Prayer of Jabez 2010

I found this article and it's very long, but if you read it you won't be sorry that you read it. link for full article: Great dialogue ladies, I love that everyone is searching the bible and searching for truth and looking out for each other. Anyway, I pray that God blesses you all for his glory!

I Cut and paste some of it here:
Why Should God Bless You?

A sermon on Psalm 67 by Coty Pinckney, Community Bible Church, Williamstown, MA 7/28/02


How many of you would like God to bless your life? Should you ask God to bless your life? Or is that selfish?

Bruce Wilkinson’s bestselling book, The Prayer of Jabez, elaborates on an obscure figure mentioned in 1 Chronicles, arguing that we should seek God’s blessing always. In 1 Chronicles 4:10 we read,

Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!" And God granted what he asked.

Why did God grant what Jabez asked? What is the reason for God's blessing?

There are many ways we can answer that question with Scriptural support: He loves his people. He delights to do them good. He is good.

But there’s one fundamental reason that God blesses His people, and this reason is closely related to the missionary calling of the church. Today’s text, Psalm 67, gives us that reason.

During this morning’s message, we’ll consider three questions about the Psalm. Here is the first:

Why Should God Bless You?
This Psalm begins in a way that sounds similar to prayer of Jabez (actually, it more closely echoes the blessing that Aaron and his descendants said over the people of Israel, as recorded in Numbers 6) - but Psalm 67 goes deeper than the prayer of Jabez, telling us why God blesses his people. Let’s look at the first two verses of the Psalm:

God be gracious to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us -- Selah. 2 That Your way may be known on the earth, Your salvation among all nations.

The Psalmist asks for blessing so that God’s ways may be known on the earth. The Psalmist is saying, in effect, "Bless me, so that I might glorify you; bless me so that I might show your power, your love, your majesty, your goodness to all nations.”

Note that the Psalmist is not saying:

· He is not saying, “Bless me so that I can be comfortable.”

· He is not saying, “Bless me so that I don’t have to work hard to make a living.”

· He is not saying, “Bless me so that others will be envious of me.”

· He is not saying, “Bless me so that I can be successful in the eyes of the world.”

· Now listen carefully: He is not even primarily saying, “Bless me so that I can bless others.”

This last is a biblical reason for God’s blessing, as He makes explicit in His call to Abraham (Genesis 12). By all means, God blesses us and gifts us so that we might serve and bless others. But still, this is not the underlying, fundamental reason for God’s blessing. God blesses us first and foremost so that we can bring glory to His name.

Let’s look into this further first of all in this Psalm itself, then in other parts of Scripture.

Much Hebrew literature is structured with a central point in the middle, and ideas that parallel each other the further away you get from the center. This structure is sometimes subtle, but in Psalm 67 it is particularly obvious: note that verses 3 and 5 are not only parallel but identical. Verse 4 is thus the literary center of the Psalm, and as such is emphasized (for an important reason we will come back to). Moving further away from the center, we would then expect to find that verses 1 and 2 are in parallel with verses 6 and 7. Let’s read these last two verses:

6 Then the land will yield its harvest, and God, our God, will bless us. 7 God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear him.

The Psalm begins by asking that God will bless us, and ends by underlining that He will indeed bless - in part through an abundant harvest of food – then concludes by once again giving the reason for the blessing: That all the ends of the earth will fear Him, revere Him, hold Him in awe.

So this Psalm Begins and ends with the statement that God’s blessings lead to His glory. That is the reason God blesses us.

But this idea is not limited only to Psalm 67 - you can find it throughout the Scriptures. There are many passages we could cite, but this morning let us look briefly at only two.

The first is 1 Kings 8:60. The Israelites have just completed the building of the temple. King Solomon offers a lengthy prayer, in part asking that God would meet His people’s needs. He then gives the reason why God should bless His people in this way: “so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God and that there is no other.”

Solomon asks for blessings, so that all people everywhere might know that there is one God, that all other so-called gods are falses, and that Yahweh, the God of Israel is that God. He asks for blessing so that the true God might be glorified.

The second passage concerns Jesus Himself. On the night before the crucifixion, Jesus is faced with a dilemma. All of His humanity rebels at the thought of the spiritual and physical suffering of the cross. How should He pray to God? What should He ask for? Does He say, “Father God, bless me! Save me from this horrible death!”?

John 12:27-28 records for us Jesus’ thoughts and prayer at this time:

27 "Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify your name!" Then a voice came from heaven, "I have glorified it, and will glorify it again."

Jesus does not ask for physical safety or comfort; He does not ask for worldly success or status in the eyes of others. He instead asks for what? For God’s glory. And God responds: “I have glorified my name in your life, and will glorify it even more in your death”

Jesus rejected the blessing of a longer life on earth and being kept safe from oppression, for He knew that those blessings would not lead to God’s greatest glory. We need to say with Jesus, “Lord God, if this blessing is not going to lead to your glory, don’t give it to me!”

So Psalm 67 and indeed all the Bible emphasizes that God blesses His people for the glory of His own name, so that His goodness, mercy, and love would be recognized and praised by men and angels.

This is a fundamental biblical truth, but unfortunately we don’t hear this very often in our churches. It becomes so easy for us to think of God as a heavenly social worker, the One who’s up there to serve us, to provide for us, to comfort us, to care for us. We turn our focus on man’s needs, so that we perceive God as a tool to meet our needs.

But God is at center of everything. It is His glory that drives his purposes.

This shows the deep biblical understanding of those ministers of the gospel who met at Westminster in England 350 years ago to develop a common confession and catechism. (As many of you know, a catechism is a teaching tool, where the student learns questions and the answers to each of those questions.) The first question of the Westminster Shorter Catechism is, “What is the chief end of man?” And the answer is: “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”

This is a wonderful summary of biblical teaching. God does not exist to meet our needs; rather, we exist to glorify Him.

So why should God bless you? God blesses you so that you might fulfill your chief end: to glorify Him.

Glorify His Name Among Whom?
Let’s move to our second question: God blesses us so that we might glorify His name among whom? Among those who are already believers? Among those who call themselves Christians? Among other Americans? Among those who are similar to yourself?

The second part of verse 2 and verse 3 show that God’s goal is much broader:

that your salvation may be known among all nations. Let the peoples praise you, let all the peoples praise you.

God aims to glorify Himself not only among those already identified as His people, not only among those who are similar to His people, but among all nations, among all the peoples.
Thanks Sidney, look back up at that prayer on page one that I posted. Hahahahaha. I'm giddy. God gave me those words and here is confirmation. I said,
I pray that these things be made manifest so that God can continue to receive the Glory.

God showed my church in 2007 I think that He wanted the Church as a whole to bring His glory back. I'm sure God told more people that as well. It's time that we give the glory back to God. It's His, and we limit him severely when we neglect to allow him to step in and bless us. He blesses us all for a purpose, we may benefit from the blessing, but its ALWAYS for a purpose, whether it is so that we can do for others, or so that we can serving as a living testimony of His power, mercy, and grace.

Everyday I come home to this house, I recognize that its all God's doing and that he is using my situation for a testimony. Everytime I dance at church, knowing that I use to club when I was younger, I know that God is using that turn-around as a reminder of His mercy and grace.

Each time I sense the Holy Spirit nudging me to watch my attitude and check my mouth, I know that it is a demonstration of the power of God.
To God be the glory.
That is great, I'm glad God confirmed that for you! HCMN, I pray that God blesses you for your willingness to give God an opportunity to get the glory through your concerns. So often, we limit God's glory by doing things ourselves. We give God no place to receive the glory. Or we are afraid to ask, because it seems selfish when all throughout the word God says "ask." I think you are demonstrating for believers how to ask boldly and but with humility...with a desire to please God and with his will at the center of your asking. I pray he blesses you indeed!! And I pray that believers give place to God to bless them, so that people will benefit from your testimonies. When Joshua entered the Canaan land, there were giants there in the land. How much Glory God must have received.....that the surrounding nations must have trembled. The same God that separated the red sea and delivered his people from the hand of the egyptians, has now taken down the giants in Canaan land. Ladies, possess the land!!! I'm in officially, Lord use my concerns to give yourself more glory! I will slide over so that I may decrease, so that you may increase!

Thanks Sidney, look back up at that prayer on page one that I posted. Hahahahaha. I'm giddy. God gave me those words and here is confirmation. I said,

God showed my church in 2007 I think that He wanted the Church as a whole to bring His glory back. I'm sure God told more people that as well. It's time that we give the glory back to God. It's His, and we limit him severely when we neglect to allow him to step in and bless us. He blesses us all for a purpose, we may benefit from the blessing, but its ALWAYS for a purpose, whether it is so that we can do for others, or so that we can serving as a living testimony of His power, mercy, and grace.

Everyday I come home to this house, I recognize that its all God's doing and that he is using my situation for a testimony. Everytime I dance at church, knowing that I use to club when I was younger, I know that God is using that turn-around as a reminder of His mercy and grace.

Each time I sense the Holy Spirit nudging me to watch my attitude and check my mouth, I know that it is a demonstration of the power of God.
To God be the glory.
God is showing me today that to be blessed according to His will, we have to "SUBMIT" to his will. My prayer today is that God will use the Holy Spirit to help me to stay submitted, even when it is my natural urge to do my own thing according to my own plans. I am reminding myself today, HeChangedMyName---lean not unto thine own understanding. . . . .In Jesus Name Amen.
Ok, so I mentioned before that Jabez was described as being honorable.

His name, Jabez, was given to him because he caused his mother paid(probably why He asked God not to let him cause pain) Now, you all know that I admire the way God changed folks names in Genesis when He breathed a fresh annointing on them. . .remember Abram---Abraham and Sarai--Sarah. Then even here on the board, I changed my name from SuperNova to HeChangedMyName because at the time, I felt like he was doing something new in me.

God's breathing had changed from Genesis, to this encounter with Jabez. He didn't changed his name(or maybe he did, but since jabez isn't mentioned anymore in the Bible, we may never know until we meet him on the other side of eternity) . What God did was to grant his request.

Could this have been the sole reason for Jabez's prayer request? Could he have felt boxed in by what his name connotated? Could he have felt that his reputation from birth had kept him bound?

What does your name/reputation say about you? Have your past actions along with people's perception of you molded you into someone other than who God created you to be? Are you walking in your blessing? I can run a list of things that have been associated with my name and not all of them are good. I'm praying today also that God elevate me beyond what my name formerly held. I'm thanking God in advance because I know that I have been bound by the name calling---lazy, fast tailed, procrastinator, depressed, mean, siddity, etc. the list could go on, but there are many things that i was told that I was as a child and as an adult and i learned to be those things because it was expected of me. God release me from those things so that I can live life to the fullest without fear of those characteristics creeping out.

****breakthrough moment****
Jabez asked that God keep His hand on him and keep him from evil.

I believe God can do it. Look at what he did for Job. the devil was BOLD enough to ask God to mess with Job and God said ok. . . .but don't touch him! --The LORD said to Satan, "Very well, then, everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger." job 1:12
I received a miracle this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God enlarged my territory!!!! Glory to God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above, I shall never forget what he has done! While spiritual signs I get from God are usually rare, he sent me a sign the night before to let me know that he was going to do it and he did!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now I am in a position that I so desired to be in. Everytime I started to worry about it, I felt his peace LITERALLY come over me each time to comfort me.....and then I knew that he would do it!!!!! He also gave me a scripture when I was in prayer and feeling a bit worried. I looked it up and it was Psalm 50:15.

Psalm 50:15
Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory."

Well God, you deserve the Glory!!!!! Praise Unto you my King!!! Glooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! You are my rescuer, I now know you as the God that rescues!!!! Just like you rescued your people in the bible, you have come to rescue me.

If anyone has a trial, this is what the Lord gave me a while ago
Psalm 37:24

The Lord delights in a man’s way,
He makes his steps firm;
Though he stumble, he will not fall,
for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

God showed me that although I was troubled about where I would be, I was right in his hand!! He upholds me in his hands!!! He has prospered me greatly!!! My coast is enlarged! I know I left out the details, but this is what I feel led to share. Be encouraged ladies I feel like David right now, my soul feels like boasting!!!!!!

Psalm 34:2

My soul will make its boast in the LORD; The afflcted will hear it and rejoice.