The Prayer of Jabez


Well-Known Member
I don't know if you all want to participate, but I am challenging myself to a 30-day intervention of miracles from God. I'm praying with an open heart and asking that God give me more faith and strength in his word and more certainty about what he expects and wants from me.

I'm tired of being frustrated and distrusting of God's blessings. I'm suspending my "disbelief" if you will and just stepping out on faith. I want to live a full spiritual life and expect the best as long as it is in accordance with the Lord's Will.

I am keeping a daily journal of my thoughts, questions, concerns, and miracles.

This doesn't have to be a formal challenge-although it can--but I just wanted to write this "publicly" so I will be holding myself accountable for staying consistent in the Lord's work daily.

Anyone who would like to share their own Jabez experiences or who would love to do their own 30-day challenge--please post.
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I forgot to post the prayer:

Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil. (1 Chronicles 4:9-10)
Why don't you join us on our fasting and prayer sessions this will help also. We do this a team and individual.
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tiffcurl said:
I forgot to post the prayer:

Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil. (1 Chronicles 4:9-10)

You have a 'partner' Tiffcurl.... "me'. ;) This is wonderful for we are looking to God to enlarge our territory...the only one who can.

You see, this particular prayer bears much significance in my family...much. Many miracles have come of it. One is such that it keeps my son, on track in his relationship with the Lord.

Right now, I'm in tears (thanking God for His mercies). I will share the miracle of this scripture and prayer in a later post.

Bless you, Angel... :kiss:
star said:
Why don't join us on our fasting and prayer sessions this will help also. We do this a team and individual.

Tiff will make a powerful and wonderful addition... :yep:
Thank you Shimmie and Star.

Star, I just got done doing a 5 day fast on Saturday. It was wonderful. I learned that I have true discipline and can do anything through the Lord.

I'll check out this posting you have.

Shimmie--I will be looking forward to hearing your wonderful stories whenever you're ready to share.
The Prayer of Jabez and my son...

One day, my son blessed me with a CD by Donald Lawrence which has the song, "Enlarge My Territory - The Prayer of Jabez."

This prayer has always been a favorite of his and God gave us a miracle with it one day that we will never forget.

On Saturday, April 6, 2002 our church was in an all day prayer and fasting. The church was open all day for members to come in and pray before the Altar and then in corporate prayer at the top of each hour.

My cousin and I were there for the afternoon and closing session. Throughout the prayer service, Pastor had worship music playing softly in the background. One of the songs was "The Prayer of Jabez" by Donald Lawrence. The atmosphere of the annointing in church was very, very high that day.

At 3:00 p.m. we began to read prayer requests from everyone. Three of the requests were for sons and nephews to be released from jail.

After the requests were read, it was about 3:25 p.m. and we all gathered together, held hands and began to pray. In the background the "Prayer of Jabez" was playing and the Holy Spirit just took over. We could not come out of worshipping God. The presence of God was so full and the song "Prayer of Jabez", kept playing over and over. It was powerful.

For some reason, I remembered that we had started prayer at 3:25 p.m.

Later that night, my son called me at home. Earlier that same morning, he had been stopped by the police. He was driving an old car of his that had very dark windows and the policeman actually arrested him for suspicsion of contraband.

My son was innocent. He lives a good and Godly life. But they took him in. My son shared that they cuffed him to some kind of 'pole' at the police station and left him there all morning and afternoon and no one would even speak to him or answer his questions. My son shared that he wasn't even allowed to go to the restroom. :sad:

After being there so long, my son said that he finally broke down in tears and in prayer. He said that as he prayed a song came into his heart and he began to sing it.

It was about 3:30 p.m. and the only song out of all of the worship songs he knew the only one that came into his heart was, "Enlarge My Territory" - "The Prayer of Jabez" by Donald Lawrence.

At 3:35 p.m. the police station finally released my son; no charges for he was truly innocent. At the very same time that I was in church in prayer and worship...!!!

Can you imagine? The Holy Spirit had my son in tune to the very same prayer and worship and worship song, at the very same time that I was while in church with the other members.

We were all on one accord. Same song, same prayer, same time...

My son had no idea of my activities for that day, neither did I know of his. But God in His awesome wonder and love, still brought us together and at a time of need.

I cry everytime I think of this. You see, God has always kept me in tune with my loved ones. God speaks to each of us and He never fails to pull us through, no matter what is happening in our lives. God tunes us heart, one mind, one matter how big the territory.

Good bless you Tiffcurl, for your obedience to the Holy Spirit to bring up this very, very special prayer. It's a wonderful and needed thread.

Who couldn't help but love you, sweet angel...? No one could help loving you, for you are truly beloved of God. My prayers are for your miracles...over flowing in God's richness and mercy. Amen. ;)
tiffcurl said:
Thank you Shimmie and Star.

Star, I just got done doing a 5 day fast on Saturday. It was wonderful. I learned that I have true discipline and can do anything through the Lord.

I'll check out this posting you have.

Shimmie--I will be looking forward to hearing your wonderful stories whenever you're ready to share.
Praise God on your fasting and praying for 5 days and yes you can do all things through Christ which strengthen you. You would be such as asset to our fasting and praying team with your discipline. If you cannot do it this week think about in the future look at our schedule in sticky section. We do one day a week and block out 3 days beginning of each month this represents the tithe of the month. God bless and thanks for sharing!!!
Shalom--I'm happy that you will be praying this as well. I pray that God will bless you with some of his greatest miracles for your life during this time.

Shimmie--that story brought tears to my eyes. That is beautiful and very inspiring. I always love reading your words and insight. You are truly apart of my blessings via God's Jabez miracles.

And Star--thank you for inviting me to do the fast. I am going to read the sticky in detail. Since fasting, I still don't have a big appetite at all. I feel like I could exist on a salad and soup and an apple for the rest of my life! I glanced over the fast and it sounds SO exciting.