The NEW Prayer of Jabez--30 Day Challenge!

After last weeks lesson, Oh that you would bless me indeed!" I began to ask God to bless me. I have become much more concious of my reasoning for asking God to bless me. I am aware of the fact that I have a natural tendency to ask for blessings that will benefit me and only me. I have been on a mission since then to make sure that any blessing that I ask for can glorify God. I want him to get the glory out of everything and anything that he blesses me with.

I also began to look around at the blessings that God has already bestowed upon me. I am already blessed so abundantly. Things that we take for granted daily are blessings. I have a home with food in it. My children are well taken care of. Although I don't work yet, God has blessed me with a way to make my ends meet and then some. God has given me the hope that things will only get better. I have even been house hunting (to buy) I don't have the credit or employment for a home purchase but I am still hunting nonetheless. I have found myself praying for blessings on people around me because to me, God blessing me, now includes those that I love, even the ones that I am not close to. I want to share the blessing.

I look forward to this week. I wonder how God will enlarge my territory?
I realized this week that God truly wants me blessed. For me personally, while I have faith and I believe that can blesses us, there's always a little something in the back of my mind that says that I'm "not favored enough" to receive a real blessing from God. But I thank God that as this prayer campaign has gone on I realize that I haven't truly asked for a flat out, no holds barred blessing from God. I haven't been that bold, and that is not God's not wanting to bless me, it is my not asking, plain and simple. Furthermore the Holy Spirit revealed to me that God desires to bless me. It isn't a chore for Him, but He truly is that awesome a God that He wants to bless me.

I also know now that even though God wants to fullfill all my needs and the desires of my heart, my being blessed still isn't about me. God will still get the Glory and the more He gives to me, the more I can uplift His Kingdom and bless other people. I will no longer be intimidated in asking for His greatest blessings in my life, even beyond all the innumerable blessings I have already received.
Hi ladies. I would like to join. Especially after I read this today about Jabez's prayer:

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]The Story of Jabez – 1 Chronicles 4:9-10[/FONT]

This study contains Greek or Hebrew words. They will appear as scrambled letters enclosed in <brackets> unless you have the appropriate fonts installed on your computer. See the Information about this web site page for more information.[SIZE=+0] Introduction [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Jabez was more honorable than his brothers; and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, "Because I bore him in pain." Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that thou wouldst bless me and enlarge my border, and that thy hand might be with me, and that thou wouldst keep me from harm so that it might not hurt me!" And God granted what he asked.
[/SIZE]Have you been facing a time of pain or heartache? These two verses in the Bible tell us about two people who faced difficulties in their lives – Jabez and his mother. These are the only verses that tell us anything about these two people. Jabez was born into pain so great that his mother named him < Cb2'(;yA> yabetz which means "pain."
[SIZE=+0]It is impossible to know the pain that caused this name to be given. All birth is accompanied with pain, but the fact that eight days later when Jabez was named, the mother still felt the pain indicates her reference to the hurt must have been greater than the normal travail from childbirth. Perhaps this was a life-threatening delivery to the mother. Or maybe he was born at a time when the family was going through a time of heartache.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Matthew Henry comments, "His mother gave him the name with this reason, Because I bore him with sorrow, v. 9. All children are borne with sorrow, but some with much more sorrow than others. Usually the sorrow in bearing is afterwards forgotten for joy that the child is born; but here it seems it was so extraordinary that it was remembered when the child came to be circumcised, and care was taken to perpetuate the remembrance of it while he lived."
[/SIZE]The Hebrew word < bc(> atzeb is repeated from the mother’s initial declaration in verse 9, "Because I bore him in pain," to Jabez’ prayer in verse 10, "that it might not hurt me." This seems to indicate that Jabez was either exposed to a life of pain and heartache, or he was facing a time of hardship when he prayed this prayer.
[SIZE=+0]As Jamison-Fausset-Brown tells us, "The prayer of his which is here recorded, and which, like Jacob's, is in the form of a vow, seems to have been uttered when he was entering on an important or critical service, for the successful execution of which he placed confidence neither on his own nor his people's prowess but looked anxiously for the aid and blessing of God."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]What pain or suffering are you going through? If you have been facing a time of heartache or despair, you can learn from this prayer of Jabez. In spite of the pain of his birth, the legacy of his name, and any difficulty he might be facing, Jabez knew where to go for victory over heartache. He went to the Lord. When we are facing difficult times or hard decisions, we can go to the Lord and know that he will answer our prayer.
Verse 9 tell us that, "Jabez was more honorable than his brothers." We are left to speculate as to what this means. Was he more honest, more reliable, more talented? Not much information is given to us. But perhaps we can find the answers in the next verse which talks about Jabez’ prayer. Maybe the reason Jabez was considered more honorable than his brothers was because he was willing to place God first in his life. In everything he did he not only acknowledged God, but he sought God’s direction.
I want to look at verse 10 phrase by phrase and see if we can’t learn from this extraordinary man.
"Jabez called on the God of Israel."
When we are facing a painful time, we need to call on the God of Israel. We should not look to our own abilities or talents or wisdom, but look to God. The Lord is there for us. He has offered us help. All we have to do is come to him.
As Peter Marshall wrote, "Now, Christianity, the power of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit of God, is the only force that can change people for good. It is the only power in the world that can change the gears in a man’s life, from self-will to God’s will. It is the only power that can give a man the right motives–to do what God wants him to do."
Now, we are going to examine the prayer of Jabez. He asks that God grant him 5 things. We can apply each one of these five requests to our situation when we are going through a time of pain or heartache.
1. "Oh that thou wouldst bless me"
The first request is for God’s blessing. What a great way to start. When we are facing difficulties, we don’t need our own blessing or someone else’s blessing; we need God’s blessing. He is the only one who knows exactly what we need. He is the only one who understands our pain and suffering. He is the one who can guide and direct us into the best path.
We may feel that we are unworthy to ask for God’s blessing, or we might even think it is selfish on our part to do this. But Jesus told us in Luke 11:9, "And I tell you, Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." We are to ask of the Lord, and he will bless us.
Matthew Henry remarks, "Spiritual blessings are the best blessings, and those are blessed indeed who are blessed with them. God's blessings are real things and produce real effects. We can but wish a blessing: he commands it. Those whom he blesses are blessed indeed."
2. "And enlarge my border."
Next Jabez prays for his material well-being. In an agricultural society it was necessary to have a large enough area to maintain livestock. This is the sense of these words. He is not necessarily praying for riches, but he is praying that God will provide for the needs of him and his growing family.
Adam Clarke points out, "He prays for the things necessary for the body as well as for the soul: And enlarge my coasts – grant me as much territory as may support my family. Let the means of living be adequate to the demands of life; let me have the necessaries, conveniences, and, as far as they may be safely intrusted with me, the comforts of life! O that thou wouldest enlarge my coasts!"
3. And that thy hand might be with me."
Jabez prays for God’s strength. He may have been a strong man who had many talents, but he knew he still needed God’s help. No matter how capable we are in handling difficulties, we will always do a better job when God’s hand is with us. Let us be willing to allow God to have his way in our life.
Clarke comments, "He is conscious that without the continual support of God he must fail; and therefore he prays to be upheld by his power: That thy hand might be with me! May I ever walk with thee, and ever feel the hand of thy power to support and cover me in all the trials, dangers, and difficulties of life; and the hand of thy providence to supply all my wants in reference to both worlds!"
There may be times when we must go through pain or heartache. It is during those times we should pray that God’s hand would be with us. When we are overwhelmed with sorrow and agony, let us realize that God is with us in spite of outward appearances. Even when burdens are heavy upon us, let us not be brought so low that we can’t in faith look up. In turmoil, in confusion, in trouble God’s hand is with us.
Thomas Hastings wrote this wonderful poem of hope:

In Sorrow Gently, Lord, oh, gently lead us, Pilgrims in this vale of tears, Through the trials yet decreed us, Till our last great change appears. When temptations darts assail us, When in devious paths we stray, Let Thy goodness never fail us, Lead us in Thy perfect way. In the hour of pain and anguish, In the hour when death draws near, Suffer not our hearts to languish, Suffer not our soul to fear; And when mortal life is ended, Bid us in Thine arms to rest, Till, by angel bands attended, We awake among the best.[/SIZE]

4. "And that thou wouldst keep me from harm."
Jabez prays that he might be kept from harm. He may have been facing a very difficult time in his life. He may have been afraid that the name his mother gave him might have been fulfilled in his life. What sorrow or pain he was facing we do not know. But it was enough that he cried out to God to keep him from the harm. What trouble is threatening you? What danger is lurking ahead that is causing you to fret and worry? Come to the Lord. He will keep you from harm.
Elmslie remarks, "But Jabez deserves kinder treatment. His name signified ‘pain’ or ‘sorrow’ and the fact preyed on his imagination suggesting that he was a man handicapped in life, sure to be unfortunate. He had the courage to refuse to despond. Face your fears. Put up a fight against misfortunes and difficulties."
[SIZE=+0]5. "So that it might not hurt me!"
[/SIZE][SIZE=+0]God will protect us from harm. Jabez knew to come to the only one who could keep him from hurts. Do we know this? Do we realize that God’ will have his hand upon us so that we won’t be hurt? David experienced the same help from God that Jabez had. David wrote in Psalm 46:1-3, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with its tumult."
What tumult are you facing? Does it seem like the earth is shaking and the waters are roaring around you? Let us never forget that God is our refuge and strength. No matter what troubles may surround us, they cannot hurt us.
"And God granted what he asked."
These are the words that end verse 10 – God granted to Jabez what he asked. God answered the prayer of Jabez and he will answer our prayers too. He will bless us, will grant our physical needs, will be with us, will keep us from harm, and will prevent us from being hurt.
Matthew Henry remarks, "What was the success of his prayer: God granted him that which he requested, prospered him remarkably, and gave him success in his undertakings, in his studies, in his worldly business, in his conflicts with the Canaanites, and so he became more honourable than his brethren. God was of old always ready to hear prayer, and his ear is not yet heavy."
These two verses tell us everything we know about Jabez, but his name is recorded once more in scripture. It is found in 1 Chronicles 2:55, "The families also of the scribes that dwelt at Jabez...." Jabez became the name of a city. Jamison-Fausset-Brown comments, "The Jewish writers affirm that he was an eminent doctor in the law, whose reputation drew so many scribes around him that a town was called by his name."
How this came about we are not sure. But one thing we do know is that in all things Jabez acknowledged God. And it seems that God blessed him abundantly. We may never have a town named after us, but let us come to the Lord in prayer. And as Jabez, we will also be abundantly blessed.
This study on 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 © 1998 by David Humpal. All rights reserved.

this is the rest of it
I got this word today and I thought it tied in with this weeks portion of asking God to enlarge our territory. I had been trying to rack my brain with how God will ldo this. I don't have any of the natural resources for God to work with, as I am unemployed until I start this new job. Well, I got this message today and it has blessed me tremendously and calmed me down in the spirit. I thought I would share it with you.

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “What am I going to do?” or “I don’t know how I’m going to make it.”

Listen to the profound words of Jesus in Matthew 6:25 when He said, “Take NO THOUGHT saying, ‘What shall you eat or what shall you drink; or what shall you wear...’” Notice, Jesus says we are not to accept these thoughts. Let’s overcome them:

1. Jesus knew that the thought life is where the battle is decided.

2. Our thoughts produce POWER when we speak them out loud. That’s why Jesus said, “Take no thought, SAYING...” We take negative thoughts into our lives when we speak them out loud.

3. Cast all your cares on God. (1 Peter 5:7) He knows you need all these things; and He will take care of it, when you turn it over to Him.

4. Expect God to speak to you. When you don’t know what to do, listen to your heart. Be still. You will hear God’s voice. (1 Kings 19:11-12)

5. See Him as YOUR God. Paul said, “My God shall supply...” When you know He is YOUR God, you will trust Him to supply. Psalm 91:2says, “You shall SAY of the Lord: You are my refuge, my fortress, MY GOD, in YOU do I trust!”

6. Seek His kingdom—His way of doing things. (Mark 4:26 says the Kingdom of God is like a man planting seed.) You’re going to make it because you plant the seed of God’s Word in your heart.


When I don’t know what to do, I will trust God to lead me. I expect God to speak to me. His still, small voice will be clear to me, today.

He is MY God. He shall supply my every need. I seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all the things missing in my life will be added to me, in Jesus’ Name!
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I need this thread so much today. I appreciated reading the Jabez analysis..from Beyond Blessed
Thank you Super Nova for sharing. I identify. I just felt as I typed
the touch of God...
Thank you for sharing a fast from worry and a feast on faith
God comes through..He is RIGHT THIS MINUTE

Praying for all of us...
Saying the Jabez faithfully everyday
Ladies I am so sorry my computer went down Friday. I completly forgot about this week's devotion/ending prayer
I will try to enter it in tomm when I have more time at the internet cafe

...ask your patience
so sorry
Dear Lord
Thank you for making me in your image and preparing me for a wonderful and important destiny
Forgive me for withdrawing into my own meager and limiting dreams
When I do this I deny you the freedom
to use me as your mouth, hands, and hearts
I want to fulfill Your world-sized dream for me
everyday of my life
And in eternity I want to run into Your arms
hearing the words Well Done!
Please expand my influence and impact for You
beyond all I can imagine
I am your devoted servant
Here I am Lord Please send me!

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: "Whom shall I send and who will go for US? Then I said Here I am send me!" Isaiah" 6:8

To close this study on expanding your territory, pray the following prayer aloud together.
Then pray it on your own every day in the coming week
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You never become truly spiritual by sitting down
and wishing to become so.
You must undertake something so great
you cannot accomplish it unaided
Philips Brooks:Rose:

It's Time to Sink or Swim
Have you ever taken on a big task only to discover too late that you've gotten in over your head? When you ask God for more blessings and more territory you will have that experience. You'll feel like you set out to dog paddle across your favorite pool only to end up in the middle of the English Channel. Jabez knew that feeling.That's why in the third part of his prayer he cried out "Oh, that Your hand would be with me"
Yet for the Christian realizing our desperate need of supernatural power is a point of great promise.It's the threshold to the kind of living that changes lives and impacts the world for God. And that's exactly what God has in mind for you.
  1. HOW MUCH DO I EXPERIENCE GOD'S POWER? Describe a time when either felt or witnessed God's hand powerfully moving.What happened?
  2. WHAT DOES GOD'S HAND UPON ME MEAN? In the Bible the hand of God represents the power and or presence of God in a specific situation or upon a specific person. He wanted him or her to succeed at what he or she was doing and He intervened to make it happen. If you were convinced the hand of God was on you, how might you respond differently in a challenging situation ..Nehehmiah 2:20
  5. HOW DO I EXPERIENCE THE FILLING OF THE SPIRIT? If you received Christ as your personal Savior, then the Bible teaches you cannot be a true Christian without the Holy Spirit. The Bible not only invites you to seek a deeper relationship with Jeusus Christ, but also to be filled with a greater degree of The Holy Spirit. Why? To do extraordinary works for God you need to be filled with more of His Power
  6. WHAT IS KEEPING ME FROM EXPERIENCEING GOD'S HAND? If you're ready to begin experiencing the hand of God in your life, try to identify what misconceptions hold you back.
Bibles verses to consider
Ephesians 1:19-20.....3:16..... 6:10-20.....5:18
Galatians 5:22-23
1 Corinthians 12;7...14:33....2:3-4
Romans 8:9....15:-7
My prayer for power​
Dear Lord When Your hand has moved in my life.I have seen a glimpse of Heaven on earth.Forgive me for my independent attitude of believing that I have the power to do Your work

I beseech You to reach down from the heavens and put your mighty hand upon me
I need and earnestly desire You strength working in through me, and around me, to do your work. So I empty myself and ask to lavishly fill me with the full power of Your Sprit and the glory of YOUR prescence
By Your hand I will walk as boldly today carrying our light in this dark world
Ephesians 3-21
17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.​
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Better to shun the bait than struggle in the snare
John Dreyden
Security Measures
After three boundorder busting requests the last request in the Jabez reaches for safety protection and long term security
"Oh, Lord keep me from evil!"

The request makes a lot of semse When you are hugely blessed by God you have a lot to lose. Besides when you
taking territory for God by His power, you are taking it froimsomeone else.
And the evil one doesn't like it.
With God's Hand using you in mighty ways for Him,you will become a larger target for the enemy

  1. Am I a fool for temptation?
  2. What is temptation and how does it work? Temptation as the pull we feel to please ourselves at the expense of pleasing God
  3. WHat Bible stories warn agaist Temptation. Read Judges 16
  4. How do I win against Temptation?This last part of Jabez's prayer "that you would keep me evil that I may not cause evil.. mirrors the Lord's Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray,,,, And do not lead us in to temptation, but deliver us from the evil one and the Lord is active in protecting you from evil before we even ask.. Read Corinthians
  5. How could my life change if I asked God to keep me from evil
  6. What keeps me from God's protection ?
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So, we're in the home stretch. How is everyone doing on Jabez?

That's right
We ARE in the homestretch. How is it going for you SuperNova?
I've been saying the prayer everyday...and the last week will read through all key questions. OP & Jabez sisters...where are you?

Can't wait for Jabez testimonies...:yep:
a lot of spritual breakthrough. I haven't had any natural changes, because God has been so good in taking care of my physical needs already. But spiritually, WOW. I am seeing things in a whole new light. I have been seeing how I have been applying limitations on God by trying to do my will instead of trying to do his.
I'm glad you two, Kayte and SuperNova, have been going strong. I've been very discouraged lately, stressing, and I allowed myself to get off track.
I'm glad you two, Kayte and SuperNova, have been going strong. I've been very discouraged lately, stressing, and I allowed myself to get off track.

That is why you have others to stand in the gap for you when you fall. Just know that it wasn't a test from the Lord, but proof that your prayer was breaking through. The devil will find ways to leave you feeling discouraged whenever he sees that you are looking at the Lord and not paying him any attention. Regardless of your physical stress, God knows your heart. You started this challenge, and I have to believe that the Holy Spirit has been "feeling" what was in your heart, even through all the stress, discouragement, and whatever feelings the world has been putting you through.
i say this prayer every night and it does work. i will post my testimony at the end of the challenge, even though i am just now reading this post.
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Will another challenge be starting after this? I've read the book and started the challenge on my own TWICE, but keep going off track. This one's ending soon. Could we start again after it does?
That is why you have others to stand in the gap for you when you fall. Just know that it wasn't a test from the Lord, but proof that your prayer was breaking through. The devil will find ways to leave you feeling discouraged whenever he sees that you are looking at the Lord and not paying him any attention. Regardless of your physical stress, God knows your heart. You started this challenge, and I have to believe that the Holy Spirit has been "feeling" what was in your heart, even through all the stress, discouragement, and whatever feelings the world has been putting you through.

You had me teary eyed over here, girl! I'm so thankful for encouraging sisters in Christ!

Will another challenge be starting after this? I've read the book and started the challenge on my own TWICE, but keep going off track. This one's ending soon. Could we start again after it does?

I would be glad to join another challenge. My goal is to see it through, NO MATTER what I physically see or experience.
I have really enjoyed this challenge.

I'm going to continue reading The Prayer of Jabez, just like the author said he did. I want to see it all the way through.

One thing I have received out of this book is that God really wants to bless us, and He wants us to ask Him.

I can feel my relationship growing because I'm starting to see the awesome plans God has for me. So I'm going to keep asking God to Bless me and enlarge my territory until I see the manifestation.
Thank you OP for this thread. :littleang:littleang

I did the prayer every day and I would be up for another challenge if one was started or continued. It never occurred to me to pray the Jabez prayer everyday the way I always give thanks on a daily basis...or least I try to ...

I began a spin off Jabez thread for when testimonies of expansions begin to surface
me too!

SuperNova...are you going to start a new thread/challenge..might be easie to follow? ..your blog has all the good stuff to get us started too! :)
me too!

SuperNova...are you going to start a new thread/challenge..might be easie to follow? ..your blog has all the good stuff to get us started too! :)

I could. I thought about just starting a Jabez group. That way it could be ongoing. Any takers? Just let me know and I will do it.