"They always come back"


New Member
Is this really true? :look:

ETA: Oh... I just realized how unclear that might be. I mean, guys you date who wander off for some reason (break up, infidelity, immaturity, etc.) Is it true that they always come back?
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Seems like it. But then again, they can't come back to everyone they ever dated. Not every woman is "the one that got away."
Yes, they do...and at the most inconvenient times too. Ironically, when they first leave, you sit around hoping they come back...but by the time they come around, you've moved on. :yep:
Time and time again I have seen it. That dosen't mean he has changed, though. A man would have to turn a complete genuine 180 before I could consider taking him back again....
Its funny because I would have to say yes. In my experience they have, and by that time I am like "Who are you???":lachen::lachen:

So yeah, "Someday aaaaa aaaa, the one you gave away will be the only one your wishing for." Mariah Carey :lachen::lachen::lachen:
In my life, the ones that I want to come back do not or at least not how I want them to come back.

The ones I do not want always come back.
Yes OP, most guys usually DO come back. I don't know if it's because of curiosity, genuine regret, or just to see if you still "got it bad" for them, but either way...most of them DO come back somehow...some way.

Mine has already started trying to come back a little bit...and he's still in another relationship! He must think I'm stupid. :rolleyes: He would have to darn near worship the ground I walk on, and be my personal servant 24/7 in order for me to take him back. :lachen: :lol:

Time and time again I have seen it. That dosen't mean he has changed, though. A man would have to turn a complete genuine 180 before I could consider taking him back again....

Yea tell me about it. Even then I would have to be giving him the sideways eye all the time. LOL! :lachen:

Its funny because I would have to say yes. In my experience they have, and by that time I am like "Who are you???":lachen::lachen:

So yeah, "Someday aaaaa aaaa, the one you gave away will be the only one your wishing for." Mariah Carey :lachen::lachen::lachen:

OMG...I remember this Mariah Carey song! I used to love this song! I'm gonna go find it on my ipod. This is a a classic "breakup" song...it's so upbeat. I love it. :D
They'll always call back. I don't care what kicked off, good or bad, they always call back. Now come back, that is entirely up to you and how you carry it.
They always come back, but not always with good intentions. Sometimes they are just lonely/horny whatever and want somebody warm and familiar.
In my experiences, they always come back and you have to decide if they have genuinely changed and if you want to give them another chance or not.
Yup. Every. Single. One.

I made the mistake of taking my first ex back and let's just say I learned a valuable lesson: an ex is an ex for a reason.
Yup. Every. Single. One.

I made the mistake of taking my first ex back and let's just say I learned a valuable lesson: an ex is an ex for a reason.

You ain't never lied. Same thing happened to me. Will not go there ever again. Ten years later and the man still had not changed. As a matter of fact he was worse 10 years later. Boy did I learn a lot from him. I learned what I don't want in a man.

But yes in my experience most of them try to come back. With the exception of one that I let get away.
Maybe this should be another thread, but do people really change? I personally know that people can change, and have seen some people change, but it's been over a whole lot of years.

How often is it that people really experience someone coming back and being such a different person than before?
Maybe this should be another thread, but do people really change? I personally know that people can change, and have seen some people change, but it's been over a whole lot of years.

How often is it that people really experience someone coming back and being such a different person than before?

I think that people grow...and that takes years, time, and life experiences. During that time you can be with someone that is already grown.:yep:
For me yes and I just give em that look like "what exactly is it that you want" ... it ends for a reason or falls off for a reason... just remember that reason..lol