say that this has the most difficult thing as far as hair. The hair grows in and then breaks back off. So thicking the hair up and trying to grow it out is hard.
I recently purchased (Jan. 2008) a product from Profectiv for my edges.. Because I'm a believer in Profectiv, I'm going to take before and after pictures to see if I made any progress..I'm giving myself 5 months...
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I've tried the following to no avail:

Castor Oil: makes edges dry and stiff
MTG: Too smelly
BT: dries hair out if I don't moisturize first and then I still see broken peices come off when apply it
BT Balm: leaves too much build up
ORS Temple Serum and Balm: Made red bumps pop out on my scalp
Dr. Miracles Temple Balm: Leaves too much build up on my hair