The "Which Should I Choose?" Thread


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
"There's a big event coming up and I don't know whether I should rollerset or flatiron!" :fistshake:

"I have so many conditioners, I don't know which one to use today!" :pullhair:

"Both of these product lines sound so good, I can't decide which one to choose!" :tantrum:

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? If so, this thread is for you!

This is where you can come to ask questions on what you should choose, no matter if it's what oil you should pre-poo with or what samples you should buy from Komaza. No question is too trivial here, so ask away! :grin:
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'Kay, I'll go first, since my indecisiveness is what made me start this thread in the first place. :look:

I don't know what to moisturize with today. I've narrowed it down to:

1) Claudie's Balancing Moisturizer

2) Claudie's Quinoa Cream

3) Claudie's Satin Moisturizer

Going to visit my girlfriend tomorrow...we'll be talking hair:grin: should I bun or do a pin curl set?
Pincurl set, so she can see that the proof is in the pudding. :grin:
I understand where you are coming from. I was at this point mid year. I realized I couldn't do it. I need to have 1 or 2 things and that's it. It takes me forever to decide and then I'm always second guessing.

I know some like to have lots of choices. I like 1 or 2. :ohwell:
tiffers I'm so glad you're back. I missed you and your fun threads.

ETA: forgot to post my question :lol: Fairly large event next weekend, industry folks. It's not a natural haor care event, but I know a lot of naturals will be there. Not sure of I want to rock a freaked twist out, wng, or bkt. I'll definitely be coloring, just cant decide of I want curly hair or flowing hair.
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Okay dont know if this counts exactly. I was wondering this and didnt want to make a thread. I dont really make threads; I have a fear no one will respond :look: Which gives best results (in your opinion or from experience) : a weekly protein reconstructor or alternating between protein and moisture on wash days?
Oooohhh good thread!

Ask september is here and I want to ps for most of the fall (or at least until I find a good flat iron) should I
A) keep my hair in braid or twist styles
B) invest in wigs
I'm so glad you're back. I missed you and your fun threads.

ETA: forgot to post my question :lol: Fairly large event next weekend, industry folks. It's not a natural haor care event, but I know a lot of naturals will be there. Not sure of I want to rock a freaked twist out, wng, or bkt. I'll definitely be coloring, just cant decide of I want curly hair or flowing hair.

E! :hug3: How ya been, chickadee?

My vote is for a big a**, awesome twistout. :grin:
Okay dont know if this counts exactly. I was wondering this and didnt want to make a thread. I dont really make threads; I have a fear no one will respond :look: Which gives best results (in your opinion or from experience) : a weekly protein reconstructor or alternating between protein and moisture on wash days?

A few ladies in the Deep Conditioning thread have been having lots of success using She Scent It's Okra Reconstructor weekly, so I'll go with that. :D
Oooohhh good thread!

Ask september is here and I want to ps for most of the fall (or at least until I find a good flat iron) should I
A) keep my hair in braid or twist styles
B) invest in wigs

Wigs, so you can switch it up when you feel like it. :yep:
I was hoping a thread like this would come up. Ok so I know what I want to use but......leave in, moisturize, seal OR leave in and seal OR moisturize and seal?
I'm about to color my hair-bright :look: I also decided to go ahead and bkt. That way I can rock straight, curl AND a twistout. More versatility options :yep:.
For whatever reasons, I've been thinking about flat-ironing. Me, who is too, too lazy to apply heat, I'm doing good to do a deep condition. I'm terrified of heat damage. However, JustKellee101 on youtube, makes me think twice. Her hair ain't mine and mine ain't hers, but, my mind is going there. What do you say?
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I'm about to color my hair-bright :look: I also decided to go ahead and bkt. That way I can rock straight, curl AND a twistout. More versatility options :yep:.

BKT? This has also been a thought. I'm thinking if you ain't scared. . . .
The versatility does make it attractive.
Why don't all of you use the method? I use this method to decide which styling product I'm going to use. I assign numbers to the products, and then I use whichever number that comes up from

You can also write down the names of the products on pieces of paper, and then put the paper into a bag. Shake the bag, and select a piece of paper. Use whatever product is listed on the piece of paper.
^^^Meh. I'm too lazy and forgetful to do the whole number assignment thing. And I'm definitely too lazy for arts and crafts-- writing out options, cutting up paper and finding a hat to put them in is way too much for me. :lol:

It's more fun this way. :grin:
Love this thread. Which will you choose komaza lucious locs dc or karens body beautiful olive moisture mask? 4b thick strand med-low porosity I think.
I'm debating: should I just wear my hair out (out with headbands, braid-outs and wear hats) for fall or should I do twists with extensions as a ps? My hair's not long enough for a bun, and barely long enough for a ponytail (and that's straightened). :lol: BTW I'm not one to keep a ps in for too long so I'd probably only keep them in for 3 weeks.
Looks like it's going to be Aphogee 2 min. weekly. I just didn't want to have to wash my hair three times. :/

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Okay dont know if this counts exactly. I was wondering this and didnt want to make a thread. I dont really make threads; I have a fear no one will respond :look: Which gives best results (in your opinion or from experience) : a weekly protein reconstructor or alternating between protein and moisture on wash days?

Alternating works best for me. I'm a fine haired natural.

Oooohhh good thread!

Ask september is here and I want to ps for most of the fall (or at least until I find a good flat iron) should I
A) keep my hair in braid or twist styles
B) invest in wigs

Braids & twists!

I'm debating: should I just wear my hair out (out with headbands, braid-outs and wear hats) for fall or should I do twists with extensions as a ps? My hair's not long enough for a bun, and barely long enough for a ponytail (and that's straightened). :lol: BTW I'm not one to keep a ps in for too long so I'd probably only keep them in for 3 weeks.

Both! Wear your hair out between protective styles.
Want to try out a new natural product line. Which one should I try first?

Oyin Handmade
Qhemet Biologics
Shea Moisture