They ALWAYS Come Crawling Back!!


Deep Thinker
Any of you ladies going through or just getting through a break up, please know for a fact that... ....they ALWAYS.... I repeat.... ALWAYS come back!!!

If you know you did right by them then I can almost bet that it may be weeks, months or years but they ALWAYS COME CRAWLING BACK!

As I re-read what I just wrote above, I see that my message could have read either way as being joyous or angry. So let me say's NOT joyous...... Because most of the time when they do come back.... YOU DO NOT EVEN WANT THEM ANYMORE!!! as in my case (thank goodness).


And the worst revenge is to let them see you looking good!!

Don't want to go into too many details but just wanted to share this.

Feel free to share your stories/opinions on whether or not it happens or if it has happened to you.

Thanks for letting me vent!!
^^And that is the key. So what they come crawling back, the thing is, DONT take them back :yep:.

I love when they do it, AFTER you're over them. Song comes to mind, "I can see clearrrrrly now the rain is gone"

Usually when they slither back, nothing has changed about them. Your relationship will end the same way if not worse than the last time.

I had this experience late in my life with one ex...and I learned WELL.

My problem was, the mess that happened between us was in our teenaged years. I made the mistake of thinking he grew up because that's what he lead me to believe when we reunited over 20 yrs later. But I learned, young male dogs grow up to be full grown male dogs.

And yes, again, even though he knows I'm about to be married, he has still attempted to come back, however he sees I have absolutely no respect for him. He is a waste of air and space on this earth.

I dont even think it has anything to do with us, or any love they say they have, it's all about their ego. Just wanting to see if they still have that pull. NOPE!
^^And that is the key. So what they come crawling back, the thing is, DONT take them back :yep:.

I love when they do it, AFTER you're over them. Song comes to mind, "I can see clearrrrrly now the rain is gone"

Usually when they slither back, nothing has changed about them. Your relationship will end the same way if not worse than the last time.

I had this experience late in my life with one ex...and I learned WELL.

My problem was, the mess that happened between us was in our teenaged years. I made the mistake of thinking he grew up because that's what he lead me to believe when we reunited over 20 yrs later. But I learned, young male dogs grow up to be full grown male dogs.

And yes, again, even though he knows I'm about to be married, he has still attempted to come back, however he sees I have absolutely no respect for him. He is a waste of air and space on this earth.

I dont even think it has anything to do with us, or any love they say they have, it's all about their ego. Just wanting to see if they still have that pull. NOPE!

EXACTLY!! At the bolded above. It kills them when they know you're not within arm's reach anymore. That's all it is. And they really can't understand the respect thing about how we look at them after the fact until it's too late.

I've learned (the hard way) that men will say or do whatever to get you to be with them. Thank God I know better now.
Apart from the one i v cheated on they all came back's a Fact ,you re right Op ,i think it has alot to do with a sense of "owning" towards their ex so they occasionally come back to check wether they still have some charm Over them ..
Often they ask hows your relationship going and start reminiscing about the good times you two spent together..
Aye, the I'm sorry, and FB msg for what my cell#. I blocked that real quick. Not going there. I got out and don't want to go back into that.
It's true.....was in a longterm relationship...he took me for granted, was disrespectful, said he didn't want marriage or kids (I didn't care about that). After dealing with that for a while I ended it. A short while later, he professed that I was the love of his life, how he wanted marriage and kids blah blah blah. Kept trying to get me back. I told him I was moving on. He got angry and threatened me (shocked the heck out of me). It's been two years and I haven't talked to him since....
This is exactly why I make it a point to block them from calling, have all emails forwarded to my trash box and don't answer un-known numbers. Luckily, I don't have facebook or other social networks except for twitter(but it's for my blog). Yes, they do come crawling back...but that doesn't mean I want them to.
This is what my man's ex is going through. Apparently, he was the best thing she ever dated but she was the one acting a fool and eventually she broke it off. Now that he's with someone else and she can't find a good man (believe me, she's looking) she's realizing what she's lost. I have a friend who is also dealing with this. She broke up with her man who by the way was a very good guy but she said he was too boring and now she's calling him every other day and wants him back. You never miss a good thing till it's gone.
This thread is so relevant and true. Especially the part about when they come back you don't want them. Which is hilarious. It honestly makes me want to never be sad about a man ever again in life.
People just seem to come and go back. Do they really miss you or is it that there are no significant options available. If the guy isn't trying to go back with you he will try with someone else. Which is why I don't take men serious. :nono:

I actually fought to get back with a guy that I dumped then realized I didn't really want him. :perplexed I was fighting to get a guy back that didn't really make me happy, he felt the same way so I don't expect to hear from him soon. Thank goodness. :grin: But I did get closure. :yep:
All but two have returned...
There is one that i want so desperately to come back (the only man i fell/still in love with) but i haven't heard from him in years. He broke up with me without an explanation or anything. I'm not sure what happen...he just said that i should move on...:sad:

and the other i couldn't care less if he came back. I came across an online dating profile that he made. Smh, (he always said that he was too good for those and would never create one because he had no problems with finding women:rolleyes::rolleyes:) Dude was a hypocritical looser with a whole tree stuck up his butt, not just the stick.
Every one of mine came back. I didn't want them back though. A few of them still resent me for leaving them.....or not taking them back.

You can't say that they always come back though. Because I know people who has waited for exes to come back, and they never did.
I just hope none of this is taken as some sort of compliment because it isnt. Like I said before, it's all ego for them. They could careless about you and really doing you right. You can bet that while they're on the phone trying to woo you back, they are also going at other women they've F'd up with. Who ever bites, will be the "lucky" woman to get the same ish all over again.

And notice how the attempts to come back never seem whole hearted will a full on effort. You'll get a plea one day and 6 days later a text with some silly shyyt. OR, sometimes these guys never really address what they've done or even own up to it the way they should. They dance around it all while claiming how much they still "love you".

I dont even know why I felt compelled to come back and say all this...but the thread just got me to thinking a little extra about my past experience and what I have heard other friends tell me.
ChasingBliss said:
I just hope none of this is taken as some sort of compliment because it isnt. Like I said before, it's all ego for them. They could careless about you and really doing you right. You can bet that while they're on the phone trying to woo you back, they are also going at other women they've F'd up with. Who ever bites, will be the "lucky" woman to get the same ish all over again.

And notice how the attempts to come back never seem whole hearted will a full on effort. You'll get a plea one day and 6 days later a text with some silly shyyt. OR, sometimes these guys never really address what they've done or even own up to it the way they should. They dance around it all while claiming how much they still "love you".

I dont even know why I felt compelled to come back and say all this...but the thread just got me to thinking a little extra about my past experience and what I have heard other friends tell me.

I totally agree. It burned my biscuits when the last guy was still contacting me. I knew it was just for an ego boost and it was halfhearted. I also made sure he knew that also. Thankfully contact has been seized.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I just hope none of this is taken as some sort of compliment because it isnt. Like I said before, it's all ego for them. They could careless about you and really doing you right. You can bet that while they're on the phone trying to woo you back, they are also going at other women they've F'd up with. Who ever bites, will be the "lucky" woman to get the same ish all over again.

And notice how the attempts to come back never seem whole hearted will a full on effort. You'll get a plea one day and 6 days later a text with some silly shyyt. OR, sometimes these guys never really address what they've done or even own up to it the way they should. They dance around it all while claiming how much they still "love you".

I dont even know why I felt compelled to come back and say all this...but the thread just got me to thinking a little extra about my past experience and what I have heard other friends tell me.

I believe in some cases but not all. For some men it really does take losing you for them to realize that they had a good thing. Also, I think it depends a lot on if you left them and moved on. If I had went with the belief above ( that he was just trying to stroke his ego) I wouldn't still be with my SO who did a complete 360 once I left him and he realized what he loss. I think you have to look more at the guys actions and not just his words...
I believe in some cases but not all. For some men it really does take losing you for them to realize that they had a good thing. Also, I think it depends a lot on if you left them and moved on. If I had went with the belief above ( that he was just trying to stroke his ego) I wouldn't still be with my SO who did a complete 360 once I left him and he realized what he loss. I think you have to look more at the guys actions and not just his words...

I definitely agree. A lot of factors are involved. I wanted to come back and say that I know that not all cases are the same when someone has screwed up and wants another chance.

But a guy's silly half hearted attempts to rectify a situation and find his way back to you is a big indicator that he aint worth the effort to try again. And WHAT he did is a huge factor in my case, when you find out that he has been lying to you about his entire life...and you find out in the worst way. Nah son, aint no coming back from that...good bye forever.
I had convos on this topic a few times recently regardg how long it took and wondered if there was a thread... Found it!!

So in you ladies experience how much time passed before they came back? Soon after breakup or many months/years later?

For me it was just a few months each time, nevr after years
My aunt told me this when I was 18 years old and it has been true to date. I've had my heart broken and feelings hurt only for them to come back then I no longer want them by the time they do.
Interesting. Once I was finally done with my ex and moved on to dh I haven't heard from him since. And I'm glad about it. :yep: We are both married now, so i would hope he is happy with his wife.
I had convos on this topic a few times recently regardg how long it took and wondered if there was a thread... Found it!! So in you ladies experience how much time passed before they came back? Soon after breakup or many months/years later? For me it was just a few months each time, nevr after years

All of the above... Lol! With some it was months and with others, it was years. Every single ex has tried to come back!
A couple of ex s are persistent ,even though I m married they attempt to keep in you touch with the most random excuses such as hair care ,travelling tips,religious scriptures . My ex once texted me "have you heard Sleeping with a broken heart " ? "It makes me think of you " . Ok . I don't think I deserve any of his attention since I dumped him for DH but he always pops back up . I also found out he saves my pics from my whatsapp profile . :look:

Playa heart breaker ex came back a few times but I can't entertain his little games . He hurt me enough in the past. We were engaged and found out he was still married /separated.
Anyway I believe 90% of ex s will come back at some point to check on you.
I totally agree. It burned my biscuits when the last guy was still contacting me. I knew it was just for an ego boost and it was halfhearted. I also made sure he knew that also. Thankfully contact has been seized.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

I cursed one clean out for trying that mess! He was trying to play that see what u are missing stuff. I told him to get the hayle on wit that, and that I got enough going on in my life. But I don't wanna get back with any of them. There is no reason to. Things will just end up the same way. Plus I have a different type of life. I can't allow some old/new man to come and bring foolishness!