The Things That Some Women Do....


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine was telling me something with regard his ex wife, they get on very well and she goes to him quite a lot for advice. So picture this:-

Maria and her partner (Michael) have been together for two years, there’s been talk of her moving herself and her son in with him but this hasn’t happened yet.

Anyway the latter part of last year Michael had to leave the country to do some business in Nigeria, which would mean they would be apart for about three months.

Maria was very unhappy about this and let him know that she was unhappy – I guess she figured that he didn’t have to go but he did anyway.

She said some unpleasant things to him which seemingly he hasn’t forgiven her for.

They have a massive row which means that they don’t talk for a while, well she tried to reach out and offer an olive branch but he has point blank refused to engage.

She is kind of distraught that he has more or less ignored her, so she is now thinking she will get on a flight to Nigeria and go and see him directly to have it out with Michael.

At this point my friend told me about this and asked for my advice. I simply told him if it was me I wouldn’t even be entertaining getting on a flight and reaching out for a man who hasn’t even bothered to speak to me for so long.

Maria ignores this (fine lol), arranges the flight and accommodation, goes all the way to Nigeria to see this man who then STILL refuses to have anything to do with her.

She then comes back home tail between her legs that he has more or less told her to *** of.

So what do does she do, she gets a friend who is an experienced make up artist to make it look like Maria got attacked. She puts her battered face online on Facebook to garner sympathy that she has been attacked and how upset she is blah blah.

Finally Michael gets in contact to find out what happened.

He has now returned to the UK so they are more or less back together again. Nevermind the whopping lie that she’s told him, and the fact that he’s blanked her for the best part of 4 months.

Would you go to these kind of extremes to keep a man lol
I have a friend that's been couch surfing 2+ years waiting for her Long Distance ManBoy to Greenlight them moving in together. This twit even helped him shop for houses, & drove 12+ hours to help facilitate his move into "their" home, return:auto: to her couch:hide: 12+hrs away:mad:
I even asked her to explain why she dont have a f'n ring???? :confused::rolleyes:
Yet shes:headspin: still hopeful...:mad:

So OP at least your girl can feel like she's winning:D:cup:
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And there’s more truth and it gets worse.

The BF does not know that she still lives with her husband yes husband they are separated but not divorced yet still in the same house. The husband has no feelings for Maria but that’s not the point she’s been lying to the BF for two years. The extent of how far she goes to cover this up is funny really.

How do grown folks conduct their affairs in such messy ways?

PS. I said ex wife in the OP but they actually are still married, they can’t afford to go through divorce.

I know the husband I don’t actually know Maria, never met her.
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And there’s more truth and it gets worse.

The BF does not know that she still lives with her husband yes husband they are separated but not divorced yet still in the same house. The husband has no feelings for Maria but that’s not the point she’s been lying to the BF for two years. The extent of how far she goes to cover this up is funny really.

How do grown folks conduct their affairs in such messy ways?

PS. I said ex wife in the OP but they actually are still married, they can’t afford to go through divorce.

I know the husband I don’t actually know Maria, never met her.
So the husband told you the story?
The BF does not know that she still lives with her husband yes husband they are separated but not divorced yet still in the same house. The husband has no feelings for Maria but that’s not the point she’s been lying to the BF for two years. The extent of how far she goes to cover this up is funny really.

Lord, he should have stayed in Nigeria. How do you date someone for two years and not know their living arrangements?

She doesn’t seem to have many girlfriends.

Really? You dont' say . . . I'd be surprised if she had (many) friends period.



My kinda thread......


It’s really easy to get a new man.

Really easy.

That's the disconnect, right? Some women believe it isn't that easy, especially one that isn't commitment phobic and running games. So they go through extreme lengths to keep the "devil they know."

That ego won't let me do .1% of this to "keep a man." There are very few that are worth that level of 'strategery', though this isn't strategic at idea what to call these shenanigans.
Maria is full of drama and deceptive. She gets no sympathy from me.

Michael is just a dude. He was ticked and cut her off. Le shrug. Take the hint. You can't go off and say things to people and expect that it doesn't change the dynamics. Just because she flew half way across the world doesn't change the fact that they had a "row" as you stated and she said things he didn't forgive.

And he almost got away from your unhinged impulsive friend, following his instinct and dodging a bullet only to feel sorry for her seeing her on face book battered. Your friend is actually the worse in this situation. Michael was straight forward with her and cut her off. She on the otherhand faked some crazy battery scene. wt :censored: !. The more I think about it, she might be dangerous. For all I know she's capable of filing a fake police/battery report or something like other people possibly have in the news recently :look: so he needs to look out if she's ever mad.
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Maria better hope that Micheal is not a vengeful dude when he finds out the truth (and he will).

How old is the son and can he keep the secret (Mum and Dad still live together)?

What if Micheal had decided to pull a Liam Neesom- go out looking for her supposed attackers?

The boy is eight. That’s a good point I’m going to ask the hubby. Because children are innocent and even if you tell them not to speak about private matters it doesn’t mean that it won’t happen.

Ready for more?

At the weekends the hubby and son go to a hotel which Maria pays for. Yes every weekend! This is to keep up the facade that her and the hubby have gone their separate ways and the hubby is living somewhere else.

I’d love to be a fly on the wall when the BF finds out because surely he will find out!

No worries I’ll update you because the hubby tells me everything lol.
And there’s more truth and it gets worse.

The BF does not know that she still lives with her husband yes husband they are separated but not divorced yet still in the same house. The husband has no feelings for Maria but that’s not the point she’s been lying to the BF for two years. The extent of how far she goes to cover this up is funny really.

How do grown folks conduct their affairs in such messy ways?

PS. I said ex wife in the OP but they actually are still married, they can’t afford to go through divorce.

I know the husband I don’t actually know Maria, never met her.

I needed all details up front so that I could fully respond. I'm just catching pieces in posts.
I need to know the race of this woman and the husband.

Please and thank you.

Cause this sounds like some 2520 level of crazy and the men who love them.

She isn’t black (thankfully), she’s European Spanish mixed with something else. Husband is Portuguese.

I spoked to the hubby earlier he told me that she is meeting up with the BF tonight (well earlier) and that he and the son might have to book into their hotel again, I just rolled my eyes.

Maria lives a charmed life. Hubby told me he does all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry etc. She just sits on the sofa watching TV or reading. It’s no wonder she is reluctant to move in with her BF because something tells me she wouldn’t be able to just sit on her arse with him.
She isn’t black (thankfully), she’s European Spanish mixed with something else. Husband is Portuguese.

I spoked to the hubby earlier he told me that she is meeting up with the BF tonight (well earlier) and that he and the son might have to book into their hotel again, I just rolled my eyes.

Maria lives a charmed life. Hubby told me he does all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry etc. She just sits on the sofa watching TV or reading. It’s no wonder she is reluctant to move in with her BF because something tells me she wouldn’t be able to just sit on her arse with him.
She sounds like a narcissist.