The wonders of MSM - My take on it

Alot of you are taking large quanties of MSM, I get 1000mg of MSM through taking a 500mg pill and through the Ultranourishair.
I already have a acne problem, my face would be a HUGE acne bump if I took more then that
As for softer hair, I haven't noticed anything too different in the texture, and I've been taking vits faithfully since Nov. 02.
I dont know
. What should I be doing differently?
Thanks London Diva, I take the Higher Nature MSM, I didn't get the problem with headaches, but I did notice that my face was a lot clearer, as for my hair. It is a lot thicker, but I haven't noticed a change in texture though. I add it to my hair rinse, approx one teaspoon, needs to be dissolved in a little water then it is able to be dissolved in the rinse water.
Can you mix MSM Powder w/orange juice instead of water?

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i think i'll try this. LD, i told you my powder had been sitting there since my first taste!
the msm has helped with joints, but i haven't been on it for long, only six weeks 2000mg a day how soon did you all start to see results with your hair?

I finished off my Vitamin Shoppe MSM pills this past weekend, so I've finally been able to start taking my Doctor's Best powdered MSM. Boy, that stuff IS bitter, but I just mix it with about a 1/4 cup of water and down it. Then I drink another 8oz. or so of water after that.

I've been taking it for 2 days and I have been getting headaches each time. Because of that, I'm starting low (only 2,000mg); once the headaches stop I'll increase my dosage.

By the way, I was AMAZED at how this powder completely dissolves in water. The Vitamin Shoppe pills don't (when you open them up it just floats).

I had been taking MSM pills (first Twinlabs, then Vit. Shoppe), 1,000-2,000mg/day, for at least the last 8 months and never noticed any changes in my hair. I'm very curious to see if the powder works better.
Well it's weird but my hair is 4a/4b but the new growth seems to always grow in like 3c curly not nappy like. But somehow when it becomes a thick mass it seems to change
Well it's weird but my hair is 4a/4b but the new growth seems to always grow in like 3c curly not nappy like. But somehow when it becomes a thick mass it seems to change

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<font color="purple">I'm so happy that I finally took the plunge to buy some MSM late last month before the May PJs challenge. I've been taken it daily for almost a month, and I've noticed my new growth is softer and my joints are not stiff. I bought the drug store name supplement that has 1000mg. It passed the float test. I don't get headaches a lot, just occasionally, and I also get a few breakouts from the use of MSM. I'm going to continue taking it along with my other supplements. I will also add some biotin to produce greater results for my hair and nails (I removed my nail enhancements today). Thank you for getting me hooked on MSM, LondonDiva. BTW, my supplement is CVS Brand, in case if you're wondering. Cheerio. </font>
London Diva,
Can I open up my MSM capsules into some orange juice and get the same effect? Or is the powder form a different formulation than the ones in the capsules? I take 2000 mgs a day...thanks for the info !!

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Sorry guys for taking so long to get back in on this thread.

Lunalight yep you can do that.

There's no difference except the powder is in the capsule shell. Have you taken the MSM test?

Open up a capsule in some water and stir it around until it dissolves. If it stays on the top of the water (like a fine film) then it's not pure MSM. You need for it to dissolve and sink. Mine are in crystal form now, I've changed from the powder and i need to shake the bottle vigorously for it to dissolve. It is the pure stuff though,
the msm has helped with joints, but i haven't been on it for long, only six weeks 2000mg a day how soon did you all start to see results with your hair?


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I think it depends on your growth rate. whether it's a fast or slow rate you can feel the new textured ripples are considerably softer than usual.
I finished off my Vitamin Shoppe MSM pills this past weekend, so I've finally been able to start taking my Doctor's Best powdered MSM. Boy, that stuff IS bitter, but I just mix it with about a 1/4 cup of water and down it. Then I drink another 8oz. or so of water after that.

I've been taking it for 2 days and I have been getting headaches each time. Because of that, I'm starting low (only 2,000mg); once the headaches stop I'll increase my dosage.

By the way, I was AMAZED at how this powder completely dissolves in water. The Vitamin Shoppe pills don't (when you open them up it just floats).

I had been taking MSM pills (first Twinlabs, then Vit. Shoppe), 1,000-2,000mg/day, for at least the last 8 months and never noticed any changes in my hair. I'm very curious to see if the powder works better.

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If it's any help, i think when you can taste the powder in the water you haven't 'diluted' it enough and you have a high mg conent of MSM to the water you are taking. Maybe that's what contributing to the headaches. I could taste the MSM in every 1/4 litre of water I was drinking at work. I think I was over doing it. What I do it put between 4-8,000mg in a 2 litre bottle and top it up with filtered water. Shake it up and drink it throughout the day. I can't taste the MSM at all. Not even a hint of it.

I hadn't even thought about it, but I've had no problems with my knees
<font color="purple">Thank you for getting me hooked on MSM, LondonDiva. BTW, my supplement is CVS Brand, in case if you're wondering. Cheerio. </font>

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Hey babycurls

You're welcome. Glad to hear it's working for you

Keep me posted on your results.
Okay, I just bought the liquid MSM with 2,000 mg. How do I know if it's effective?

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welcome to the board

I guess you won't know till you try it.
What you are looking for is softer new growth to the touch. It loosens and softens the curl pattern of the hair. Wait until you have a significant amount of new growth before you decide if it's worked or not.
Thank you for the reply. I want to go go longer between relaxers. I am currently getting touch-ups every 4-5 weeks because of the new growth. Of course, if my new growth grows in softer, I may even consider going natural. I tried it once before but my hair was too thick and I nor my stylist could do anything with it!

I will provide an update as soon as I notice my new growth forming.
Just wanted to say,
to LondonDiva! I'm going to take your advice and mix up a large bottle of "MSM water" as per your advice to drink thru out the day.

By the way, I took 2,000mg MSM yesterday and didn't get any headaches. Yeah!
Just wanted to say,
to LondonDiva! I'm going to take your advice and mix up a large bottle of "MSM water" as per your advice to drink thru out the day.

By the way, I took 2,000mg MSM yesterday and didn't get any headaches. Yeah!

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I sure wish you'd post more. I barely see anything from ya anymore
Either that or I'm missing all your posts.

Anyways glad to hear the headaches have surpassed. How's the beautiful mane of hair coming along. Your pics can't be accessed anympre (I don't think)
Hello everyone:

I am very interest in the MSM, I have taken a look at the Puritan's Pride site, and it appears that they have so many.

MSM glucosmaine, Sulphur, Cream Sulphur.

At the moment I have Alopecia, so I will not be perming my hair for many years at the same time, my new growth comes in wavey my hair type is 3c/4a. Maybe growing out my hair and going natural won't be so bad after all.

I have been on this site for the 2 days, and I feel much better reading all of your post.

Londondiva, would be possible to post the address of the manufacturer for the MSM you use, so I can contact them to see if there product is sold in Canada.


I didn't know what MSM mean't, so I did a search on it and copied and pasted it here, hope it helps for those of you who felt the same way I did:

MSM Powder (MethylSulfonylMethane):

MethylSulfonylMethane is not a medicine, a drug, or a food additive. It is a FOOD - a pure white sulfur powder. It comes from the ocean and is water soluble. Sulfonyl sulfur is found in plants, meats, dairy products, and vegetation. MSM is the 3rd largest ingredient found in your body.

The body continually uses MSM to create new healthy cells to replace old ones. If our body doesn't receive the proper nutrition and the building materials it needs, it will produce bad, dysfunctional cells, deficient of the basic ingredients that constitute a healthy cell. If we give the body what it needs to heal itself, it will repair itself. If we want good flexible cells, capable of maintaining good health, it helps to supplement our diet with MSM Powder to enable the body to heal itself.

When taking MSM Powder, it is suggested that Vitamin C be taken also. The MethylSulfonyMethane needs the Vitamin C to help it build healthy cells.

MethylSulfonylMethane works synergistically with Vitamin C. It is recommended that you take at least ½ (one half) as much Vitamin C as MSM. For example, if you are taking 2000 mg of MSM Powder you should take a minimum of 1000 mg of Vitamin C.** (See MSM Dosage Charts.)
Hello Dreamgirl:

I am new to this board, thank you kindly for researching the definition and purpose for the MSM product.

I have great respect for anyone who's willing to research a topic and then share the information with others.

My take on MSM is that it's wonderful! I have a post from last month where I said that I was worried because I had been taking MSM and I was like 14 weeks post re-touch. I had to explain that I had never, ever been able to go past 10 weeks, before I began taking MSM. The trip part was that my physician told me to take it to help arthritis in my hand, then I kept reading different post about MSM and I had a lightbulb moment
. My new growth was coming in faster, softer and more managable. I finally broke down and did a re-touch around the 15th week and not because I had to, because I just wanted to. So yes, I do contribute MSM to going relaxer free longer. My special need for MSM is the GNC Triflex brand with glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM 900mg's. It works for me. I do recommend it only from either a doctor or pharmacist advice FIRST! It has sulphur in it and some people are allergic to sulphur and don't know it. So please use it with caution.
I, like Dutchess, was able to go 12 weeks before a touchup when I used to get one every 6 to 8 weeks. My newgrowth looked wavier and softer than usual.
HoneyLemonDrop said:
It's amazing that this MSM is not well known. I only learned about it through this board

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Me too.
I learned about it from this board too. Then I did some research and it really is supposed to improve and increase hair and nail growth, among other benefits. There's probably other great, natural hair growth products out there that we don't know about yet.
MSM truly is great.I measured my new growth before starting MSM.It was about .25 inches.I measured again 1 week after starting and it was .75 inches.I still have very long to go for a touchup but at this rate I should definitly make my goal of 1.5 inches by December.